What Steroids

My life sucks i wana start taking steroids whats the best to buy ?

image: 1174517_623054117729353_674631844_n

Just go to that site. Still the best place to teach you legit facts.

that tracksuit is full of poo lol xd
say goodbye to ur balls and erection. gl anyway
or more erection
hard to say. at the begginig some might have an extra erection but in short terms only. and ofc it depents what u take and wat doses. but in long terms u may fucked up ur dick forever :d
why do you think we have erection PILLS FOR MAN !? hahaha
coz old people and steroid users cant have erection ?
Not worthy,hard work always pays.
That guy aint steroid big, just low bodyfat and pumped up :3
Implying you can reach that kind of conditioning natural, oh well you're probably trolling anyway
Visible muscles, must be steroids! right?
always use the minimal recommended doses (like some products are recommended from for example 20 to 60g, i'd take 20 30 max) and ALWAYS but ALWAYS use TAC products to keep your body healthy.
TAC stands for Therapy After Cycle
Ieeeeew, what happened to the guy in the picture???
ewwww awful body tbh 9% fat?
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