CB ET: Demos & Democrew

image: kHlYr34

With the Fall 2013 season starting soon, the ClanBase ET Crew and I have been working hard to find alternative methods of busting cheaters. One of our ideas is to focus more on banning by demos. To help us accomplish this, we have decided to start a democrew.

What is a democrew?

A democrew is a small group of trustworthy players who have the time and experience to regularly review demos of suspected cheaters and give their unbiased opinion on whether or not the player in question is cheating.

Although several CB admins will be included in the democrew, it is not an official ClanBase crew position.

How do I submit a demo?

Any type of demo can be submitted. It does not matter if the action took place in an official cup/ladder match, in an IRC war, or on a public server. However, we do require a few things from you.

First, we obviously need a demo to review. You can either send us a .dm_84 file or a link to a match on GamesTV with a replay available. We also accept .avi files but still require the actual demo or replay to be available upon request.

Secondly, we need proof that the player in the demo is who you claim it is. The best way to do this is to provide us with the server logs, but we are also open to looking at other forms of proof if you can come up with any.

Finally, we need timestamps. It makes our job a lot easier if you let us know what we should be looking for and where and when we should be looking for it. Example: "first round - 6:22 - shoots at player behind wall".

Can I join the democrew?

Not any more! Applications are now closed. Thanks to everyone who applied!

If you'd like to report a cheater, please send a PM to United States of America ohurcool or Slovenia Aniky here on Crossfire with all necessary information.

It seems like everyone is always quick to come up with ideas for helping to keep ET alive, but rarely does someone actually step up and do something. This is your chance! We're counting on you guys to help us out here.

Nice. New AC not coming..?
It's still coming! This is just another project we're working on.
U gonna use the trackbase anticheat or something else ?
You'll find out soon. :)
i am here to help, unfortunately i just can help with just 1 hour per week i guess... but better than nothing or? will talk to you later!
Nice nice

and wouldn't bother watching some guys :)
lmao i can already imagine sneak demo colection for this gl viewing them all muhauahuhau
would do it if I would have time :<
but csgo+et (hopefully ec)+ et 3o3 oc + uni + job its rly hard to find time :x
pls! you only would go there and ban fanatic and after that leave: D
oh ye right ty for reminding me :P
waiting for new anticheat
this is so useless, must be waiting for the new anti cheat.
Yeah, I can see how this might seem rather useless to a player who is already banned on ClanBase anyway.
Better late than never, good luck.
Be aware of the ''friendreviews'' :D

This does bring a question though, you wouldn't be(have to be) doing this if the new AC you're speaking of is actually good.. Already not sure about it's performance or simple double measurements?

Anyway good luck, can expect loads of demos coming in from the least bits of suspicion bringing you crap loads of work, looking forward to seeing the results.
Well, no anticheat is perfect, but this is something I had considered implementing long before we ever began thinking about moving on from TZAC.
Alright, very good :)
We've seen plenty of demo's suspicious enough for at least a decent few-man review.
By the way, a quick question, or delete/edit this and go through pm:
Were you guys able to look in to the TZ-AC violations database? I've seen many names listed on that, that when given a demo could be taken in to account as well. Or at least prioritizing such names.
Yes, we have access to all information in the database, but what is left there is not very useful now. For example, we can tell which players were using the cracked client for the past few days/weeks. I don't think that is "ban-worthy" though.

Also, as you've been kind enough to point out in other journals, we're not exactly experts in coding anticheats.
Nah, that cracked client wouldn't be ban-worthy indeed. But I know for a fact that there were violations just waiting for TZ-AC to be implented in the banwaves, but never got in there because of Chap not working on it.
Those violations could very well be 1 year old now and not even remain with the players, but they did clearly state who was doing(using) what. They also are not ban worthy, but are worth taking in to account when reviewing someone's demo that has been on such a list, in my opinion. (I mostly want this because I know there were some nice names on the lists :D and get tired of only the obvious people getting banned :P )

Haha, didn't mean to hate on that, noone can expect that from you guys.
But I do know that you guys know some people that can code anti cheats properly and should really look in to that as well ^^ (I know 1 person that can and you know whom I speak off, put aside some differences and I am pretty sure he's willing to help )
You should watch a suspicious demo of these players who used a cracked client.

I think this should be ban-worthy for some time, or did ClanBase allow using a cracked TZAC version?
There is no saying someone that used a cracked client per definition cheated as well.
Ohurcool is right on that matter and shouldn't ban on that.

Just like as you can't be banned for having a cheat on your pc, but can be for using it.
Yes you are right. But maybe ClanBase didn't allow using a cracked client while playing. This client was definitely cracked, maybe that fact alone could get you banned:P
But the users did not cracked the client themselves, it was handed to them.
I'm pretty sure CB policies did not change within a day of the cracked client being released. And even more certain they did not have that policy beforehand :P

And yeah, you could vouch for the: Using a cracked client of the anti cheat will result in a ban. But I think that would be a bit too much for an already dead game.
That's a difficult question to answer, since hardly anyone knew about the cracked client until a few weeks ago. There is a "cheat type" on ClanBase called "Using anti-cheat hack or bypass", but I don't know if that can be applied here or if it is even still in use. Besides, just because someone used the cracked client doesn't mean they actually cheated.

We could take it into consideration when reviewing demos I guess, but that makes this process even more opinionated, which is something that already makes me rather uncomfortable.
Shouldn't make you feel uncomfortable. If any player was accused of suspicious activies several times & you are sure he used a cracked client. I think that is worthy watching a demo.

Did a lot of people use a cracked client, or was it a limited amount?
I don't believe he means watching demos makes him uncomfortable. Rather the having to ban on watching a demo, which in the end always comes down to an opinion.

It is very difficult to say someone is cheating when the rest isn't and still ban him.
That's why ET needs some pro coders who can make an own anticheat urgh...excite.cough

I know, he knows, but you also know we're too busy :D
I'm pretty sure eventually he'll do something with it, but I'm also pretty certain it won't be for this version of ET(pro).
I can only tell if I check every account individually, something that I obviously cannot be bothered to do. However, sadly enough, I wouldn't be surprised if there were a decent number of players using it.
Okay, yes you are absolutely right. Some might have indeed taken advantage of this cracked client, others might have just used it for fun.

Hopefully the demo bancrew can sort this out.
You speak like you know something.
Thats a problem that can be solved easily. They should ask me, I have no friends (online or offline).
best AC possible
im available to check out situations that have already been reviewed by the democrew, and passed on to the banhammer, sort of like a verification. let me know if you're interested in such a thing.
gooooood booooy
please not my demos ;) ahaaaaaaa xo
hahaha ;) cu @ ban
gief killerboy
Bye bye ViKO and Azur!
image: tumblr_mbsua0x9zj1r5vyhko1_500
Coucou toi !
Me and GoodGuyGary are avi for this, we got experience in banning for demo.
im available to check out verifications of xPERIA. let me know if you're interested in such a thing.
:D how do you call a verification verify person :s mind is blown
ok applied!
i want to say i'd be available to confirm a ban in the end, but I don't think i'd have enough time to check the whole demos, if you need my opinion on specific actions/scenes i could do i guess.
but only if zodiac's in the crew, is what you're supposed to say
Did you actually read it
yes I did, I was one of the original demo crew admins lol but I don't have time to install all the crap to watch a demo and searching through timestamps
REMEMBER watching those germans cheating hard in braundorf and et_beach, and next day they were banned? :DDD

znark zabija etc
That would be great, thanks!
GoodGuyGary back in action, yuppie yay.
I think you are a bit of a dick ohurcool, but keep up the good work. Nice to see someone still dedicated to the game / community.
The feeling is mutual. :) Thanks!
Relax, there is plenty of McDonalds for the both of you.
Guess you havent seen up to date photos of me. That and the whole McDonalds joke is old material, at least come up with something new.
Bitch please. You're emotionally fat forever. I wish you overcome your past mentally some day :) love you man
No I don't think we're friends on Facebook. McDonalds was easy because it's something you both mutually love, ohurcool being American and all. But since you've turned over a new leaf (congrats!) and ohurcool is America's favourite Subway artist I will rephrase that:

Relax, there are plenty of foot longs for the both of you.
pic or never happened.
I love you.
n1ce job
image: 4e35s
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