Problems with TZAC

So, I just installed win 8 a few days ago, and have the following problem with tzac:
Error message: TZAC updater has failed getting information about the latest update......

I heard smth about the updater on the, but the page just went down, and I can do shit.

tzac's useless atm
maybe it remembers your haxing 8D
e: Szar a TZAC, adminnak kell irni es ad uj pw-t, irc
i just can run successful eth32, other hacks (etbot for example) doesnt work for me on windows 7, any protips?
ano tak zapomnialem 2014 rok = rok jebanych flusi na haj lewelu
Only English is tolerated in main chat.
i can speak english its no problem but whats the point writing in english to polak who is prolly 15 years old and still believes that he will learn english at school
Well, i haven't ever reached any achievement in this game so probably i haven't voice rights in this community (unlike the most "tallented" polish player - even busted few years ago if i mind well :)))), but i really hate when ~20 year old "wannabe" wants to humiliate me by comparing me to 15 year old child who mentally, in fact, is he...
In response to your complaint, no, im not 15, even i'm not 20s and i started learn english when you carried nappies and cried every 10 minutes.
I was not sure if you were trolling or you are so stupid to use any cheats in multiplayer games and ruin fun another players, especially in old and nearly dead game.

Without consideration,
no named "15 year old polak"
Still some mistakes, but anyway:
registered 8 days ago, troll account?
Lost CF3 account, sucks pretty badly.
So? Press ok and play. I'v been getting same eeror last 6-12 months, doesnt affect your playing anyhow.
I thought I was crystal clear.
When I press ok, nothing happens.
The issue is that TZAC hasn't downloaded the initial client files on new installs. Since you ran TZAC while the website was up and able to download, it's no problem for you.
TL;DR version,

ohurcool broke tzac, he did reset everyones password and now 60% of the ppl cant get their passwords back.
and then chaplja, hacked tzac super hard.

so tzac for quite some time now, is an untrusted software.
then juicy started cheating and u didn't give any logs cause u protect cheaters :D
who in the gods name is juicy
ősztől úgy se lesz tzac!!! ( elvileg )
Run AS Administrator
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same problem here
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