Your greatest moments

in ET.

Some dude created a journal like a month ago with title of "Your greatest wins" and it was a big hit, so I decided to make this journal to create some atmosphere on this dead site.

So the title says it all, what was your greatest moments ever in ET?

I'll start

Playing againts Europe cdap - pi with a hungarian mix team in 2006, after a map or two Hungary Future joined our TS and told me that cdap guys think I am cheating

Hungary BoRi asking me to join Hungary Team-Hungary first the first time ever in 2008.

Hungary overdose and Hungary infinity-skills fighting eachother to get me to play in their teams after my "debut" in Hungary Team-Hungary in 2008.

Elected to be the leader of North in the hungarian Battle of Regions Cup and after we won the cup.

That's pretty much all the greatest moments in my ET "career" which I can remember.

[center]Share yours![/center]
beating Hungary Serious Intention in svarvadel
You are a relic of good ET :< I didnt even see those times, lol!
Put that in ur CV, i bet u gonna get 10 calls for jobs instantly!
ive heard of people with less impressive achievements being hired by clanbase image: Trollface_emoticon
Yeh i can't realize as well how ohurcool got that GS at first place :s
1. Met GermanyErcan and GermanyfizZ on cybergames 4years ago
2. Met SwedenfuchS in a random 3o3 while I played with GermanyErcan and GermanyfizZ and won 4:0, 2,5years ago, after this 3o3 he joined our 5o5 team. (The beginning of bSTURZ)
3. Placed 4th Clanbase 6o6 EC XXVI, since nobody expected that we reach the EC playoffs
4. achieved most underrated team 2012 (bSTURZ) :DDD
5. EstoniaMant said im a great rifler.. rofl
6. Won a map vs Europequeens in EC XXVI (the only team who did it!)
Quotesince nobody expected that we reach the EC playoffs

if you guys didn't come 4th it would've been sticked, loca, high5 or tag.. so yeah I think more people expected it than you think. :D even getting out of groups, was it really that much of a struggle?
Omg dream crusher u fag

y u do dis
we had to face in the qualis and pdeg in the group stage :P and it was close vs squad tho

and at this time there were many people who said we arent ec worthy and stuff like that + we didnt play for a long time together
I think they were saying you aren't ec worthy compared to the skilled players/teams who quit. not compared to the others playing EC. :d I think that playoff bracket looks pretty close, obviously excluding Kingz. cb says in the groups you won vs pdeg by forfeit. :d
maybe you should mention you have been cheating your whole et-career
idk if serious or just trolling :<
There should be one more:
Met Poland Raiven, the most friendly Polak 4ever, can't remember where and when we start with gayish love

omg how could i forgot u lukasz<333 well it was like 3years ago when I built Fear-Gaming with fister ercan and mrnice^^ or did I already know u before fear gaming? idk for 100% :P
If I remember, I ask Ercan about some games together/creating clan and he told me about your squad but im not sure. We need to ask him :P.
2004 : playing till morning on EUCLAN servers with great players ...
2005 : found the best fun clan eft// and enjoy the times next 2 some great ET mates. Drinking and playing wars/cups till morning with some crazy ppl.
create supski with fumble
knifed mAus
knifed butchji
knifed sqzz
knifed Night
knifed razz (many many times)
im best knifer in ET. No need to prove. ask them
I killed butchji with 3hs with pistol yesterday!
on bio server ?
BiO seems to be gone, i think kevlar aint paying for it anymore :( And no, hirnlos. Atleast i think it was him because he was shooting 50+ acc and his pbguid and etpro guid both only lead to him and TZAC account JaeDong (butchjis)
yeaaa budy ( =
but i shall not mention how many times he has killed me over these few days :(
I once joined a server without having to download custom pk3's.
SAME. etpro <3
the days when we waited for 30mins to get on a server,everyday
since i didnt give a shit about "serious gaming" i was happy that after some time most of m8s trusted me im not cheating :)
1. When a made my first team with friends, discovering wars and cups ( knk )

2. I was quite a random on the french scene, joined cbz, instantly played oc prem and played a french fun lan

3. Wck one of best team i have played with, played so many fun and close games ( fucking lost to belgian fraternity by 2s on grush @oc playoffs, never forget) Also won a french fun lan

4. Playing with frogz for the first time, we once did a very close game vs fintastic five( mm/ team finland)

5. Not an achievement but the feeling of some 1on1 during esl 1v1 cup, rarely felt like this in others format
1. Played with splith in hFE
Sry freind, rodolphe not at home
Can i take a message

Mario kart n64
Le bruit de la chAise a kaze
Le fdp de cheater pds qui nous met 8800dg pour 4400dgr
pds skillat sorry :D
Not on that nopb time sorry
Met BelgiumOVERLOAd Met FranceShogun - thyRell - BlackBird - Naru

And probably when i started to trickjump
when i first met United States of Americaipod ..he changed my life <3

1. Playing in some EU teams and reciving some good opinnions from known players. Making friendships :) <3 vele <3 pWs <3 o6 <3 Polaks <3 Titanz <3 Rodcad

2. Trying hard to get into strongerthanhate before they got Lepari :D

3. Team Hungary - underscore times are big +. I didn't think about my mates as friends, but except the Infinity guys I enjoyed playing with everyone (even with Ocelot, rofl.) and I think we was a kind of good, decent team.

4. Beating Serious Intention on LAN and finishing 3rd after oldund and cave :) 2008

5. Definitely one of the biggest moments when Styrbjorn started to support me and said this song describes my gamestyle for him :DD

... tons of other good memories with many many good people arond CF, ET! Shoutout: r0n1n, z3R0, aDman, BrCh, MiC & FoxiT :)

1. I was getting out of pubhero level, after first clans and got possibility to join DastroxX. It was a Hungarian team that could catch up with some strong opponents from EU and their leader Raptile was teaching me. Other members said they quit if I join. Not because I was bad, but one big madafaking flamer nerd :) Well I think that changed during the years.

2. You morron made my friend Hungary sEreya reciving a CB Ban. He has a PBBAN which was 2 years old, and that was enough for Killerboy. Our clan Flashpoint Gaming dead almost instantly. No hard feelings tho, I was mad at CB

3. On the other hand Whole Team-Hungary and underscore times are kinda "-" because I always felt like powi is a totaly useless player in our team and we play like 3vs6 most of the time. For example we never really attacked together or anything.

4. I am not proud of my first times in ET. I acted like a fag mostly with no reason. Wasent easy to show people I am not as rude as they think. Only when I feel its required :- D

5. R.I.P ET 2010

and one last cry: Adze coming back to underscore/gigabyte. We had to make a spot. Karrde kicked. Maybe I wasent social enough, but I belive the weakest point wasent me = )

e: Why did you choose OVS ? 100% Good decision :D I didnt meet anybody who was happy with his Infinity past. Except some oldschool members of them they are all weird.
The main decision is simply because they asked me first (1 day earlier than inf, yet inf was trying to tempting me with stuff like "we got sponsors", but didn't move me)
2nd: Shortly before both of the teams reached me, Tuvok and he's co. posted that ominous article, called "Az érme másik oldala" which in my oppinon was nothing, but jelaousy bitching.
When newbje, nordaN, slajdan found me on a trickjump server. They wanted me to join their clan cuz i was swedish.

I did not know what a clan was, but i added them on msn and it took me around a year before i bought my first microphone. After that I became a nerd and started to play computer games for real and use ventrilo 2.1 i guess.

They even learned me what mIRC was

they fucked my life.
you even looked like a nerd back then. good old times :')
1.) when i won a map vs anexis on lan ( with lost soldiers - thanks to lango, olga, vjto buddies <3)
olga and vjto r 1337
vAtu quitting ET/CF after being tzac busted
This +1 bestest moment of my life.
being able to takedown anyone... when u get to that kinda level u feel like a minigod,,, its.. addictive
Was just talking to my brother about some of these other day :D

Playing in CAL/TWL/CB/RtCW.NO/WL/ESL, guess one of the few that did
Being Casted by Tosspot/DJWheat/Warwitch
Not being known for aim, but out-aiming those that are (hue hue :D)

guess in competitions its like
getting 31/1 on base as a medic in my first 6on6 European cup, instant known in UK scene afterwards
having 4 teams try and sign me up when they found out I was trialing for a top UK team
Playing a close game against mysod in EuroCup quarter finals who were eventual winners
NC Winner 2005
Winning CPC2
Winning consolation tournament at CDC3 after playing ET for 3-4 months
Never losing 4-0 in RTCW in 11 years
only losing around 10 games in RTCW in 11 years
Your RtCW achievements are quite amazing actually. Probably one of the most amazing in this thread so far.
Quotein ET.
Well at least one ET one in there at least, not really played it that much though :(
looks like u got a boner overthere
meeting heartZ and mLG crew
id say playing in target were fun at times, great fun actually
and most of the mixes with #Vj has been really great too

great memories :)
+ fucking 1!
#target was the best team ever. Good boys good atmosphere, good engi smg!
playing mixes with #Vj without Zodiac was fun as fuck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
when i downloaded et
owning qeens like a day ago xDDD
Well my list is rather short due to playing pub only from 2004 to somewhere around 2009 but anyways!

1. Won KRP mix with Almighty mix
-. Cloud9 times
-. loads of time spent with NetherlandsjaCk
-. Played with [Oops!] back at 2.55. Great great times even though we are a public team.
-. Playing at | Intermediate with most exp ever recorded on that server (:D!)
-. Always leaving shrubmod server with most exp. (that feeling back when i was 12-13 :D)
-. Cloud9 times
when i managed to connect to the *BiO*-server at 2 AM in 2008
2013, with Warwitch returns + rtcw cups :O)
same answer as to the previous journal, winning NC X gold against Belgium in 2006
fucking lepari
won maza in an inside 2on2 match
had more damage dealt than maza (multiple times)

still to achieve: win maza in an inside 2on2 match on delivery
never gonna happen: reach positive stats >0 in a QL duel against maza

pics or didn't happen btw!
I made it last time :PPP

Anyway one of my greatest moments was winning a map against enhanced back in STA like 4 years ago with team crossbreed. They had t-x,shaun,hummel,shake,m@x,term(i think). I just took a bunch of ringers cuz we didnt have players. First map(b4), we got fullheld and raped quite fast. Then enhanced attacked on frostbite and set like 3:20 or something. We were attacking and we somehow managed to get cp then we started getting rolled again. it was around 50 seconds left wen i spawened. I ran spawnway and humm3l came out of spawn with rifle but i was able to take him out with more than 20 bullets ( damn german). 35-40 sec left as i ran up stairs to obj and shake popped outta no where and took 3 headshots from me right away and now i had pistol only. i grabbed obj with around 25-30 sec left wen t-x came up the ladder and i pistol whipped him and ran towards main gate. my team had spawned back and was holding the axis back. i was running as fast as i could and had around 4 sec wen i finally jumped in the room. as i touched the transmitter the clock read 00:00. The banner said "Allies won" but the console said we were unable to beat the time. However enhanced gave us the win and we played oasis as a decider where we all bent over and assfucked for 30 minutes straight.
1. Playing on German National Television with Germany FlyingDJ casting the game.
2. NC with Sweden Team Sweden (haters gonna hate)
3. Joining my first clan which was Hungary DNS
2. NC with Sweden Team Sweden (haters gonna hate)
oh right, pl disqualified :P
Nah, i think it was 3rd ^^ was jut copying youre text :) How are you btw?
good good, chilling in italy atm. u playing et again?
Nah i quited et, and most of the gaming, just watching seriers now, and try to focus in school, but that goes like --- :D
RIP giga never forget :'(
1. Met eron when I played around a year of ET with the provinciecup (BeNe). Apparently he went to the same school as me and had lessons next to my classroom.
2. LAN with sN
3. Fucking up Team BE

25. Contributing to society by helping a downie Netherlands tim
Quote by Viko
3. Fucking up Team BE

Oh lol :D
-sNr 2.55 gaymod server electronic army never thought i' laugh so much in front of my computer screen, met true computer friends too bad we have too much real life now though :<
My greatest moment in ET was suggesting the return of the goat sound on the ETPro forum and seeing it added in the subsequent patch.
so it was you....
Found it. Don't ask me why I called it a sheep and used that fucking retarded smiley. I was young, brash and didn't really know much better apparently.
those times when a big amount of free time, ambition, homies and a bunch of games to be found merged well
Probally the 5o5 times. Cloud9, fific,

Bronze team sweden :xD

But the best times were when i was a kid like 11/12 years old playing noquarter.
* 2000 with RTCW
* sTarzZ Gaming
right after i started playin on 2.55 I discovered .:ICBM:. Clan Server, i met 2 ppl from poland there and I wanted join the clan as fuck! I was trainin hard on pub and after some time i finally applied to join the clan. And my application got accepted among several others that were rejected! I was so happy kiddo then. (12y/o).

Right after that the saddest day in ET came, ICBM clan had broken next 2 weeks...

anyway .:ICBM:. forever
when i played on jaymod a lot, with Pro* in the past!
When i won 2nd div with delinquentes beating KRP in finals
when i played quite a bit with sticked, a lot of fun times :p
Meeting people like Eddo, Sheep, Iron, Potter, Twizzt and most of the Overload/Team Edit guys. Even visiting Eddo & Twizzt and Iron respectively in Holland and Finland.

Playing this game for a long time with a good real life friend. ( Jetro ) + Having played it relatively active with about 10 people from my high school back in the day.

The most hilarious moment ever would be Oxy and me recording (and publishing) a completely wasted Sheep talking trash about half the community, though Potter received most of the flame there.

Winning crossfire worldcup with team Belgium or winning the Allstars event while being a walking ammo cabinet for the likes of Butchji, Tekoa, Azatej and Maus if you need something achievement related.

The saddest would be seeing lowskillers become half decent in a dead game without competition to then think they rule the world.

Edit : Since people keep bringing up long dead and gone gameservers, I spent about 3 years grinding it up on Schlachtpalas 24/7 Fueldump, or something like that back at the start of ET. Met some interesting people there like Generalz, Wakizashi, Fazz, Snuble, Savage, ..


Edit : By request some other funny moments though I can't be bothered to write them out in full, ask if you want more information:

- Belgium Snot singing some Barry White song to a tree on the way back from CDC4 after having downed a full bottle of vodka.

- Belgium Mesqi pausing in the middle of a game at CDC4 to go wank in the toilets.

- Belgium Lioco pissing on Snoop's chest and luggage in our cabins at CDC3.

- Me giving the weirdest and most fucked up speech ever in our trailer at CDC4 while barely being able to stand, though for obvious reasons I won't elaborate.

- Belgium Lioco literally trying to kill me after I had stolen 50 EUR from him in a pokergame with a 1 out situation on the river, the worst part was me not even knowing how to play poker back then.

- Netherlands Tekoa giving in-game comms during his sleep in our hotel room at AEF.

- Netherlands Ronner, at AEF, telling me he used to cheat a lot on publics , after he had made fun ( in a friendly way) of me for 4 years for getting busted that way myself.

Weirdest one :

- Poland Noon asking me where Vilango was at CC7 because he wanted to fight him. Vilango wasn't there and Noon didn't have any issues with me so we drank some beers, he was a really cool guy as far as I could tell. When I got back home after the event he had told the entire Polak community a quite different story about how we met. Polaks ..
Lio zat of kwaad ivm snoop?
zat en kwaad :D
Haha die ross referentie :D
Zal dit onthouden, huehue :D
more like: lowskillers become half decent in a dead game, because they start cheating.
- meeting some nice guys at lan, like stownage, krest, oLGa, Phazor & my Teams (wnbpro & mM)

- Night whining about me, after 3 fulls in a row on lan :D

- playing with Techniker & TimeN :DD
meeting legendary adze was the greatest moment in my life!
I was once eating a banana while playing et
1.had 1million xp in jaymod server
2.quit et
finally someone with real goals here
1. got banned cuz some known cheater made an ip match on my tzac account
2. admins know im not him, but can do nothing
EGU 2009 and 2010, was rly nice to play on it ;)
France diSturb / France sticked laughing moments on mumble, purely awesome :)
Performing 90% of the jumps in this video:

The last trick in the video felt like the peak of my playing, but after seeing the lag on demo I felt like committing suicide.
what is the map @2:25?
Mhh... overall I'd say I had the best times when playing with the Norway#Vj guys, but my other teams were also great. I may have never made it to the top, but I can proudly say that I never left a team, because of better offers (and I do had some). Maybe thats just me, but I rather play with the people I like, than crawl into some player's asses or play with people I don't even like.

Actually, looking back at my whole 'career', it all feels like a conspiracy. I somehow always ended up playing / befriending players that I either admired or despised at some time. Just a few examples:

NorwayVj/Kaiz - watched him play on ETTV when I still was a pubowner in 2005, few weeks after that I met him on a pub and we became friends, one of the best persons I've ever met in this game

NetherlandsQyz, saw him cheating and despised him because of that, but guess what: got to know him through #Vj and hes become one of my best friends.

Swedenunisol, basically the same story as for Qyz, cool guy and extremely fun to play with.

Swedenfuchs I always thought he was fishy, invited me to play with him and Denmarkadi, some of the best 3on3's I've had. Props to him for playing with 'randoms' and not being arrogant like some other "famous" players.

CroatiadanL flamed us (LS) for being cheaters and I thought he was an idiot, ended up playing with him in Personality Team, great guy afterall :)

Finlandtorspo I'm hands down probably his biggest fanboy, but as I'm not a creep i didn't add him on CF. Logged in some day and saw that he added me to his buddies, might sound cheesy, but this was one of my best moments. haha. Talked with him a couple times, too bad I never got the chance to play with him.

I could continue this list for quite a few more players, but I guess you get the idea.
So well... a special thanks to #Vj for having such a good time and all the other guys I used to play with: love you guys.
You seem to be very prejudiced person.
Wouldn't quite say prejudiced, but biased, yeah. This was simply a result of the community. There had been several "witch-huntings" on some players and I've played at a time, where there was a general cheating paranoia. (no slac, no pb)

I dunno if u know Qyz or unisol/jLn f.e., but they both got the biggest cheater award ("jLn" award) at some point, so playing with them was considered as a no-go.

The point is that the community has always been way too harsh on some players, they're the ones having prejudices, I just overtook the general attitude, but fuck it - thats society.
Lugerqueen cheaterlover who expected that?!!!
Haha sup Pelle m8? I heard you moved to Denmark. :O
Hello! Yes thats true, just till January though. But maybe ill find an internship here as well! What have you been doing?
Still busy with university (7th semester here), besides that enjoying life as much as possible, haha. Damn I miss playing with you guys, still remember all those 3on3's with Bomi and You.
ok, fuck you andre
Arctic Warfare Alpha ETPub 2.55 jumped over panzah and shooting hs at the same time!
  • playing with clan ubik for over 7 years and meeting some awesome blokes <3
  • playing with Croatia frozz and Finland chmmp in a 3on3 vs some random north americans (my first "euro" encounter)
  • crawling through the grass (r_drawfoliage 1) on radar thinking I was hidden (first time playing etpro, coming from etpub with default config).
  • hiding in the "steam" on secret weapon (similar as above) and wondering how people could see me.
  • tea bagging Australia dongo and Australia Chevron.
  • CyberGamer admin stuff, cash prize leagues, draft cups
  • shoutcasting Australia McBain pistol whipping Australia riCo
  • collecting demos and music for the last however many years and never making a movie!
found every time non empty ET Pro Public
- pwnt nuubs in public and my own clan sent my demos to PunkBuster, telling them I cheat
- The moment when Krosan did admit to me, that he got pwnt and he had to egoquit
- Got flux fall in luv with me
- Made flux ragequit from random 3v3 scrim
when Turkey RazZaH invited me to +LKD+ and we moved from jaymod to etpro with other LKD mates. after 1 month of creating tact and praccing on fueldump(2eng 1 med 3 covs all check for landmines, and throw smoke and noone got enough charge to destroy fence with satchel) :D we decided that adler will be our home map. I remember when we played our first 6o6 match(1 map on Oasis) and got totally bashed(but captured flag!). I took 2-3 weeks before we realised that we should bind selfkill and use it instead of dying on full :D. but then some guy from Slovenia appeared and showed us how to play so we improved quickly from low to low+/med-.
  • Then joining to Bori's teams (overdose, underscore). Was fun playing with them, the atmosphere was totally different, Bori was telling gay jokes all day. Also playing in Team Hungary was a honour always :p
  • Winning 6th league with RCW, wasnt easy at all :p
  • Winning OC Premier with UB, when we had about 12 loosing spree with the team at the start.
  • Joining bSTURZ and playing really cool and close matches.
Oh and i forgot, playing with adze was very nice :))
- Great games with Finland Duck n Cover ~2005-2009
- Hosted Finland Riots-meet 2007, still gives me the chuckles when I think about it
- I still haven't dared to watch my videos from AEM2, there might be somewthing awesome stuff. Got hazy memories from the evening
- Trip to Germany Yermany to visit BD-boys, lots of fun there.
1. Thomm buying me a beer at LAN and then later thinking I was anim
I did? :D Don't remember those.

Oh, one thing I should have listed, at LAN, forgot Nights name / face 4-5 times, always asked it again. At the last time he didn't even reply to me anymore, just *sigh* and go away :D
- Finally going 2.6b with some of my IRL Friends (E-A back then)
-Playing one of our first offi's against Cdap Pi and KiH
- Getting asked to join mQ
-Meeting dNan/mQ/team ephix guys at CDC4
-Winning map against the LAN winners on both LANS (Ronner 3 man dyna, huehue)
-Captain of team-norway (hodor!)
-Much more, cant remember since i'm a goldfish
Poland #darts-team

nuff said.
2.56 etpro scrimms with Finlandv4rj0's Game0veR team against .. <!>..
most xp on HHGS2 server. (> 500k, 2.56)
Pelasin kans 2.56 aluks, muistan kyl blackwolfin sielt mut en osannu yhdistää sitä suhun :D
Muistaks sä sielt klaaneja vhr, te666, aod, yms?
te666 ja aod tuttuja klaaneja. te666 servullaki oli aina joku 20 pelaajaa tagi päällä :)
Listening to Kalli Trolling Bartjee on TS. + his song about a penguin (can't remember how it went).

Lost pretty much every war i ever played so can't say there where big wins on that xD
- Setting a time of around 1:30 on beach versus a team containing 4 or so members of Sweden Infensus (SoD, civ etc) with United Kingdom

- Taking ET seriously for a year or so and beating a few Eurocup teams back in 2006 with Europe Subtilitas.

- Showing my true colours and wailing like a little girl when I blew myself up while being casted.

- Being casted by United States of America Warwitch some 10 years or so after the RTCW scene had died.

- Myself and Netherlands Voice managing to get more than 150 people watching a game on our stream.

- Playing for three different teams in RTCW without anyone realising. I think some people knew I was playing for two, but no one clocked onto the third.
i once had the honour of playing with the best et player that ever existed; Chile casek
+1, i feel special too
Chronologically :

- Everytime a new bustlist got out and some obvious idiot got busted
- When I was still playing with nfp, butchji calling me a cheater in german
- Every game with nfp, we always played like we were playing the world cup and still had fun
- LAN with nkNn. Eventhough I was fucked up on painkillers, I still remember some of the retarded things we did
- Preparing for AEF with bF because undead was on vacation. We won a lot, but even if we lost we were having fun


- Andy (aka witje aka yuno) taking the tank in a random 3on3 after we had been giving him shit for being useless. He went on the tank, started moving his mouse up and down very fast and started screaming "YIHAAA YIHAAAA" on TS. Best impression of a rodeo cowboy I've seen to date.
new found power with Veeth, Fennex, aGotti etc? Mara sounded like a bear on TS, great guy. We (a4d) had an alliance with u. :D
Yeah ofcourse I remember, we played a lot against eachother! I think we even played some cup final against eachother which we won in dramatic fashion. Vasara knifing the objective and returning it.

We had a lot of people in nfp, I think the people that played the most were Veeth, Fennex, Prophet, me, Vasara, Timpuri, Kelnoky and Sparrow. But yeah also a lot of finnish players played with us like agotti, ethic, machine, Jamzzi, Loder, amgg, slarto, too many to mention lol. Think even Caej played with us. Veeth has a huge list of players on his profile : :D

Veeth was awesome. Still keep in touch from time to time on Facebook with him. A uploaded his first NFP fragmovie again like a year ago. I think you get fragged on there (about 2min30 adler) and there are also some a4d frags on there (

I was sort of playing below my level at that point, and I would just go on a rampage every game. But I don't regret it for one moment. We always had fun and stuck together for 3 to 5 years basically. I've never joined a clan because I thought I could do better with them, which is why I have such great memories of ET! I remember Veeth had one foot in Jaymod or ETpub servers and one foot in ETpro. He even loved playing mortar :D

EDIT: second NFP fragmovie, boy Veeth new how to make intros! (or was it slarto that made it? Can't remember)
Hahaha, yeah I think I remember that game. I recall losing 2:4 against you in some "important" game, maybe it was an OpenCup playoff.

Is this old lad still playing from time to time? I think there even was a forum / journal post when veeth said that nfp will close its doors.

Anyway, these were good times. I also sticked with a4d for almost 3 years, we even merged with a clan called nR (no Remorse) at some point. Somehow I ended up playing with some a4d players in lost aswell, as they joined the other squad.

Its quite funny how some things went its way, because we then scrimmed a lot against nkNn, where you played. :P

P.S: Will have to use Youtube unblocker to watch these.... Germany... -.-
Veeth went on to play BFH and then APB, he was pretty decent at both. I even tried playing APB with him a few times, but my PC couldn't handle that game. Not sure what he is up to these days though.

Not sure if I remember scrimming against nR. Was that before nkNn "took off" or after? I do remember playing against you now and again, but I always thought those were mixes. Were your tags red and black?

There was only two periods I played really active in ET though, so could be that I wasn't playing all the games at that point.
Yeah, we did have a red and black (+white) tag at some point in a4d - times (in mid 2005). I guess you could say we were a mixed, as we had tons of players at that time. Got another 4 or 5 when nR joined us later that year.

Anyway I'm not a 100% sure if you played during our 6on6 scrims against nkNn (we split up after our OC 2nd victory), but I do remember that we played against each other in 3on3 quite regulary at some point. I stopped playing actively in early 2010 though, so it must have been before you became aD, bF etc.
Stealing a map from u5 back in 2005
Beating Night at LAN 8-0
Beating Koop at LAN 8-0
Beating Clown at LAN 8-0
One day on Nbs, I told this story before too, I got on the server, went Allies., spawned Deli was on, as usual lol.

I jumped down, ran past the train cars, through the doorway, went past the trucks, the nturned up towards the chute and I see an Axis guy come down there so we start shooting and moving back and forth and I got lucky and hit 2 quick head shot as pwn'd sQzz. Dead on pwn'd him.

Being a lifetime low player that was my best moment.

Then he pwn'd me about 73 times
winning sta 14 and etl 4 with enhanced. also being able to beat anim in both of those finals i have mentioned... i recall him xfiring me and saying that we weren't going to win for the 2nd time right before the etl match "no way" he said "no way"
parra trying to kick my ass at LAN, dont know why :')
3 man panzer on Adlernest against Team HungaryHungary in Nations Cup XV
Needless to say we won that map, but lost 4-2
Yes, that is one of the biggest sunshines in Team HUN past
5-man-panzer in ETTV
KRP hype, making it happen and living it. meeting them KRP boys multible times
playing ET with RL friends (LAN & online) for multible years
ident. -times
getting so much positive comments on my humoristic posts made me feel real good
for ur humoristic posts. big fan
- in 2009. finally got ADSL

- the day I met CroatiapraskOo

- all the other shit that made me laugh like a whore on crack
Playing against impact with mystic in their team, won 1 map against them.
Playing for Lithuania's national team.
The whole time that i spent with team royality, especially when miruku was in the team.
Playing with pAuz, rockstAr, rossko.

where are you anyway :( would be fun to play a bit with you again!
oh yeah, that was a fun team too, im working a really shitty job now, dont have time to play, even if i do have time to play games i usually play LoL :D
Creating (polish girls team) and hells angels (jaymod clan created very shortly after my first game - I was soo proud of it that time)
Playing with PolandDaga and United Kingdomrazz 3on3s from midnight to 7 am
Playing with Polandwiesiek
Winning revenge match against Girls Only
Meeting all these people in real life many times and lan party on default config while totally drunk (which I won)
5 rifle man nade on some Finland
Winning Esports Arena 04' Lan & Escape Lan with newly formed u96d. Good old times, when Estonia had 4 quite competitive teams: u96d, idle, dust & snype. In addition 2nd place with Crossfire team at Quakecon 2006 was amazing as well.
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