dear NBS admins

Whenever I try to join and an admin is on the server I get kicked immediately, may I ask why? I didn't do anything bad, just want to play.

Probably coz u rape them. NBS = the new TWC
just sticking my little finger to the fire button
Imagine NBS like the jaymod of etpro
update tzac
már egy neven emlegetnek veled..azt irják mi egymást közt cseréljük a wh-át:)
Fasznak lősz olyan jól mint én:D Szar accal kell lőni:)
I didn't kick you, but the person who did said you were using the Whitelight hack, which I never even heard of before
Public server admin... posts in every journal that mentions cheats or anticheats... never heard of whitelight before...
what is a cheat? XD
Nor did I but I trust the person who was ref and kicked him
I know what it is... I was talking about you.
So it's a negative thing that I never heard of it?? There are a ton of hacks I never heard of; because I don't use hacks and have no reason to research all the different hacks that exist
You may want to get to familiar with the different hacks then, so you can recognize them in the server. There is no point in talking about cheats/anticheats/hackers whatsoever if you can't even point them out on obvious stuff.
The kicking/banning done by these amazing picks of xarqi are all opinions based on nothing, by people that are nowhere close to some of the people's skill on the server.

How can you judge someone is cheating when you are not near his skill? For instance, I have seen mAus play on my server in the past when I only just started etpro myself and I was blown away. I actually thought that it was a bit too good to be true untill I saw him play at LAN and got familiar with at least a bit higher skill.

Those guys running around like policeoffers nowadays are pointless. Especially now with all the hackers, they can't tell who is actually good and who uses cheats. ( You even have an admin with a CB ban? )
I did the same thing watching Nuggan one time, but dude, when you watch someone tracking walls, rocks, etc, do I really need to know the NAME of the hack he's using??
I meant: learning the difference between humanaiming and natural skilled aiming.
What's whitelight hack, because I have no clue at all :D, but I am accused of using it.
I recommend you to play on other servers then, like hirntot, hbc etc.. On HBC there's always atleast one admin online that can kick/ban the cheaters. NBS is full of hacking douches every single time I go there (usually 8/15 players ain't clean)... Someone is either wallhacking or using some sort of a bot ruining everyone's game.
HBC no spawnkilling and camp allowed very fun to play.
I was just simply saying there are other options than NBS in the "community". And I don't know if 24/7 supply/deli is more fun to play then?
cybergames were fun!
you get kicked because every half-decent player will look like maus on pubs
the skill level of nbs has increased since tzac went down :o))))))))))))))))))))))
hirnlos way better than that crap anyways :)
adze 2013-as ET így néz ki:
no offense
It's ok im admin, I'll them u are shit and they won't kick you anymore
too many cheaters its so fucking boring there
play with the name adze.
So we know it is you.

(probably after this post, we're gonna have multiple adze with 70-90 acc)
I played with the name "_adze", I always do.
waiting for new anticheat ...
stop cheating man
I'm nowhere near as good as most people on that server!
What does alps's yawn have to do with me?
same ip and you are a cheaterfaggot 82.131.171.
alps/logitech was a different hungarian player. adze never got caught, but his younger bro
what same ip? the last 3 numbers are hidden. we are from the same town so we got the same isp, and you may not open your mouth once again before checking the details.
edit: any hungarian player can confirm it btw :D, retard.
Maul schwanzlutscher
A person born with a mental condition and therefore has to work a million times harder to be able to do simple things (such as learn and communicate) that we take for granted. On top of this, a retard will usually suffer a lot of ridicule from society because people fear what they do not understand. The people who choose to make fun of the mental retarded tend to be complete morons and cannot comprehend that these people have feelings and emotions just like anyone else. Fit's on you
u kinda got owned in this theard, try to move on bro
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