Twisted Treelines

I was wondering what 3 combination of champions are best for TTL ? And who usually goes bot lane and who goes top ? Some list with reasoning will be good.. And how is Riven top, and cassiopeia / leesin bot ?
just... bruiser it up, anything that does exceptionally well 1vs1 and isn't hard countered by stacking nothing but armor (lee, darius, jax, olaf, nunu, singed... you get the point). Have someone jungle, always, smite isn't even needed at all on this map - if at all it's a waste even given the rare smite opportunities you get, stack aggressive summoners (exhaust+ignite, fuck escapes) and rape.
sounds good. i like the idea of a jungler plus exhaust and ignite.. especially with kha zix it already has a leap or even with jax..
Udyr bot/jungle, nidalee bot, jayce top
Easy, play Summoners Rift.
Just read this:

There is many combos, depending on the way u wanna play the map (poke, aggressive, late game..). Also much more info :)
5vs5 only
i never had problem with elise top
french fries with ketchup
Stopped playing TT after they released this new shit map.
I miss the old one aswell!

good times
Old one was actually decent to be played, this one is completely crap and just copy of dominion.
You havent played in any of their games :D

So you spend money to get invited?:D
nah, i know the members irl
the team you actually play 3s with is silver V lol. what are you trying to achieve with this buddy? trying to get some respect back from the et community after having cheated?
youre still known as a piece of trash here
I dont need the respect of this community full of morons, so shut the fuck up already, oh and btw, I dont get why i'm a trash, a lot of people here using to cheat and the community still likes them
The fact that ur bragging about a team that u aren't even playing with them, says a lot.
wayne best
zyra as support with ez bot, zyra not farming going magic pen. Her cc + magic pen are enough
rumble/elise/cho gath/riven top
Leona darius also work very well bot since it has lots of tankyness and damages to dive.

The key of 3v3 = bruiser + cc
they mostly take top/bot/jungle
Who cares, you're playing public matches.
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