UAC Feedback!?!

about 1 week ago the new anti-cheat [urlnew][/url] got announced. I do see a lot of flame&whine from people concerned about the scanning methods or the screenshot system and this journal is not intended to discuss about this but about the personal feedback from players who used the anti-cheat for their pracc or offi matches...

what experience you got? were you able to find an oppo with uac on - if so have you checked if all people were running the tool? wasnt a big deal eh?

i for myself can say i just have played 3 pracc games without any big problems. my team havent had any lag issues and the opposing side didnt give a negative comment either.

all i had to do is to convince one oy my teamm8s to not browse fb/porn while playing ;p or if you do so dont whine about funny screenshots after the game...
i havent used it yet, not even for pracs :( i always forgot to turn it on.
installing ..testing this afternoon
lol :D Y U FLAMING ME MAN! but i didnt whine about it.. what i did whine about is the fps drops i got during scans. :)
i used it several times, however i didnt even try to convince the oppo to use it.

Worked fine, didnt experience any lag or fps drops.
just FPS drops while scanning (Fullscreen + Winowed)... otherwise no other problems from my point of view...
fps drops at some point of scanning :(
fps drops to 45...unplayable tbh
fps drops
The casual fps drops
stable 125 fps here, feelsgoodman
surprise you'd say that :D
It's true! :)
/q Oxy for feedback
fps jumps from 40-125 all the time and my lag meter going crazy
Massive fps drops
It dies three months later.

Too much effort in a Dead Game & AC. Hope faces like you will find something more alive, maybe Extraction will be good
Are you really complaining about people putting in too much effort? What is wrong with you? :D
i'm with you
image: 4tVRf
I didn't complain.
What exactly would you call it then? Pretty weird thing to say.
haven't noticed any change in performance, but quite a few people I've played with have complained about low fps and some about "mouse lag"
yeah i had very noticeable mouse lags when using uac, restarted uac and it was fine, but still happening from time to time : (
TIL people get 45 fps in a game made 10+ years ago, stop using your gameboy yellow and buy a pc pls
today i played my first wars at UAC, works fine :)
It worked fine after the 1st scan, but the second scan I had FPS drops, did everything ohurcool said as well. maybe I'm doing it wrong.
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