UAC3 - horrible software

yes hello, so I tried this UAC3 thing and it's the worst software I've ever experienced.
first of all it's some kind of shareware where you have to wait 20 seconds to be able to skip a donation screen.
second of all it uses the builtin printscreen-function in windows to take its screens, so it fucking launched Greenshot ingame..
third of all, when I disabled Greenshot the anticheat was able to take a screenshot.
now, check out how it screenshotted my personal info:
image: TMSCXcw

moral of the story: UAC3 is shareware, launches any program you may have binded to printscreen-button and CONSISTENTLY TAKES SCREENSHOT OF YOUR PERSONAL INFO IF YOU HAVE MORE THAN ONE MONITOR.
Draft will go with Robaciek AC so whatever, both the game and this bs anticheat is dead, let it breath. 3 more months and it dies anyway 8D
sure but CB forces this, and more and more people are starting to use it for their casual 3on3s and 6on6s
I didn't use it yet but seeing all the complains i can't understand why CB is forcing people to use it.
It's the same story all over again why force something that can invade your privacy? These kind of things makes people want to quit playing... Playing without any AC sounds a lot better than using this program. AC should be annoying for cheaters, not for all players.

Ps: ac are always more annoying for players than for cheaters with some knowledge anyway
Well every anticheat has access to personal information, as all anticheats check your pc for hacks/injects/whatever. So that argument is sortoff invalid here. However this screenshots thing for this AC takes it a step too far :P
You are right, but that depends on what people or organisation are behind it. That those screenshots are public is too risky.
U are welcome to provide anything better at this point, else don't see a single point in any of this pointless comments.
If there was a poll listed with the options 'playing with UAC' or 'playing without AC' i think a lot of people will prefer to play without any AC than with UAC. I also don't understand why you are saying this is a useless comment, perhaps it is useless for you but some actually replied and agree with me on some points. If you don't agree just say so.
Because all u do is just whine without any actual meaning, as i said in my first comment, if u intened to whine, at least provide an alternative solution, and hell UAC still beats running leagues and cups without any anti cheat at all, specially when we have no way of identifying players during official games.
dont you dare cheat on UAC else i will tell noobygirl you have a small penis
Funny that in a way Nooby tried to tell that polishmen have small penises:(
yes! :D!
anyway after yesterday's fight i think i know his size :PPP XD

btw to zodiac - yes new ac is rly annoying, but u see... its better then nothing :/ its not funny to play on cheaters :P glad that all open/euro cup players have to play on uac.
even worse when you play against someone who uses a name full of boxes
true that! + no walls ;>
20 seconds tow ait must be the worst nightmare in your whole life?

Just start UAC when you play and close your Shit infos... UAC takes 15 Screens from me while playing but you can't see any personal infos on it because i dont have any tabs open with infos...
but you don't have 2 monitors and he has :)
odc i got 2 monitors... so whats the point with have more than 1?
on 2nd monitor people are doing other things in meanwhile :)
and thats the problem by UAC?
nope I was just refering about your tabs and so on :) ppl usaly have 2 monitors to do multi tasking :) not just for decoration of desk. And yes I know you can just pick a thing called, lets not browse during uac scaning :) But thats not my problem and Its from this guy :P
I agree that this anticheat is not optimal at all. But knowing now that this AC does this, you could just close any personal information? Atleast that is what I do(also have multiple monitors). Don't get me wrong, the way this AC uses the printscreen function for screenshots is stupid and shouldn't be used, but this AC works without screenshots aswell. It only uses the screenshots to check for things that are not being detected(UAC3 uses a database of known cheats and uses the screenshots to check if it misses things).

One way of another, it's only up to January so it's not too much trouble to just close your personal information when you play, atleast I don't mind to do so.
also screenshots uploads are not immediate - they upload when you untick 'start scanning' and you can review your own screenshots instantly for any that need to be deleted.
All I can see is people complaining no matter what cb is trying to do. You just should cut the crap and enjoy the game.

Agree with adeto.
That's normal, noone is pleased with what we do, the fact is, u don't see a single comment providing any kind of useful informations to us, basically i don't mind if someone is complaining about AC, but then i also expect that they would provide alternative for us at this point, which obviously noone have at this point.
if i know my parents like to come into my room randomly, i do not fap without locking the door, lock the door next time.

moral of the story

do not browse personal stuff if there is a chance uac will invade your privacy and take a screenshot, turn it off next time.

we all know both situations suck but we either have to live with it or adapt to it.

source: i am a philosophist
wise words from a wise man
unless u like the chance of getting caught and it makes u even more aroused
Why didn't you delete the screenshot(s)? You get to see them before anyone else.
well sure, but what's the point in screenshots at all if I have to delete all of them
if you delete ones that are not personal information then you could receive a ban afaik, it tells you in the SS deletion process.
yeah but point is I have three monitors, so it'll screenshot personal info on every screenshot anyway
dont have personal information up while playing? KB makes a good point above :D you know that it is going to SS so it's your call on what you do.
It allows main admin to check if there are any kind of cheats that werent detected by system but were detected on the ScreenShot function, it's not the main source of detecting, but just another security option.
yeah I understand its function.. I just mean for ET specifically, where it can't even screenshot ingame. all it does is screenshot my skype and irc while playing, with ET being that gray colour
There's a topic for that to solve it, at least it works for most of players, so i assume that could be fixed at some point as well.
btw I just figured out something by trying and failing.. if you want to add it to that topic:
if you select "Remove freeze lag" when having multiple monitors, UAC will only screenshot ET, not all the other monitors like it normally does -- so it doesnt screenshot personal info all the time
Have u actually tested this so its 100% sure, or was it just a bug?
i did test and it only screenshotted ET as opposed to all my monitors
Okay, will let jon know
It has been said over 100 times, after u press "Stop scanning" simply check ur screenshot's folder and delete every personal SS that UAC took, simple as that. If u still have problems with that, don't check anything personal during the game or at least during the UAC is scanning.

CB forced UAC at this point because it was most relayable solution for present time, and without any other alternatives atm, it's hard to find something that would be "perfect" without any kind of annoying side functions. I understand that the screenshot capturing is pain in the ass, but at least we have anti cheat for officials and IRC's whoever will decide to use it, u simply have to adapt to the UAC and not browse any kind of personal stuffs at least during UAC is scanning.
guys, i found the solution!!!!

its awesome, i thought we are lost but...


I made a folder on my desktop named PERSONAL INFORMATION and i put every private docs & icons there. BOOOM
What private docs you have, ET configs?
or just have a gaming pc and a pc for private stuffs uni, all important docs, etc lik me
oh so there is where I can find porn, was searching it hard
Solution is simply to not browse anything private during UAC scanning.
whats the point of using this anticheat which is gonna be disabled in few months xD i just checked it and my opinion:

- easy to bypass screenshots with gray/black screenshots
- i dont think so that anticheat really works, launched modified dll's from nexus/bimbot/etbot (edited with hexeditor ofc), still no ban after few days
- screenshot option is just full of shit, i dont know its so hard to write a code which will gather screenshots from game only? not suprised about whine of ppl, once you forgot to close UAC and voila, deusex or whatever his name is got your facebook/bank acc etc etc

just let foxdie or other guy write a simple program which gives a guid and ip for player and gather democrew, i dont even gonna play et till this year atleast
U are free to pm foxdie and convice him to do that for us, specially after anyone who tries to do anything good for community gets massively flamed, also SS function isn't one of the main detections, so isn't really criticial if u enable that bug.
UAC is part of the illuminati, theyre trying to get all your personal information so theyll know everything about u. dont believe the hype, weve all died 21st december 2012, we now all live in a computer simulation. 9/11 was an inside job
this guy on that dxm powder


I thought some scientists claimed it was 616 not 666 :p
All you have to do is open up two more ETs for your other monitors so nobody can see anything.
man shouldve thought about that, thanks :)
This guy is brilliant, listen to him, brahww
:D back for EC now then?
No team :-(
wow some people in this community really like to whine over stupid shit....
I mean seriously open uac when you are going to play et, disable it when you are going to do personal stuff, simple as that..
Anything else other than that is you being stupid.
open UAC on laptop, play on desktop
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