You guys at NBS should really get a few more admins. There is someone botting and killing the server like twice a day and no admins around so we basically just have to leave or get botted for an hour until the nerd gets bored and leaves. This isn't a shot at the admins, just saying you need more than 3 guys with admin to ban these retards.

NBS has turned into the new Cybergames lately.
Just wait, NBS is working on it.
Cybergames servers were the very best public of ET. Fucking loved to play there!
*u|k.? The old Telenet servers were good too! Fucking Cybergames sort your shit out lad
I never liked u|k servers, too crowded if i remember correctly. Cybergames went shit after they moved their servers to italian host.
The campaign Cybergames was ok but fuck playing supply all day
Thank god that delivery wasnt published when those servers was running
fu, deli best map in et.
It was it was only played by Americans though like that beer run map they all loved it on SNL but never really worked when we put it on *u|k. fucking hate Delivery so shit
Fuck yea ! ET was alive
don't tell me its so hard to kill that 1 botter xD Its perfect guy for practice. And why I don't see some sexy chick here?
just checked there

12 players
8 cheaters

kinda hard to kill those 90% acc sten guys
gg acc scores 4-0
you are bad in math...8 of 12 isnt 90% for sure m8
Can't tell if trolling or stupid
There are no admin right now.
Tzac ID= admin on NBS
No tzac= no admins (for now)

I'll ask xarqi soon.
And yes, we do need more admins. But who to trust these days?
Even regular like 'orco' downloaded a wh now.
It's getting annoying.
but xarqi is atm cheating hard online :D ofcourse guy wearing his name :P
I need the new ref, xarqi didn't answer to me
avi for ref, would stop whining if I could finally kick them cheating scum.
Worst idea ever
It's getting worked on. Right now, all we have is ref, which is useless for banning anyway.
Someone reputable that knows how to set up the LUA's that will enable shrubbot for admin and bans via IP/GUID should get a hold of Xarqi and offer to help instead of complaining.

One way to help, stupid as it sounds, is to use the name people know you by on there, so we can tell better who the randoms are. Those are the normally the first people to suspect
Cybergames..... the old good times. Sjappie's were fun too
It's hard for the admins to be present 24/7 on the server, for some school started, others have to work different shifts so i assume whenever one of the admins have the time to spare it on some public gaming, they do their best to make the server as clean as possible.
^ This.

TBH, I get why people cheat, I don't get why they act like children, the moron I had to kick 57 times today. If you hate ET so much, just don't play. Many of us just want to play the damn game in peace. You get caught cheating, you deserve it, so take it like a grown up when you get kicked/banned and go cry to your mommy about it
So that is what grown ups do huh xD
Well some ppl just cant play fair because they realized that at some point they re either bored of game, or simply way too bad to even play on a fair way, so they want to use cheats to make themselves feel good and feel superior to others. I assume with time NBS will have this LUA scripts set up and will be able to ban on different options and not only via kick.
This is why I created this topic. You guys need some ban permissions around because losers like that will reconnect 100 times in a row before they quit. Its just annoying for both the admins and the regulars trying to play. Xarqi get on it sonnn :D
It will be implemented soon, so that should be at least at some point fixed, for some players regardless if we enable ban function, still wont help, as they will be able to change IP and reconnect back, but it will at least take them some more time than reconnecting only.
We have all ready an idea for banning people.
Ben jij admin daar? xD
i will test a mod tonight and will hand out some refs
/q VARDASCA i can ref if you need it .
Consider Curve (Holy Shit on CF) . She's always doing a good job speccing people and pointing out hackers plus she knows all the commands
It's a guy. :)
It's definitely a woman :)
are you fucking kidding me? that retard is always accusing me of wallhacking and is ALWAYS accusing the wrong people of cheating..she has the worst judgement than any body.
if somebody known good mods,scripts . Send a PM
just don't go on NBS!
tot and los all the way
Certainly seems so as BiO is pretty much gone too...
Bio has been gone for 2 years, basically
It was dead longer than that
im pretty sure i know its condition better than u
Play on pb servers like hirntot, its not even lagging
hier 10 players 7 cheaters lol
pb on nbs :O
QuoteThere is someone botting and killing the server

no really !! yesterday i join - 12 players minimum 8 cheaters....and they didnt hide anything, sad story
haha pd d'admin
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