Stary Einstein of 2013

cant take any bans by pb seriously...people just cheat on those pubs for the fuck of it so it doesnt really matter, he isnt the first
I know, but my point was that it's really retarded to get CB banned after having "fun" in pub. And ofcourse it makes someone to wonder, if it was only for pubbing..... :P
lol true that!
If u would want to just have "fun with bot" u would have gone on NBS or other non-AC servers.
Maybe he cheated on irc wars without pb then joined a pub?

Well who cares anyway he sucks
Soz darki, but I completely disagree I think cheating on a pub is just as bad!
in 2013 its understandable lol
No, it never is.
man everyone is cheating just for the the hell of it..what im saying is i dont even care anymore as long as its not in offis
Not everyone is cheating, and just because you don't care doesn't make it "understandable". :)
its my opinion and MY point of view....not everyone elses
If everyone on the street would shoot each other it will be understandable too because "everyone" does it?
last time im sharing an opinion on the dip shits love dissecting every little thing until theres nothing left
i agree on this one
Why should PB bans not be taken seriously? What is the difference between cheating on TZAC or UAC "for the fuck of it" and cheating on PB "for the fuck of it"?
even though it's just a pub it's still an etpro pub tho, so its still retarded
How will this fucknut survive if he can't play 3on3 offis until 5 AM every weekend???
unless he uses a lot of fakenicks, i havent played vs stary
I think you are confusing him with motif mize and xperia
inb4 now i can quit this game which will be followed by a comeback under a fake nick.
busted by PB in 2013? well done
didn know pbbans' still online
Goof job!
oh jesus god
took a long time, every1 knew he was a cheatah
No, he didnt cheat in official games, unlike u.
how is this possible that people still don't have undetected cheats on pb in 2013? xD
This, and also cant think why people find it fun to do so...
Kurwa XD
:( oh, you had cheats stary.... Put it on max, let's play valhalla....
not as if you wouldn't be a cheater
Nein , i prefer to be in a fair competition , therefore to cheat in games isn't my cup of tea. However, I like to play 1on1 against an aimbot user as I find it helpful to improve my aim. I'm sure I'll keep satisfying you by not getting busted till the game is completely over :)
Didn't pbbans discountinue support for ET, since PB dropped ET?

And here comes the question, how can you ban someone, who cannot appeal a ban since evenbalance does not support ET anymore? Besides it is unnoficial ban.

Latest official bans:
unofficial simply means that it's a ban from a partnerlist such as ggc/punksbusted.

GV disbanded since the pbucon isn't reliable anymore, some hackers managed to get guids banned on purpose, this doesn't really affect the bans which are based on cvars though.

If I don't remember wrong, busts based on a trace of a cheat such as cvars are to be punished by a 3 month CB suspension though
Evidence is linking to pbbans and not punkbusted or any kind of other non updated pb shit.

Besides there is a possibility that someone could spoof guid, which is not hard on public servers. About ip, well any romanian player could be or someone who uses vpn. It does not mean that it was stary, it could be his dog :) just sayin...

An "unofficial" ban is still a ban. Yes, we obviously confirmed that it was actually Stary before banning him on CB.
K didn't track pbbans since it went off :) tnx for this will help me a lot with my serv
that was stupid from him...
Allow me to be blunt with you guys ... that shit nerd should have gotten banned a while ago because of his annoying DDOSes ...

But hey ... you know well what I think about that nerd ...
50 comments about a random noname that i never heard of, this game really went to hell i guess
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