Audio corner vol.2

Some of you may remember my journal from like 2 years ago, where I presented my listening corner vol.1 . However, even at that time I knew it was just my temporary audio rig and now I am done with it!
It took me over year and a half to build final version of my "man cave" and I finally can say I am satisfied with it:

image: 350x700px-LL-c269e4db_audio-corner-final

On top shelf you see Nexus 10 (for media playback control) and ATH-W3000ANV headphones. Below that sits Svetlana 2 tube amplifier, then on 2nd floor from bottom there are DAC and media server (Intel NUC mobo in Akasa Newton case running OpenELEC set for bitperfect audio streaming over USB).

I might get a new chair tho, the one I got is not as comfortable as I hoped for, but besides that everything's perfect and I don't regret any single cent spent on it.

Btw, do you guys have/know of some nice relaxing chair (does not have to have massaging function,it just have to be very comfortable) that does not cost a fortune?
Me gusta!

Missing a guitar and a piano though, and for myself as a special case: some fluits
Where's the record player?
What record player?
Why would I need turntable?
It's a record player, for better quality of course, decent venyls still provide a better quality than digital formats
record player can mean many different things - turntable (for LPs), cassete/tape player and few others. That's why I asked "what record player".
Btw, it's kind of a myth that vinyls provide better quality (nowadays). First of all - you cannot degrade digital footage. On the other hand - one small scratch on LP and you are done for life. And with todays technology (DSD64/DSD128) you have much more depth and resolution for even the slightest details and nuances in audio to store than you will ever be able to hear. Actually, these hi-res audio format offer to store more details than a vinyl. However, vinyl offers different sound compared to digital streaming - not better nor worse, just different. Besides, everything depends on remastering - if you have bad source or audio technician, nothing will save your favourite albums quality, regardless of format.
So you believe that these digital audio conversions bear more quality than one can actually hear, but superior vinyl quality is a myth? That does make a lot of sense.

Also, you must have rather absolute hearing to be able to detect all these nuances and that's just a really small percentage of the population.
Did I ever stated I can hear some differences? I just said that hi-res digital formats can store more information than a vinyl. This is measurable science which is very different from listening experience. As I said - vinyl offer different sound, to which people refer as "analog". On the other hand - digital media may sound harsh and too crisp. At this point it's just matter of personal preference. This is what music is all about.
I'm fully aware it's a subjective discussion, but you did utter stuff like "it's kind of a myth that vinyls provide better quality", "than you will ever be able to hear" and "not better nor worse, just different". That's when it starts to sound objective to me.

Also, if you put that much money in your equipment it has to mean you have really good hearing (otherwise it's obviously pretty ridiculous).
It's a fact that hi-res digital file contains more data than vinyl. Does it mean it offers more quality? Well, that's relative. It certainly offer more space for accurate music reproduction. That being said - it does not imply that people will like it more at all. And that's where personal taste kicks in - some people put accuracy over "fun", some want coloured output and some prefer more forgiving source (as vinyl). The thing about vinyl is - it sounds more pleasant, less harsh and not too overly crispy. That's why people like them so much.

About my hearing - I am (former?) musician, played in numerous orchestras over the years, traveled a lot of countries. I listen to jazz, classic, rock and metal. I don't like loud overbassed music and I consider my hearing to be good enough to enjoy what I have. I do hear significant improvement over my previous audio rig (which costed around €1k).
That just means digital audio hardware is massively overpriced if it still sucks when you throw a thousand euros at it.
Just because they are a bit expensive does not mean they are massively overpriced. And where the fuck did you get an idea "it sucks"? I said I hear big improvement over previous rig which was around 1k as whole. Out of that I had €600 in headphones and €240 in amplifier. I was using my old noisy laptop as media center and some low-end DAC/pre-amp (~€180). DAC I have right now is excellent, easily on top in its price range.
Spends 4000 to 5000 euros on equipment, doesn't even have tangible music and a turntable. I'm sure those rips of music you don't own sound awesome.
what do you mean by "tangible music"? And why would I buy a turntable with only few vinyls at my disposal?
Something you can touch, something you own, something that has a story (as opposed to a directory listing). Also, one could buy a turntable and roughly 400 records for the money you spent.
We have a lot of CDs at home, yet I still prefer to have everything ripped on my PC and make my own playlists. I do understand why people like physical media (be it vinyl, cassette, CD...) - when you put some album in, you are committing to listen to it. When I decide to play some album, sometimes I just tend to just randomly go through other albums, just because it does not disturb/stop my listening.

"Also, one could buy a turntable and roughly 400 records for the money you spent." - that's sort of stupid, isn't it? If I wanted to build same setup around turntable instead of digital playback, I would still have most of the things I have right now. The only parts I would have to replace are PC and DAC. Decent turntable (decent in comparison to the rest of the chain) would be around €1000-1200, PC+DAC costed €1350 together. So at best I am left with €400 for records - that would be like 20 albums or so? And I would still need to invest money to better rack with some vibration dampening.
I'm not sure where you're getting these numbers, but it seems like you pay way too much for your hardware. I got a revised 1981 Technics SL-Q2 turntable for seventy euros.
Ok, I will put it this way - I don't f-ing care for turntables or vinyls (it seems I could be getting decent turntable under €300). It does not appeal to me, vinyls have certain characteristics that I can't stand - especially inherent proneness for high level background noise and degradation over time. Plus I like the convenience of having all my music library within reach of my finger.
Co ten Harry Potter? :D
Real nice :P When I get a bigger place I want to set up something like this aswell. But I'm more of an EP/LP listener and won't be doing this tablet thing.

Nice setup, needs a Chesterfield chair though :P
I am more digital kind of guy, keeping all my music on NAS. I do have some hi-res vinyl rips in there, but I don't listen to them since most of them are kind of poorly done.

Btw, I don't really like the look of those Chesterfield chairs, I prefer something more modern (and with adjustable back).
I fell of my chair when i looked up the price of your headphones. How much did you spend on all that together?
image: 350x700px-LL-ec299351_audio-equip-parts
These are individual parts I used:
Headphones: €800 (I got them basically new from a guy in NL, new one goes around $1200-1500)
Amplifier: $1500 (€1300 with all taxes and import duties)
DAC: €940
Power cables (those 4 big cables in bottom row, from left to right):
- €100 (second hand, new goes ~€180)
- €100 (second hand, new goes ~€170)
- €130 (second hand, new €210)
- €350 (second hand, new €650)
Analog interconnect (red cable on left): €250 (bought used, new is $1099 per meter)
USB cable (on right side, between DAC and headphone stand): €90
Headphone stand: €40
Power conditioner (that big thing with power outlets): €350 (second hand, new ~€750)
Chair: free (was a gift from my parents last year, for uni graduation - new would be ~€210)
Hi-fi rack: €320
Media server: ~€400 (Intel NUC platform in fanless Akasa Newton case, with 4GB RAM and 60GB SSD)
Tablet: €390

so, all-in-all around €6k for everything that you see in the picture (including chair).
Damn, nice stuff tho.
So you go and sit there for some mins/hours only listing music?
Well must be uber relaxing ^^
Well, not entirely - I work from home (freelance programmer) so from time to time I hook myself in when I am working. But most of the times when I have some free time and I just sit in a chair and let some nice music play through the chain :)
So that's a no? :D
Must be quite a listening experience!
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