lag problems

Played ET again after a long while. First time with my new laptop.
Everything is quite stable, except for the ping. Im experiencing lags everytime something happens in the game (when I start shooting, when the opponent hits me, when i pick up a gun,...). It always results in a ping that goes e.g. from 48 to 240.
The problem is not fps related (stable all the time, every map) neither server related.
(the lag-o-meter gives some weird green long spikes with longer green shades)

Updated my gfx drivers as well, didnt work. Tried a few configs, all the same.

Any suggestions?
download gamebooster 3 let it run, than run ET.
Probably some program in the background that's using your ram.
Doesnt seem to solve it either
get net
got the fastest one available and never had any issues before...
Pb enabled?
seta cl_pb_sleep "500"
seta pb_system "0"
seta pb_security "0"
Perhaps your Internet provider is working at your connection
you sir, are a genius!
if u use default wifi it may be teh cause
there are some softwares to stop lag spikes

oh w8... we are on cf... i think u have to format c
are you playing etpro or jaymod?

If jaymod, pmove_fixed 0 if its set to 1 everything just fucking lags whenever you do any action like run, jump etc..
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