FPS drops

Hey guys,

after few months I decided to start playin ET again, but I have some problems with FPS. Before I was playin on laptop which I gave away and currently Im stucked on desk PC. I have no problems playin new games on better details, but when I play ET, my FPS are goin every few seconds from 125FPS to like 80 and game is getting laggy. Have you met this problem before? Even tried starting game as administrator and compability with windows XP.

AMD Athlon II X4 640
NVIDIA GeForce GT630

Thanks in any advice!

As usual
image: 1002871_431062450348835_1475482681_n
i always played with 76fps so stop cryin cikani
yeah, same 76fps rolls all
but I doubt it was droppin to 12 ;)
zkus smazat slozku pb
take se ujisti, ze mas vypnuty Thread optimization (najdes to nekde v nastaveni NVIDIA)
snad to pomuze :P

e: http://www.crossfire.nu/threads/view/id/18310
Miluju tě brácho !
taky je dobré dat si vysokou prioritu ve spravci uloh a zadat tomu, aby to bezelo jen na jednom jadru. neveril bys, co muze prepinani mezi jadry udelat
S tímhle mám špatné zkušenosti už z dřívějška :/ To co mi poslal Adam funguje dobře :)) Ale i tak díky! :)
okej, tak hlavně že to funguje :)
are you using the et pack?

if so i can remember some players having those drops...dunno why..cauz it were just a few... maybe try deleting all the pb stuff and pb cfgs
Its already fixed, thanks anyway!
got enough of these bimbos already...
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