nbs closes it's doors


i'm here to inform you that NBS will no longer be running longer than a week,
its been on the shedule for a longer time. I done my best to run and pay for it for as long as possible.
but things like : no more tzac, a lot of whine and stuff about cheaters, and espiacally nbs taking too much money for getting so less respect from a bunch of people for all the time it's been running.

It's been the only visited public that was almost 24/7 full for atleast the last 6 months i suppose and before that.

a lot will post here they are happy, blablabla, it was bad ... GOOD for you!

respect the guys that contribute to this community don't break them off all the time
gg you just killed ET

stfu, xarQi is doing good jobs. Only what he get is whine and rage.
gg you just killed ET

Unfortunately i think BiO is gone too. Seems like Kevlar has stopped paying for it or atleast it doesn't show up at "My Services" in the control panel :( I considered about starting to pay for it, but seems like all the files are gone too..
To be honest I've never seen pub server with that amount of nonskilled, stupid, paranoic admins.
then you were never on NeXus :S
Hahaha, does that server still exist? I'm still permabanned there. A friend of mine who only plays public, mainly there, even made a forum topic years ago on their forum. Posted that I had played a few EC's back then and even posted a gamestv match from me on LAN. Some admin came in and started saying in very bad english how he knows that people cheat on LAN.
i guess NeXuS is nearly dead according to Trackbase..

ye they are Banning good Players for killing the fun :S
Ahh, I was just going to post, too.

I started a new server to replace NBS. I'm making a Journal about it now
hipy hero! hope it will be on etpro mode:P
Yep, ET Pro!
Play on silent servers, they are the best, hitboxes are fucking awesome :D
Silent mod sucks so bad. Please, go find a life
ohh hipy dont be mad ;D
Provok 4me etpro is best mode, anyway i have some problems with connection on diffrend modes / or with pb ( even i played on nbs with pb some weeks ago )
There is no anticheat on most of the silent servers ^^
"Go find a life"

?????????????? He didn't say anything bad, did he?
well thats rude lol
ETpro and no spam weapons. Try also to get proper admins there!
Oh yeah. That's all being worked out
Will prolly do same, as i got VPS so one additional server wouldnt harm.
:( thats rly bad information
..thx for nbs, was fun on it.
Hope that ull change your mind.. :/
I'm sad to see it go. I've been a committed guy to Nbs for about 3 years now :(((
But the world is not ending. ET Pro will live on
I always belived NBS is good for noobs who love play delivery because they can't shoot more than 15 headshot and higher than 26 acc on any other map.

Thanks for your work, you should have done it earlier!
e: It was also pathetic how some newcommers from Jaymod flamed everybody who owned them. Never felt stress or anything tough, sometimes it was funny to watch them raging on menace, other people I know or even vs me :)
dont know why but i always laugh when reading ur posts with the accent i imagine u have
I need to improve my English :( and my accent is destroyer! :D Ask Nohead

Oh and NBS has had closed doors for more than 6 months, just running a server with the name nbs is hardly nbs.
Yeah, I miss how it was when Nbs was a true multi-gaming community
Same here, but couldn't go on as it was, waste of my time :p
Well, I look at it as a learning project, as it was my first on my own basically. I just brought in the wrong people, gave people too much ''rights'' and in the end there were things done I didn't even want to.

I still have plans to do it all over again, but 100 times better, but not in a while, or maybe even never :P
who did you give rights to? :d I never really played on nbs servers, I just remember nbs sponsoring a few teams.
NBS was more than ET though and plenty of people had too many rights or at least thought they did. Everyone seemed to think they were the bigshots in nbs and that went wrong.
I never really played on the nbs servers either, but I don't know what argument that is :p
gg et is saved now
Fuckin about timeeeeeee!
its only about cheaters and not so many admins to protect this serv ;)
AWESOME news!!! bio will take the lead again...
xarq, u just had absolutely dumbfucked shitadmins! kicks for playing good...
was a shitserver anyways...

BiO ftw!
Nice manza skilz u got there :D
Thanks for hosting it xarqi i liked it to play there after tzac closed it was horrible.
good riddens ; password ditisgeheim
privslot is the only one thing which left after lesti ;(
You guys did a great job!
Merci et adieu!
most retarded server ever,people played there one map 20 hours,must be rly fun.
too bad ur newschool so u werent arount the greatest times, i mean cybergames
anyways i can understand ur point, i wouldnt want to show my stats for that long either in ur place :)
i played on cybergames,same shit like this.BiO and u/k servers were best.
Actually Telenet servers > both, and cybergames rocked too :)
Telenet and efterlyst
telenet, efterlyst, bio and uk were all great and fun pubs. Cybergames not so much, no obj, lots of whiners, lots of cheaters.
Cybergames not so much?
I used to join a pub to increase my aiming skill and have fun, I don't give a damn about objective.
Whiners? - teamchat only
cheaters? - barely met any tbh and if there was any they got kicked suddenly
Usually people were better at those other pubs, except perhaps for uk server. I only had fun or felt like I was improving my aim if I played obj games, to each his own I guess. I never understood what's fun or beneficial about camping in random spots where no one camps in actual games. I also got kicked a lot from cybergames for cheating, never happened on any of the other servers I mentioned.
Why would you camp at public? If I want to increase my aiming skills I force myself into situation from where I can get out of with my aim, and not camp or tricks, this is how u play on public.
Where did I say I camp on a public? That's exactly what I have a problem with. You should read first and comment later lol :p
I never understood what's fun or beneficial about camping in random spots where no one camps in actual games.
Exactly. I'm complaining about other people on cybergames doing it, not me.
Good old cybergames when ppl took panza and spwnraped entire team :D
QuoteIt's been the only visited public that was almost 24/7 full for atleast the last 6 months i suppose and before that.

Ow come on ..... thnx for hosting, but don't think it was that kind of server in ET. We got some full ETpro servers atm 2
Besides that ET is bigger than just ETpro :p
what walle said
ViKO's life is over now, thanks!
To be honest I've never seen pub server with that amount of nonskilled, stupid, paranoic admins.
You didn't kill ET you kille dthe map delivery THANK FUCK FOR THAT!
Bet you money that on any pub server that doesn't have a proper rotation, Deli and Supply would still be the most voted for
Most people can't even play the maps in competitive. Oh we got anally raped on deli, let's just call it a pub map and be done with it. -insert let's do real map now comment-
we set 1:23 on deli in offi, must be the map, right?

People keep whining about maps, please just ignore them. Every map is as good as another, just different aspects to it.
im dead again
you just went esl mode ;s stop blaming the people who join your servers for you not wanting to host it anymore.
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