Chilax WH (Opinions)

did some short lowshit clip from him and we are nearly 100 percent sure he is using something (WH+Bot)

i excluded supply cause im too lazy and it was an totally rape by them.. no wonder :S

best part starts around 4:50

so latest bans from TZAC are legit?!?
Never trusted him in the first place ;o
didnt watch this yet, but there are a lot of players using cheats nowadays, but nobody bans them.

Just look on that two hungarian low- skilled players, nobody banned them also.

This is ET, keep playing with cheaters.
Es gibt schon einige Szenen, bei denen das Crosshair nonstop in der Nähe des Gegners sitzt. Teilweise kommt er dann auch um die Ecken/Kanten/Gänge, wie auch immer, und fängt direkt an zu ballern.

Hundertprozentig sagen die Demos das zwar nicht aus, aber auffällig ist das allemale. Zumindest meiner Meinung nach.

Bot würd ich jetzt weniger sagen, bei einigen Szenen aimt er, wo andere normalerweise treffen, total daneben. Ich geh eher davon aus, dass da'n Wallhack im Spiel ist, zumindest in ein paar Szenen.
obvious yeah.. wtf chilax
Kenjii du solltest mal deine Augen checken lassen .Der trackt alle durch die Wand.Wird halt nicht ständig botten,sondern aimbutton nutzen.Chilax ist trotzdem extrem Scheisse für 'nen Cheater low- max
Klar tut er das, ich hab ja nicht gesagt, dass er das nicht macht. Aber Aimbuttons benutzen. Naja, so bekloppt, wie der in einigen Szenen aimt, bezweifle ich das.
he is tzac banned already, he was on the last ban list
ye like the last banlist with kevji etc but those Bans were false or atleast Admins believe that.

And ye there are many cheaters but IRC and GTV are different stories :S
first actions on ufo - yes
later - dunno, did many brainless actions
He's been using it for a few months imo. Played with him a lot few months back...

e: obvious as fuck :DDD + isnt base banned aswell?
chilax, base and xtream as far i know :S
chilax is very shit with wh too, so it is fair play
thats true, anyway hes shit, who cares if he use wh or no?
Who are you to talk about players like that?
Like you are better thn him
Yeah, its clearly wallhacking.
lol u should learn how to use it man XD
cheating is difficult
sorry who?
obv. Well he's quite a shit player anyway :D:D:D:D
more unknown than swanidius
you are so obsessed with me!
Low cheater is low.
Hi. I think he is cheating man
Hi. I think so, too.
no cheats...
and not a single headshot was given.. low as fuck

but srsly.. at first I thought that hes clean since every1 was spotted/made noise/came from obvious spot(climbing the hill from spawn in ufo) but then again I dont know if he has the brains for that... so hard to say
utter low trash even if he cheats
ahahahah ....wallhackers come back in action !
no cheats, gtfo nerd
fuck his wh but this aim... XDDDDDDDD
didnt mind he may wallhacking, he was so bad with aim assist.
is there also a topic coming for me? love this shit :o
Well you are obv too shit to be accused of cheating so dont worry
Can u pm me with the original demo, timestamps and server logs over at irc under the nick [CB]Aniky.
Recorded Chilax Demo through GTV Replay or you wanna have my Demos?
The whole match is an Timestamp and we used some GTV provided Server so no Logs avi?
i always wonder when i see this how we can hold them on grush :D
but on supply they was scary to lose and put aimbot on so no chance for us..
funny that they must cheat vs us we are hobbygamer after work playing etc, we are no nerds just randoms :DD
Stop posting crap, they are not cheating

And u talk about nerds? Pls xD
aimbot even get more fun! :DD
just like english i see
i dont care
why are you even replying then?
was willst du ändern?
bringt dich das weiter?
es sind mehr als 50% der spieler am cheaten du kanns nix machen
der macht sich eh wieder ein neuen tzac account auf.
das bringt keinem weiter.. vor allem solange wir kein neues anticheat haben wird das so bleiben..
und es wird sich keine sau drum bemühen für das spiel ein anticheat zu erstellen.
ich wette mit dir von 50 nationscup spieler sind locker 15-20 am cheaten

deswegen juckt do kein wir wissen doch eh das es mittlerweile ein cheatspiel ist
und daran wird sich nix ändern..

traurig weil das spiel einfach geil ist + durch solche charakterlose judenkinder vergeht die lust..

UND die admins juckt das ebenso nicht..

kanker turk
Aniky scheint es etwas zu jucken und man muss sich den Haxorkiddies auch ned unterwerfen...
I didn't check the whole video, but I couldn't really see much obvious there, especially the part you mentioned at 4:50 doesn't seem weird at all, it's common to prepaire to engage enemys at 2nd arch with the tank mg. If you check everythingt with r_shownormals 1 every single demo of pretty much everyone will seem obvious
he was allready pointing into the 2nd exite on the guy when the tank took the corner... he even tried to kill the wall cause he thought the enemy was infront of the wall :S
Not really, seemed like a typical preshot to me
i watched the demo few times allready and you can believe me that he is shooting on the walls + aiming on the guy way to early and then he is shaking his mouse for "hiding"..

feel free to request the demo :S
Of course you are not able to see obvious things there.. That's because u've been playing on this shit mr.policeman
who the fuck cares about some random noname?
atleast joka, dane and myself :S
new account new hax :()
hardware + ipban + beat them up and problem is solved :S
why not happend yet
who could be responsible for it
No hax!
Just talent and experience!
old news
I tought you said to me that you guys dont ban ppl quz of a demo?
Explain pls
No, I have never said that.
Where in that journal did I say that we "dont ban ppl quz of a demo"?
' I'm not opposed to banning based on demos, but there does need to be proof that the player in the demo is who you say he is (a screenshot of ac_players or IP from the server logs or something'

Is there a proof ?

didnt think so
Are you trying to tell me that it wasn't ChilAx playing in that game on ETTV?

So this is now about the possibility that the player in the demo wasn't actually him, instead of the possibility that the player in the demo wasn't cheating? So you agree with us that the player in the demo was cheating?
Expected that move from ya ;p, Iam not saying that it wasnt chilax, and no I dont agree that the player in the demo was cheating. You guys are banning the wrong player(s), he didnt cheat.

I tought that you once said to me (in IRC or something) that CB wont ban ppl because of a demo because that depends more on a oppinion than on 'the truth'.

I could be wrong tho, but Iam quite sure one of you CB admins once said that to me.
You're wrong. I have never stated that we don't ban players based on demos. In fact, we've recently decided to start focusing more on doing just that.

It's not our fault that your friend decides to start cheating as soon as he is told that he is no longer required to play with TZAC in offis.
'It's not our fault that your friend decides to start cheating as soon as he is told that he is no longer required to play with TZAC in offis.'

Watched the demo, didnt see anything special but again; that is an oppinion, I think banning ppl because of one or two oppinions (idk how you guys decided to ban him tho) is wrong.
How many opinions do we need for it to not be wrong? Should we take a poll here on CF?

We watched the replay several times and concluded that he was wallhacking. I understand that he is your friend and that you obviously disagree, but it is how it is.
well no shit since source code of tzac was released there are few freeforall cheats, ppl are using them as crazy, cant believe those 2 months tards getting from zero to hero shit... or those who were afk and noobs before owning good teams.

Besides all were saying TZ-AC was not bypassed year ago, but it was or the maker of it did own cheat for own anticheat who the fuck cares, trusting those nerds is like if you would all lie to person in a mirror. This is why on first place we wanted to get other anticheat. So either is this new cheat, or there is no auto ban sytem which anyway never existed xD
cba playing this game now without AC untill theres a replacement for tzac. First randomly tzac bans, and now clean players getting banned without any proof. I mean like you guys banned him cus of this last offi/demo, right? It doenst look like wallhack at all , especially from the part at 4;50 like someone said before.

Like watch at 3;50, he didnt kill him on purpose to hide his wallhack?.. cmon
Those "random" TZAC bans have nothing to do with his CB ban. The bans on TZAC were not legitimate; it was chaplja who caused them, not us.

We watched the replay several times and concluded that he was wallhacking. I understand that he is your friend and that you obviously disagree, but it is how it is.
I dont digagree with you, and im not poiting to CB, but im in the same situation as ChilAx i guess. since we got TZAC banned everyone is saying we use cheats, they keep speccing us in offis, try to bust you, even if you are clean(pointing to myself). Im pretty sure if ChilAx didnt get tzac banned they would NEVER reqeust that offi and make a demo of it.

So what im trying to say is i think theres no point playing for me and those other ppl who got TZAC banned untill there is a decent replacement for tzac, since i dont feel like getting banned in the same way like happened to chilax.
I don't know how else to explain it. ChilAx is not banned on CB because he was banned on TZAC or because "everyone" is accusing him. He is banned because we watched the replay and believe he was cheating, simple as that.

What happened with chaplja and TZAC is unfortunate, but it is in the past. It is no longer a reliable anticheat. At the moment, there is hardly any difference at all between playing with TZAC and playing without TZAC.

If you want to wait until the new anticheat is implemented, fine, but you're not going to be banned on CB for cheating if you are a clean player. I don't care how many players accuse you or anyone else; we only ban if there is sufficient evidence. In this case, there is.
Seems fair indeed.

Its just uncomfortable playing like this. Im not saying he didnt hack, im not sure about that at all. But its so easy to make a demo and watch it with r_shownormals and say that someone is cheating. And i know, as you said before you have watched the demo several times, and you guys have lots of experience with this, but still, i dont think its correct banning someone like this, but thats my opinion.

Anyways, enough about this subject for me, i got your point, its clear for me now, thanks.
i didnt say he cheated.. i asked for opinions and did a short Movie :S
de Kitt Saturday, 31st August 2013 02:28
nice wallhacking...

yeah, sure...
wow some minutes after the game...
He's not cheating .. pff kinda sad that you ban someone with this shit 'evidence' :P
admins watched this match several time on gamestv... so the ban is not because of that video..
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