fAti_ - CrossFire Fatties

Sup crossfireeeeeeeeeeeeee! So its been a looong time since I've been here and made some progress journal hehe since waki ain't ready yet (noob) I'll just make one. Anyway, first pic was around crossfire challenge 5 happened in 2009, to really see how fat I was: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mhj1sL7QHp0 celsus interview ;p


2009: 6'5" 120kg 28-30%bf
2013: 6'5" 91kg 11-13%bf

image: chk9


Currently bulking till.. end februari 2014 I think. Then I'll go on keto combined with IF for the first time to get to ~8%. I tried just IF with 4-20 ratio to get to 8% combined with low carbs but didn't work for me. So... Keto time

Oh I still play games http://www.esl.eu/eu/new_games/news/228172/ , if you looking for a new f2p fps. This will be the next big thing ;)

follow on twitch for latest sf2 cups http://www.twitch.tv/atiunderscore , cu in asia :>

urtier zerender alexl scoof where ya at gymnerds ;p

<3 Ati_, cu 2014 for new progress :3

We're all going to make it brah, if anyone need advice or my pov on dieting/training, leave a comment :)

expected sf2 journal



edit: diet please :), though i have bf around 10-11%
on IF(20-4) my diet was, brown rice, any kind of green veg, chickenbreast, proteinpancakes(lol), eggs, tuna, whey, sometimes I would have some cottage cheese aswell and thats about it.

Currently bulk IF (16-8) bassicly the same but more and added oats and quark. Trying to slowly progress and be around 98-100kg at februari, 2014.

After that going on 20-4 + keto and see what happens :D maybe I'll got 16-8 first with keto though

oh and my daily vitamin stack: multi, fishoil, zinc, vitamin d
you know brown rice has (more) arsenic in it than white rice ?:S
Yes, just like any other food could be harmful in someway or cause some kind of disease. I've been eating it my whole life without any problem.
cELSUS 5! :D
omg wrobel you kutas ;p how have you been mate? you still play ET? :D
how's if workin for u compared to the usual diet based on regular meals in terms of fat loss? need to lose some pounds gained during last months and if crossed my mind :p
I used to have a regular eating schedule, like eat every 2-3 hours, but even when I lowered my carbs/calories and upped my cardio. I still got to a point where my body was refusing to burn fat. So I tried IF on 18-6 first (18 hour fasting, 6 hour eating window) and the fat just melted off so fast, within the first week you will see results. After that I went to 20-4, but on a regular working day it's really hard to stay on IF and not consume anything but water or 0 calorie drinks. The key for this to work is to do you workout at the end of your fast and start eating after that. In the beginning it's hard and your body needs to adapt, but after a week or 2 it's easy. So for fast fat loss, I highly recommend this.

If you are going to do this, drink alot of water... ALOT :D Your body will crave for carbs so badly at the end of the day, but don't give up :) For even faster results you can go low carb aswell, but I won't advice that if you are nice to this.
ye, so i heard. i didn't really believe you could carry out a hard training after fasting for like 15 hours but i heard it's doable and what's more- even nicer than after stuffing yourself. i was thinking of 18-6 as it would fit really nice in my daily schedule when i'm pretty much all the time away from home and the only option of eating is buying some shitty stuff in uni cafe or sth. so pretty much ur only on water/coffee/tea/coke zero etc most of the day huh? taking any supples while on if except for whey?
I wouldn't recommend coke zero, it might be bettert than coke but wouldn't help you losing weight. Water/tea is much better :P
Coke zero is fine every now and then is fine and can stop the cravings for a while and since it doesn't contain any calories, only artificial flavor, it won't break the fast. But yes, water/tea is better.
it's not about it helping me lose fat. it's about it helping me not reach for anything else after having some sweetlike taste :D
The only thing I would drink is water during the day, I also use a 0 calorie sirop to it keeps interesting :P If I have really bad cravings I would have some coke zero. I don't drink cofee but I know milk and sugar will break the fast, so if you can get your hands on some 0 calorie coffee sweetener, you should be fine. Only other supp I use next to whey is a preworkout, but not like 2 scoops to get my all hyped and shit. Like half a scoop, just enough to stop the cravings during the workout and strangely enough it works. And ye, after fasting for that long and having a hard workout, the first bite of food will be pure heaven :D Oh and if you really want to burn fat fast, I would add some cardio aswell, but don't go all out on the first week and burnout :P
im not really a cardio guy, just doing some runs every now and then :p need to change my routine of going into musclemass all the time because my jeans will soon be too small :D ye im not that much into those cokezero's or anything but i just assume i will be starving for food so much that cheating myslec with sweetened beverages with 0 calories might actually work pretty nice and keep me going while fasting. we'll see how it goes when i start, maybe at the beginning of october as september is really busy. i was thinking that maybe you take some bcaas or fatburners but i guess taking a burner before the workout, after fasting for so many hours, might not be very good for your stomach. i had this adventure once and dont wanna repeat it :p
good job mate :* glad to see that you do well
hey kresti! long time no see! last time gamescom 2010? :P How you been doing? Still playing ET? :)
iam fine man going to the army soon (14years contract).. playing some LoL and ET and doing alot of fitness to keep me in a good shape when iam going to the army :p...
Id like to know your progress with women from then till now please
Let's say at that time it was nonexistent. Now.. I can't complain :) But having a good body is great and all, it surely does help, but it's mostly a mental thing. You can still be the same person as if you were fat, it's a mental change you need to go through aswell
Good to hear my friend :) how about those riflenade shots? Surely much easier shooting one half way across map when your arms are so big :>
Dunno mate, haven't touched ET for ages and not planning to do so :P muscle = aim though!
I wonder, how people mesaure their BF %
According to you, seems you have bf around 11-13%
I found on google a type how to mesaure. But according to that schedule I have bf 21%
There are multiple ways to measure it, like an electrical scale or one of those fat callipers, but best way is to look in the mirror and keep progress. I know what 8% looks like, I also know what 16% looks like, that's why I'm estimating myself around 11-13%. If you really unsure and want to know you can just post a pic on a fitness forum

image: body-fat-percentage-men

this first pic is done at January, without any gym for few months. Was ill so wasn't able to train till this year start of august.
Now trying as hard I can and the first time I started doing also cardio:D

second pic from today, soz bad quality on my phone.

I think you're around 15-16, maybe even lower
well okey then. I still will keep my mind that I am 21% bf. Will motivate more, when I suddenly will be lower than 15:P
Haha, remembers me of a electrical scale that determined my body fat percentage. I raged so hard when it went up even when I worked my ass off. Never used it again and went 7days to the gym that week lol
exactly my point. Just assuming by pictures inst the same as getting right numbers. So I rather will focuse on 21% BF atm. At least got 2-3% bf, with what to work at this point.

Will make new pics during Nov or Dec, then I will see how far I have become.

But 7days, I loled xD
inb4 eagle20 @ 2% bf because he thinks he is 10%
what does mean? inb4? :(
That I'm predicting something to happen in a fun kind of way ;d
okey, will keep it in mind. Well for now GL and HF.!
you too :)
more like hAwti_!
jooooooooof competition has started already, where you at?!
im catching some waves in indonesia bro

Expecting any tournaments soon for sf2? Ill be back in time for sf3 or AC2 :P
not sure what to expect from sf2, waiting for a tournament atm :P ac2 lolol

blackmane enzo speelde ook he :D
wow really good job man, impressed!
thanks mate! appreciate it :)
stats 3 months ago:
15-18% bf

stats now:
11% bf

how? lots of jogging, and my new job at the luchtmobiele brigade (first air brigade) in the military made me lose so much kgs/fat.
gj bro! :)
thanks! : )
Goed bezig!! rode baret :)
zeker fritsel! :) wou eerst voor korps gaan maar dan ben k nog meer van huis weg dan met luchtmobiel, mn vrouwtje vind dat niet zo fijn ;p
haha, tja dat hoort er bij he.

Maar je hebt pas de opleiding behaald?
ja klopt man pas geleden
Veel plezier bij je nieuwe werk, je zult het vast goed doen als field ops (hihi) xx
good job! what about urtier? )
Thanks mate! Last time I saw progress of urtier he lost a lot of weight, I guess it should be even more by now.
how do you loose weight without doing anything?
lower your calorie intake :P won't last long though ;d
So I basically have to starve myself to death?

btw how do i get into the sf2 community, might be looking for some money gaming.
Well, if you consume less calories than your body needs to maintain, you will lose weight untill a certain point.

SF2 is doing ok, lots of signups in the first cup so seems promising!
Any IRC channels of teams/cups/community? Or boards/forums?
Still waiting for the section to be opened on esl, no irc channels afaik. Only sf2 forum I'm aware of is their own forum

congratz Ati
thank you!
187cm tall

2007: 70kg started doing exercises
2008: 85kg stopped doing exercises
2009/I: 95kg
2009/II: 95kg started again
2010: 103kg and then dropped to 95kg
2011: 95kg -> moved away from my parents, started working and stopped visiting the gym
2012: 76kg no exercises at all
2013: 80-85kg still no gym
Pretty sick! Respect and well done!

Doing well too, just the opposite of you. I had big problems with gaining mass so I did overeating till I die! Just ate all 2-3 hours huge of carbs and proteins which were at the end over9k kcals :D

image: ewrgju0n progress of 2,5-3 years (Started out with 16,5yrs 53kg, thin soccer player, and my current status 19 years, 82kg. I am 177 tall). Currently trying to cut down to like 6% just 1 more month with ketogenic diet, after that I try to bulk up till february. My goal is to reach 90kg or more if I can. Will try same way as I did before, to gain fast mass!

Oh and yess ofc I started again playing few weeks ago (ET ofc, bo2, cod4 & SAMP), just to regenerate muscles :D
sick progress man, well done! 6% wow haha, how long have you been on keto? Going to try it next year, any tips on foods?
Now im on keto since 3 weeks. Well, the ketogenic diet makes me really falling down haha ^^. You are really hungry 30 mins later after a meal. I really eat 0 carbs! Even not in the morning. Well, the first days I just had 1 cup of oatmeal or 1 banana or protein bread with peanut butter, but now I am at 0 c. I have up to like 6-9 meals (almost every 2-3 hours), just to keep away from cheating haha. I watch out, to have enough proteins in each meal (30g or more) and ofc some fats and vitamins too.

Well, its pretty hard the ketogenic diet. Your strength will fall down to like (-5) - (-10)kg. But no matter ^^, I try to lift as heavy as I can, so my body takes the energy of my bodyfat. After a hardcore weight training, I do 3-4 times 30-45 HIIT Cardio (also HIIT when weight training with supersets).

Foods?: Just high proteins like white meat, tuna, eggs, all kinds of fish (salmon,..), cottage cheese, ......
Also eat alot of fruits (blueberries, apples, etc.)
A kinds of vegetables, just keep them "green".

Supps: I take a pre-workout booster to rock atleast with some energy the gym! (Prefer the oldschool ones, JACK3D old, nANO VAPOR, Massacra Episode 2, N.O Xplode 1, craze or neurocore, always the old versions!!)
more components protein (low fat, low carb).
Casein Protein

L-Glutamin, BCAAs + Protein shake (all combined together): 2x a day, mornings, after the workout.
L-Glutamin,BCAAs, + CASEIN + 250g Quark/Cottage Cheese, + 3-5 raw eggs without egg yellow, + 1 hand of bluberries or so: before sleep.

Soz for mistakes, writing via smartphone during uni

U can drink them with water all, in the morning and before sleep I prefer it with low carb low fat milk, after my workout I prefer it with water, because with water its getting better recorded into your body!
Ye I can imagine it's hard to stay on it. I limited my carbs to about 50g-80g while on IF, I know that feel :D I guess with keto it's even going to be worse.

You really need extra BCAA's, doesn't the proteinshake have enough BCAA's on its own? I should be fine on food, already eating all that you mentioned, just need to cut out the rice.

Ofcourse you like the old versions of preworkouts, because it still has DMAA in it :D I'm currently using Craze, the new one ;) I don't mind not having DMAA though, that shit gets me crazy ;d

Ye, I don't drink milk, water all the way.

Thanks for the tips bro :)
nP! And good luck mate! Well, I use extra BCAA's because you dont have enough in each portion. So to get your values, you have to drink like 10 Protein shakes a day and I dont have that much money for that^^ also, when studying.. how can you have normal meals? Im cooking like a nerd the night before the next day my meals so that I wont have any excuse for anything. Sounds nerdy but it helps^^
They sell old jack3d in your country still? It was removed worldwide because of DMAA1,3 last May if i remember right. I have 20 bottles of old jack3d which I sell to friends but the best booster ever is Crack, theres no other.
Yes they have it here. Heard its back again. Even if not, get it from the internet? :O u can order it everywhere
custom will take it if you try to order it from the internet. I wan't to visit your country now if it still has the old Crack from Revolutions. You ever tried DMAA pills btw, they are some sick shit aswell and if you take them in the evening you can only dream about being able to sleep before 02.


Thats the whole reason why they took them out from the market (old Napalm, OxyElite, Launch, jack3d, Crack and bunch of other great pwos/fat burners)
Well, I dont have that problems with sleeping. If you have problems, you didnt workout well enough.

I even combine 250ml Redbull with the old jack3d. I am like crazy dude for 1-2 hours in the gym and later I just want to fall asleep :D
I remember Crack, hohoho good times xD
I still have 5+ bottles of it, but i dont know what im gonna do after they run out! 8[

Especially when I have to train in the mornings from time to time, its hard to get your body ready at 07am.
looking good

but no homo
respect! looks good

i started 9month ago

188cm and 67kg (rly skinny i know :/)
now 75kg and my goal is 95kg
thanks mate! gl with your progress and keep it up :)
ty man! and u2^^
95 ? :o
80-84 would be more than enough in my opinion
omg ati_ omg
respect, well done ;)
thank you :)
Well done!

185.5 cm / 80 kg
training long jump / triple jump 5-7 times a week so I really don't gain any bodyfat except now when I'm having 3-4 weeks of rest
Thanks mate!

What you training that for? Olympics? :P
I don't really have a goal, but nationally wise I'm a decent athlete (4x 3rd in Championchips on juniors). I just want to see how far can I reach (in this case jump) :))
Well, good luck with jumping then! :)
what you play these days?
S.K.I.L.L. Special Force 2 http://www.skill-specialforce2.com/

Biggest F2P FPS Shooter in Asia
so you pumped iron for 4 years and lost your virginity at the age of 28. wohoo. why the F did I open this pathetic excuse of a website?
why the F did you reply thn? ;)
just for attention or?
Lost 21 kg in 6 months, including "bulking" - although i am nowhere near the level i want to be.

Mainly started with Keto and cardio + weights. Did Keto on and off for around 4 months - now i am just eating high protein and low carbs - but not as extreme as the keto.

Still have some "fat" to lose but focussing on turning any fat i have left into muscle.
Lost 21kg in 6 months including bulking? what? :D I've never ever really bulked, this is my first time bulking, but over the years I gained fair amount of muscle even on a calorie deficit. So ye, gl with converting fat to muscle mate and keep progress! :)
fat doesnt convert into muscles
no shit brah

figure of speech ;)
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