UAC & cheaters

Go watch match 1515 and watch j3tz0rrr SC.
Not sure if trolling or just ... :D

E: too watch the screenshots click next to match id on the icon 'open match in UAC'
It seems everything is ok or just i didnt get it?
look to all his screenshots :D
wow, didnt know about this site. Have to check it later ":D"
Parent mate u can see all kinds of porn in there :D
best ever <3
Or its just his cracks/cracked games ;c
who cares nowadays, we have to be ruthless!
Surely it was just his cracked games man, just look how cracked his game is:

image: kpj5
image: ga5h
Fugly chams.. I vomit a little in my mouth.
Lol he was following me
rofl he was speccing team colombia pro practice XD
this opiate is such a moron, new AC out since 2 hours ? Better test my own cheats.

burn in hell
You do realize he doesnt care if he's banned in new ac, hes already cb banned til like 2022 and he doesnt play leagues anyway xdd
i agree, you'd better test your own cheats. i will make sure to keep an eye on your screenshots :> hope to see you busted, "moron"
What to look at? I have no idea how this works.
Omg, another bunch of wannabes got busted. What gonna happen now
How to use it? what to see?
Your screenshots have a 3.2.6 undetected chaplja bot on the background but okay.
Die link staat op crossfire, denk dat iedereen die post heeft gelezen
image: 16gkje0

"match1" "juicyy"
lol gg self bust
lol gj nob ed
u avin a giggle m8?
Oh snap, XXNX :D

image: jester

btw, are you planning to cheat with UAC as well?
I dont like the fact UAC takes more pictures of your desktop than actually ingame
atleast Desktop Screens are visible and not Black or Grey...
people should not minimaze the game they're playing
Fullscreen playing -> black/gray screenshot
these screens are after the game koop. I was just checking how the program works and i forgot to turn the scans of :D so it made screens even after the game haha :D u guys can see i was even speaking to Ohurcool on irc while watching porn xD
this is so digusting fapping and meanwhile writting with ohurcool rofl :x
LOL :D i wasnt fapping u dickheads :D we were searching for bestest porn video on ts3 me and my mates :D
this sounds gay :s
Only if you minimize too much while it's scanning.

Also, screenshots are not uploaded until after you're UAC is done scanning, and you can immediately delete any which contain personal information.
they're not permanently deleted though, so its still a huge privacy issue.
What do you expect, he's from the country of PRISM. They dont give a fuck about their privacy. I expected riots to break out after that became public, but nobody seems to give a shit in the USA.

but from the American masterminds, they came up with a bullshit story about Syria to distract everyone from their PRISM fuck up :-)
They are hidden from the public and only visible to DExUS himself. Where is the "huge privacy issue"?

Quote by ohurcoolWhat could he possibly do with a screenshot or two of your Facebook page / IRC window / TS overlay? And why would he do anything? Besides, he's been running UAC for almost 8 years now; I'm pretty sure if he was involved in some sort of malicious activity due to his access to deleted screenshots, someone would have found out by now.

If it worries you that much, then simply try to resist the urge to open Facebook while UAC is scanning. :)
Why would I have to trust this guy? I find this to be a huge privacy issue especially given all the confidential crap I have on my computer I don't feel comfortable with spyware on my system.
Did you read my comment? Why wouldn't you trust him? Why did you trust PB? And TZAC?

If you have so much "confidential crap" on your PC, then don't minimize when UAC is scanning. It's not going to take screenshots if you don't want it to.
I minimize whenever I want to, and I actually never trusted TZAC nor PB but I know that they're not scanning certain parts coz I would know if they did. Got software for that. Just because you don't care about your privacy doesn't mean others don't.
You're just being super paranoid, as usual...

If you choose to minimize "whenever you want to" and expose "private" information, then it's on you, not UAC.
what a logic, as usual
LOL :D busted with pr0n xDDD OHURCOOL U SMELLY ADMIN :D did u show people my porn screens :DDD BYTHEWAY why did u name this journal UAC and Cheaters and then mention me when u obviously just saw my porn screens and then u bust ur self what the fuck xD
Actually you have some porn taste, so theres nothing wrong with it. And cant find any funny part.
oh no it's almost like i tried to get busted :P anyways good catch guys :> i think you guys have found a good temporary anticheat! i like the screenshots, the average hacker nerd will have a hard time with that. overall i think uac will help a lot :) if admins need any cheats tested let me know! i'd be happy to help :> also it is kind of difficult to evade the bans for uac, it uses hardware bans which i like. it was a lot of trouble to make a new account work!
overall i give it an 8 out of 10 :>

ps: dont message me asking how to bypass uac, i will not help. et is dead enough as is :>
the day has come were i saw opiate say he won't bypass an anti-cheat

murica freedom
also i tried a hack that "blacks out screenshots", both rshook and etbot. i injected them as well. the black-screenshot feature of the hack makes et freeze :D i think taking screenshots will be a very useful tool in leagues. i hope this helps keep et alive a little longer :D

omg it even detected low/norecoil hack :D awesome!
omg we need more of this xD
lmfao @porn ss rllY!
props to opiate for testing and showing the anticheat works>
>stop whining about your confidential and top secret computer stuff being ss´d, just close UAC when you are reviewing your top leaked snowden documents or terrorist shit u planning...
thank you torm :) i figure since i dont play etpro (just sometimes with a few friends for fun) and because of my knowledge of hacks :P that i would be the perfect person to test uac. i have hundreds of hacks, i'm currently making trying to make sure every last one of them is detected. as much damage as i've done to et.. maybe i can help now ya know? i dont want to see this game die :( im regretful about ever using hacks now that i see how many people refuse to play et because they're scared it will not be a fair match :(
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