cup with no ac?

I would like to ask you about hosting 3rd cup without ac, because many top teams don't want to use this awsome uac software.

Simple 2 groups of 4-6 teams (depends on the number of signups and their quality)
double elimination bracket
sd,gold,radar,adler+ 2 more maps decided by players

Personally I can organise it, or crossfire or using cb quickcup system or just system

yeah its soooo difficult to install UAC...
wasting hours in front of pc and cant afford 20sec to install the program.

another good idea for this cup: cheaters are allowed and everyone is allowed to cheat
rly !! got it installed in 5 min maximum....
:DD god tell me whats the point of installing this shit anticheat with knowledge its getting closed in 3-4 months
and what is the problem with it? 3-4 months is good. No anti-cheat = everyone can google any random et cheat , load it and cheat,while on UAC= at least those dumb enough to want to cheat in et in 2013 will have to pay for cheats, decreasing considerably the amount of possible cheaters during those months.
I can't see the reason for all this whine. FPS drops? Wow seriously? I am on a 6 years old laptop and I get 100 stable fps while on uac, altought i prefer using 76, feels better. Those having fps drops have probably some massive malware on their system or something else, or are simply making stuff up, because guess what? People always whine in this game when they get killed, be it "lag", "fps drops", "cheats", etc.

The only problem I see currently in crossfire is that there are some oldschool players who aparently never grew up after so many years, other young new players who adopted that hate "troll" crossfire attitude but at least the majority of the people seem to be mature nowdays.

I see basically team poland whining about uac, no surprise considering 2012/2013 team poland has had what ? 2 or 3 busted players this year?.. They must be wanting to have widerko using some random new poland talent name while cheating and faking 2 more players. They dont care, yet robert and fanatic have posted more than half the comments in every UAC journal in crossfire., but THEY DONT CARE About et.
I also see you whining about uac, for a very stupid reason "OHhhh it takes ss of my bank statements" --> While this is not true. And I see Oxy whining about the same.
People don't seem to understand such a simple thing about wtf idiots.
you can bypass uac with almost every cheat using hexeditor
and probably most people (including myself) dont know that and wouldnt be bothered doing it. Again, no UAC= anyone can cheat with a simple google search, with UAC= those who wanna cheat have to either pay or try that method you claim and risk getting busted.
only reason majority of the community doesnt wanna use UAC is cuz of fps drops....other than that im all for it
what majority of the community? from 300 comments in the announcement I counted 5 people who whined, half posts made by fanatic&other cheaterlover polaks and the other 4 idiots who dont understand how screenshots work and think they will get their bank shit stolen..
im just bullshitting to get what i want
for me its the fact that there is no support whatsoever.
it gives me a certain error and basically, the developers dont bother looking for a solution since its my problem and "not the softwares problem"

i cant play OC because of UAC.
then again, if it actually ran for me which it probably does for everyone else, i'd happily use it.
what i do when everything fails is just pm Ohurcool or Aniky or just anyone in the CB crew and they allways help me find a solution :)
how would they be able to help me if the uac developers themselves cant even help me
they are #1 geeks ;) they know everything.. didnt read properly i guess :D my bad, anyways i C what proplem u have now and that is kinda fucked up :/ maybe if CB admins talk to the developers?
only polish community been complainig about UAC so far 8D
decerto, sick6, keyboard warriors, queens, polarbeers, sticked very polish
trolled i won gg wp bb
That's so cool, you won a cookie, here you go:

image: tumblr_mmvvcoXKsD1rlnf3fo1_250
oops, cant hear you cuz im no 3rd world
image: 4xUIy
better yet, a cup with no AC for polaks only!!!
The best idea is get you all guys that want to play this cup in a lan, with a bomb inside.
Still dont get why ppl spend hours in front of a cmp and cant spend 5m to install one simple thing. People are.. lazy? Lol just sayin.
im polak and i dont have any problem with uac wtf?
i laughed irl
U must be miracle sent from god himself.
I watched this for over a minute :)
oh god i love this online sense of humor :D
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