New ET Pro Pub Server

Since it's no longer a secret, I have a private server I started and am setting up to go public and take the place of Nbs.

I hate that Xarqi has to close Nbs but I understand why and I respect him for it.

Mine will have proper et admin mod set up, with good admins and refs. it'll have some cool mods, but mostly it'll be just like Nbs is as far as settings. Maybe not 999 time limit, but that's getting worked out.

I know haters are gonna hate and will slam me some on here but I know enough people keep Nbs full that want to keep playing and I'm one of those people so I want to give what's left of the community a well run/admin'd server.
PLEASE help with some ideas. I asked before what the perfect server would look like, well now id the time.

I want to put this online/public on Monday
normal time limits! cool mods..? gl!
no deli please :D
lol here an idea: name the server NBS.
Otherwise it will be empty like the other 876789466784947467898765678387646789 etpro pubs out there.
I'm actually going to talk to Xarqi about that
That's basically why the ''nbs'' server that is running now is called that way. Oh NBS shuts down, let's keep the name and leech some popularity.

I don't mind it though, you do that too Hipkat, could be smart.
I know, I think keeping or using the name in part of the server name will make it more recognizeable
You don't have to talk to xarqi about that? xD NBS is still made by me in the end, xarqi didn't ask if he could keep the name after he went on his own host and stuff either, of course it was fine when it was still on my account.

Just put up NBS -yourname- ETPRo or something, might help at least a bit for the beginning.
Thanks man. :)
Ask xarqi for a redirect though, should be kind enough of him to do so really.
If I can ever catch him online lol That guy is HARD to reach
Wouldn't know, but FB usually works I guess.
+ CF pm him now, I'm pretty sure he'll come back to read some comments.
i was paying it for the last 4 months or something @ YCN, cause you didn't wanted to support/pay for it any longer!
than after a couple of months you said to do with NBS whatever I want.
It should have been stupid of me to pay 15 euros each month to YCN. if you can buy a full dedi for 60 euros a month... the way you write here everywhere is that i'm always been a nobody for NBS and just took the name... I spended loads of time helping you and hunter out @ NBS. It was never my point in just taking that name to run a public server . When i asked you if i could build up a community again arround NBS like i used to help with, you said i couldn't. While the server was already running for months with NBS name. Anyway don't gonna argue about it, you can pick it up again. :P

working at something doesnt make it yours.
But the paying was your choice and I allowed you to do so, I could have just said no I quit NBS and I take the server with me.

I never said you couldn't do what you wanted to while it was in my account, hell you paid for it.
But when you went on your own hosting, it sorta seemed like 'NBS' was yours even though there was nothing more than just one server. That is also why I did tell you I did not want you to create a community based around it, it just wasn't yours to begin with, even though you helped out/paid for a server in the end.

But 15 euros is better than 60 if you only use it for an ET server aint it? Or well, if you had more running on it, why wouldn't you want to pay for the dedi anymore? Failed dedi project?

I never said you were a nobody, I just find it fun how things evolved. When I quit NBS I also thanked you for all the work while you actually got nothing in return and I do still feel grateful. It's just that I should have never done it in the first place, nothing against you, but for me.

All my hate in general towards the old nbs, is more to the:
Hunter, mSc, PlaYer, MorrO(whom probably you even't haven seen around) and even to the nbs etpro admins, such as hipkat(I respect him but he also know we had tons of discussions)

There were also:
you, swkippy, kura who did nothing in order to gain something from it ( or at least not that I knew/know off) but really did it for the sake of the community and for being friends with me.
Hell, Kura and Swkippy still want to do everything with me whenever I ask them, and there are tons of other besides them.

What I just told Hipkat, if he wants to use NBS name, why not? NBS is nothing and been nothing for months(has it been a year yet?). The name's outdated ET, he doesn't need to ask you for permission to use it just as you didn't have to ask for mine as I already told you in advance(while it really still was on my account) before you put it on your own hosting. Never told you to leave behind the name when you really went on your own.
proper map roster, limited time, no mods, refs with at least somekind of knowledge, 16 slots.
just have a normal time limit with new map rotation
Sorry, but that's failed on every other server. I AM going to add some different maps though. Maybe some frag maps with shorter map times
it could work now since no more 9999999mins nsb1,so they have to play somewhere
That's a point, but Nbs 2 has been up and dead, Bio, dead and no matter what, the serv er with 999 mins has been full all the time
funny how nbs is one of the only servers that uses this 999 min settings compared to the rest of the game lol "failed on every other server" please give me a fucking break XD
Don't bring any NBS admin. (Not quite sure you actually have some ppl worth being admin though, seeing as you kinda stick to your old pubfriends or americans that are really actually not worthy :P, too hard to find good people nowadays sadly )
I haven't even been there ever since I quit running the server but if I look at what kind of retards on CF post that they are NBS admin or whatever, oh the shame..

Host it UK/NL. German hosts kill servers, although xarqi will tell you otherwise probably.

Get proper settings and stick to it whatever these people on CF say, they'll say a lot but never actually come anyway.
If you run a pub, CF has got nothing to do with it anymore. It's your server, host it to your likings. All the bullshit about the settings all the time is just annoying, as if it won't be full if you change a timelimit. It's full no matter what and that's the purpose of a public server, nothing more.

If you want a quality public matchserver, that's something different entirely.(NBS 3 at the time)
Oh yeah. I'm going to be real firm on who admins it. And I won't put up with people acting stupid if they are admins. Really, the biggest problem with Nbs has been the lack of proper admins who are active in running the server and I have some good ideas on how I want it set up, looking at what has worked, and not worked, in the past and what I see people who actually play on the server regularly say they'd like to have
Active admins < good admins.
Full server > perfect crossfire voted liked settings.

Keep it in mind, please.
Oh and if you're really gonna get this going, set up a 2nd server based on nitmod, tell nobody, set it to etpro settings( I can help you with that, or Klobby since you know him as well), call it etpro#2 and show people that it's better without them even realising.
lets hope u are,some vapour guy just told me at nbs1 that i will be banned on the new server cause he has been speccing me for days now,and apparently i got multihack and he has made a list who will be banned :D :D:D great start if this is true
a different public would be great but only with map rotation and anti cheat
Make me an admin and you won't regret it.
lol. ok bro!! I almost did on LB, actually
also avi for this shit
as long as you aren't drunk
Quotewith good admins and refs

How about making a campaign/objective with good maps and setting map time to 60min instead of players being able to vote map and timelimit being 999
Actually, that's exactly the time limit I was thinking, with cool maps, mostly offi maps and maybe a few others. I miss the old Element days on Fraqmaze so that could be a cool on to put in there
If u put some small map like that, id recommend a 30min timelimit since players might get bored faster with such, being small and so on.
need obj server like old good eG <3
"good admins and refs"
made me laugh actually, cause ive never seen such a shit admins like nbs dumbheads who accused everybody of cheating... put a fkin maprotation just like bio! fuck 999 timelimit, delivery is boring after 5 minutes already...
ignore all the people asking for a server like bio. bio is there ffs, if you want to play there go connect. servers like nbs/cybergames is what the majority of pubbers seem to like so let them have it. if you truly want to have an active server like bio/u|k etc then go fucking connect to them! :D

my recommendation:

make 3 servers exactly like the previous nbs server, constantly playing 1 map on 1000 timelimit. one supply, one goldrush & one delivery. they'll all 3 be full 24/7 like the cybergames servers. there's a reason cybergames was so active even though they had no admins coming to the servers for like 2 years. for servers like bio to ever be active again you need a balance of other servers that offer a different way of playing for pubowners.
no time limit and i might start playing from time to time ;:D
One of the coolest map for a pub is Airfield Assault FP
I had that map on EU pub for a long time and many people liked it.
too many haxors in nbs so it was good to shut it down :)
You better add the panzer again!
Yes, panzer will be back!!!

No, I'm not making another Bio. Why? So it can be dead like Bio is??

And agreed to make smaller map time limits shorter
AVI to write Lua scripts as I did for crossfire slac pub.
How do you imagine your active, good public without players? I mean you ban people who dosent deserve and you wont have player base.
Funny that people are worried about being banned on a server that isn't even up yet
Anyway, you have right to ban anyone you want on your own server, so why you care?
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