graphic lag

hi every1

I installed ET today and took the current config of mAus as I lost all my stuff.
After reminding all the control buttons I started to try on a public but had a weird lag every 5 seconds. It feels like I have a ping of 999 for just a thousandth. the ping says 133 in that moment.

not sure which command is reasonable for this problem, i have forgotten everything about configuration in ET ^^

My display is LCD 1920x1080 60Hz
i got wlan, and a mouse with cable (r_finish 0)

anyone know the trick?
delete pb folder
rofl :D that was it. merci
system32 folder fix'd
-wireless MAY BE 1 of the problems

as graphic lag is concerned
-happens only in et ???????????
-check gfx advanced properties
-processor load ?
-high fps cfg ?

e: r_finish 0 all times UNLESS you were experiencing HUGE mouse/keyboard input lags
get con and lets play:)
what relates you to con or me?
if you are on wlan, the probably is probably in your router settings(i had the same problem and fuzzled around in the wlan settings abit. sorted the problem for me(still dont know exactly what fixed it but it was wlan problem))
but what happens if the probably is NOT probably?
xD i realised that after I clicked post comment. cant be bothered to change and its kinda funny :D
Try this, worked for me

image: nvcpu03
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