TotalBiscuit takes a look at Extraction

So this guys thoughts about the upcoming SD game. Pretty thorough commentary, worth watching.
wow so similar to ET's gameplay... :XDDDDDDD
i like this :p
well as he already said seems like brink but with another name and rest we will see....
Well, atleast its f2p so we dont really lose anything but time if it doesnt pay off
Well, there are few things this guy wants to see in this game, like SMART move and more classes. Also he complained about enemies being bulletbungy and the need to shoot headshots is too high. Well, I'd say, this requires skill, which is good, the need to aim for the head is imortant, to make it more skill based. And fuck SMART movement. Letting people just run around and being able to srafe at all directions while sprinting is truly important. otherwise it was great commentary and worthy discussion. And Nexon better not fuck this up by making this into another pay2win game.
Do u need a rly good PC for this ? :S Because now I can reach +- stable 76 fps in ET.. but more is kinda difficult..
basic brown maps, just the way we like
I'm an Alpha tester. Obviously I can't disclose too much information about it but what I can say is that for me the game was actually very promising at first. Then, all of a sudden they started drastically changing the game.

At first the game worked pretty much just like ET does in the way the objectives were done. Soldiers were soldiers, medics were medics. Then they decided to change it to a system where all classes can do all objectives. When they signed the deal with Nexon, it seems like they switched towards going for a LoL-esque game like TotalBiscuit mentions in the video. Who knows, this might work and become a huge hit. But it annoys me that Splashdamage is one of few companies going for a teamplay based FPS shooter, yet they continue to ignore the fans who are loyal to the genre. Reading comments from the developers on the Splashdamage forums make me question how many of those people actually worked at Splashdamage during the development of ET. Some of them do not seem to understand what made ET such a good game.

Also (Rant) I must say that the Unreal Engine is shit. ID Software need to get their act together and release something as good as idtech3. I mean look at the games that were made on the idtech 3 engine. RTCW, ET, Quake 3, CoD1+, SoF2, MoH:AA, Urban Terror and the Star Wars multiplayer games (Jedi Knight II/Academy or something like that, had a lot of fans).

All of them had thriving communities & excellent customization options within the game. I mean I play FIFA. I happen to want to cap my FPS to 120, but it gives me 3 fucking options (30/60/no limit). This is the type of limitation bs that you have to deal with in many of the modern games..

Also the modding options were amazing on the idtech3 engine. Back when I used to play Quake 3 (my first FPS) I used to download a shitload of mods, maps & skins. It was even bigger than in ET. This is almost non-existent in modern games. And we haven't even gotten to the movement part of the engine yet. This was brought up numerous times on the forum but the developers just do not seem to get it. The type of movement you get in ET, Quake & similar adds another dimension to the game, another skill to master. I mean trickjumping even has a scene of it's own in ET, that says a lot. But the developers just do not understand this at all.

Man, if someone would just make an oldschool type FPS on a modified idtech 3 engine I would back that shit in an instant with $$$.

Eh, they've somewhat started listening and with the recent patch/update it seems to be going into a... better direction. Don't give up hope just yet. Engine's really not all that bad, many, many options you'd never have access to in idtech and vice versa, you just got to hope they don't restrict access and limitations too much. Also with the closed beta they may hopefully just invite the right kind of people, the majority of players in the alpha right now are nothing but mediocre pubstomb casuals that don't really understand or care much for competitive play.
I'm gonna revisit the game and I've not given up hope that's for sure. Eventhough I agree that a lot of the people on the forums seem to be casual players they still make a lot of valid points that I agree with in terms of what made ET a good game and why those features could/should be implemented in the game. Of course it's Splashdamage's game and they ultimately decide where they want to go with it. But imo it's frustrating that they had a great product in ET with a large fanbase yet they insist on wanting to somehow try to revolutionize the game instead of actually working with what the fanbase liked in their previous games and improve on that.

But hey, if this LoL-esque sort of thing with 20+ classes works and makes it popular then I'm all for it I guess. The game still has a lot of features that we know & like from previous Splashdamage titles. So all in all it's a decent game but I've started having serious doubts. Hope they prove me wrong :p
I agree, it's scary, especially with nexon's recent involvement and the drama the russian client has brought. One of my main concerns right now is that the game is... way too easy, you shouldn't just be allowed to join up a game you've never played, don't know the map in and receive among highest K/D in a supposed "competitive 5on5". People are complaining about spread being too high - even with iron sights - while shooting 40+ acc, or at the very least seemingly 40 acc judging by hitsounds and damage output, is just as easy as it was in ET, hopping around with hipfire. The way they've handled spam and nades and the whole "oh no, people died to anything but another guy shooting them in the face is a huge no-no and will not make them enjoy and play this game" is just as horrible. They're trying too hard to present a casual-welcoming game, when in reality, people always wanted and will always want a high skill cap game, no one joins or plays a game because it's easy, or even more so sticks to it... They want a sense of accomplishment after having done good. SD needs to realize this, Quake, CS, ET/RtCW, Painkiller.. games that all have had major success in the past, and even to date looking at CS:GO, none because it was "easy" or "low skill ceilings", bf3/cod series are merely popular for the fact that they offer astounding graphics and are ACCESSIBLE to consoles as well as PC gaming.
Yea I agree with a lot of what you're saying.
I would love to see the RTCW/ET series get anywhere near the sort of treatment the CS community is getting now with CS:GO.
QuoteThey want a sense of accomplishment after having done good

ow crap you know shit :D

nowadays gamer wants hats. and golden m4. and something to spare his time. quake is dead compared to 2006, painkiller was 2 season game boosted by cpl(and a reason to lol at voo), afaik cs:go is going down aswell.
Sounds like ANOTHER game down the drain
Sad times :(
Goddammit this made me sad. Thanks for sharing anyways.
what exactly you dont like about unreal engine?

its good engine, just diff from idtech3.
I guess for me the best way to sum it up would be that I have yet to play a game on the Unreal engine that is as good as a game on the idtech 3 engine :P

I mean to call it shit is probably an exaggeration, there's a reason why it's one of the most popular engines now but for me it's just nowhere nere as good as idtech 3. Which of course is just a personal opinion and I completely respect that people like the unreal engine.
i think besides and gameplay it self the system "around" the game is also improtant.
after the MM update in csgo many ppl started to play etc...

time will tell
Agree, time will tell but from the recent turn of events I have lowered my expectations a lot compared to when I first played the game.
If they add the quake movement, that would be amazing!
The maps are way too small/cramped up to be played with the Quake physics but I think the type of movement you have in ET would work well in this game just like in previous Splashdamage titles. But it seems like Splashdamage have made their decision long time ago (which is unfortunate :p)

TotalBiscuit mentions in the video that they would possibly offer a class/character with some sort of advanced movement (SMART or smth else). I've seen this mentioned on the forums before and it would at least be something.
looks nice
what is smart run?
pc version of parkour.

you press a button and your avatar does awesome shit
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