gMen Junior looking for Players

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Hello Crossfire! :)

After some troubles in the last days we are looking for a player who fills our lineup.
We also accept backupplayers since we only got one backup at the moment.

Team gentleMen Junior


Germany Kenji
Germany ZeYoS
Estonia Booo
Estonia Lullaby
Belgium eaves
Europe YOU


Portugal azerty
Europe YOU

What we expect:

Speaking United Kingdom
No Kids, no flaming (We dont need players who think they're the best at all!)
No busted players (including Tzacbans and Pbbans)
Be nice, friendly and ofc a little crazy
Skill should be around med-/med
Can be serious ingame, but still remember, its a game, so have fun while playing :)

If u're interested, just pm me on cf.

gl lullaby :)))
good luck kenjii n azerty
I would love to play with ZeYoS once again..

avi if you would be interested, avi almost every day :))
avi backup rg
good luck guys!
Nice team to play with.
Gl finding a decent 6th !
msg for any questions
avi as rifle
gl guys!
Like last time, better thing to do :P Goodluck trying to find someone (pm `ironic on irc, think hes avi and a nice guy ;))
avi backup rev medic.
gl kenjboy
GL gringosssss
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