
Since YCN doesn't respond to tickets, apparently, or messages or is ever actually present on IRC, maybe someone will actually see this from them and wake the hell up ...cough cough Marcus....

Yesterday I ordered the server but apparently I accidentally set it for Private, which I swear I do not remember doing

When the server installed, there were no files in the etpro folder, meaning no etmain.cfg, no server.cfg... no nothing so I did a server reinstall.. same thing. Many servers I've had on YCN, never seen that before.

So we just manually uploaded everything and had it set and running GREAT; for 2 minutes, then it crashed and all the files deleted. Then errors saying we can't even do more than 1 server operation in 4 hours. Tried to Migrate it from NL to UK; same thing. It doesn't migrate, then the 4 hour error

almost 24 hours of submitting tickets and the ONLY response I get is from Edgar telling me that the server needs to be set to Public, which he FINALLY did after 8 more hours.

After I sent a ticket expressing my growing anger, I got a surprising immediate response from Edgar about how they work for free (Which I never knew) which I guess means "Don't expect a lot".

Sent him an apology for being harsh, asked if they could please get the server migrated and installed correctly. That was 6 hours ago and nothing. Plus all the same errors; Can't migrate the server, can't reinstall it correctly and have to wait 4 MORE hours until I guess I can fail at it again.


I should have learned my lesson in 2010 when they left the LB server on a bad drive for a month with essentially killed LB

OK, go ahead and spam me with all the other servers i should have gone with.....
Looks like you fucked up and are trying to blame YCN for it because you didn't receive a reply as fast as you expected to.

PM Marcus
24 hours of this?? How long do you think I should wait for a reply?? A day?? A week?? A month?? And dude, please explain how I fucked up when the fucking server files never installed... 3 times!?? How did I fuck up when the server deleted all the files that we MANUALLY uploaded 2 minutes after starting the server???

Shouldn't your reading comprehension a LITTLE bit better?
I call it enough internets for today
Quote by HipKatI ordered the server but apparently I accidentally set it for Private
Yeah, but that shouldn't result in over 24 hours of problems, bro. Anyway,. I pm'd Marcus, Thanks for his link
Durr it should. Enjoy ur priv server :D.
Maybe I'm too much of an American, but I pay for a service, I expect to get what I pay for and the server being private has nothing to do with server files that won't install or tickets that are never answered
you wrote that someone did reply to your ticket. :d
Edgar - told me it was private and needed to be put public. 6 hours later he finally did that, but the server still won't migrate or install the files which I also asked him about and still no reply. That was 8 hours ago
Cause the private server has cheaper price than public? And that is why you can't just turn it into a pub.
stfu and get a life dickhead
Said the king of the Polaks.....
I'm sorry, king of the polaks ?
haha ouais t'es un polak ^^
oh le Goldo, t'es encore là :P
bha oui :) je reste dans l'ombre ^^ et c'est mieux moins de connards qui m'enmerde
It's YCN, what did you really expect?
Better than this...........
ycn is shit, that's all
hetzner.de. Get your own VPS that can host 3 servers just fine for ~10 euros.
Hetzner is all in German so no and id3 is expensive
so get a VPS from a different host..
I can't really speak german either yet I had no problems with them. Why? Because it's not "all german". There's a button to change the language.
For once I actually have to agree with ohuradmin.
I lost 1000 euros to ycn, never was satisfied by their services, although I must admit most of my tickets was handled by Edgar, never by Marcus, he barrely has anything to do with helping ycn biggest customers what so ever, not to mention the 50 euros for tzac . Add that on top the entire respect Marcus give to people in real life or in the virtual one and you will clearly get the big picture here. My advice hip kat, although you know I dont like you , is to move on...like to another provider .
QuoteAdd that on top the entire respect Marcus give to people in real life or in the virtual one

what the fuck does that even mean?
He doesn't even understand it himself, so who knows.
Ask wooo for instance.

Or think about this : what is one of the most important thing a salesman or saling company, regarding what they sell , must respect in order to be successfull ?
And what the fuck is a Saling company? My point was, your shitty English makes it impossible to understand what you're trying to say.
Wtf? How can you spend 1000 euros to a server hosting company???
It's just random mad bullshit from a completely retarded cunt. Why would one even bother to read it? :D
More of a tragedy.
Tragedy is the best comedy
5 years , hosting 2 servers or 3 for aprox 3 years, all with many slots , you do the math big shot !
If you are in need of 2-3 servers i guess they were for a clan or community or whatever and in that case i would have done a support/sponsoring request to ycn or/and other companies... I am around for more than 10 years now and i was able to get gameservers/voice/bnc or whatever for free or for a cheap amount of money all the time - but if you are too lazy for those requests/some good talking then ye - sure you can spend that money for the gameservers and so on...
I remember during the time I asked them about discounts or even support and sponsor as you talk but they always gave me same excuse : "we already the cheapest on market" . Sorry , but I don t have your connections. And trust me I m not lazy
Thats bad - i mean if you had those servers running they should have given you some kind of % or some extra slots/additional voice / webserver or whatever...
How can you say you ''lost'' your money when you were renting servers for 5 fricking years.
I say lost because of few specific reasons :

1. in the end , no respect for all this money, got "nuked" by one of ycn staff members
2.when we talking about such an ammount of time and cash I don t feel a fully satisfied customer and I m not hard man to please.
Quote I m not hard man to please.

Yeah, that's what your boyfriend said...
Really smart reply considering I backed u up here , asshole
Relax dude, it's a joke. Meant to be funny??
How the fuck you expect ppl to take you serioussly in this situation ? You need to know how to speak , when to speak and where to speak. Comedian guy
I've had like a dozen servers rented from YCN and never had a problem that wasn't deal with in timely manner. Eyjohn and starzi and others always treated their customers with kindness and respect and helped out whenever you needed a hand, so I have difficulty believing they would treat someone like that


QuoteYesterday I ordered the server but apparently I accidentally set it for Private, which I swear I do not remember doing

Dementia, comes with the old age etc
I'll be glad to post the conversation form the ticket, which btw they closed last night with no reply, no help
If you never had problems, you are one lucky guy. Don t make your personal example, into something general.
QuoteDon t make your personal example, into something general.

Could say the same exact thing to you...
Except that if you read carrefoully going to notice my negative example is not the only one. His positive example is the only one , which could mean it was a happy event
took my ticket 3months once :D server was never fixed, so i gave it away :D get hetzner.de :P or i3d.net
BlaBlaBla, I gave you a server! :<

that was like 2years ago :D
Seems like some problem with automatic scripts or server. Besides of that your also mad, so might be there are 3 problems.
you just a stupid american
Always thought YCN was sub-par. I used to rent from X3M which was pretty good before they started to put too many gameservers on one system. About 1.5 years after the significant decrease in quality they ceased to exist.

In a perfect world however every ET server should have been hosted on K-Play.de servers. It was so great to hear unhittable faggots like Viol cry and wanting to change to their server. Playing ET was so much more enjoyable when I had access to a K-Play server On most servers having a good internet connection was actually a disadvantage when play against Polaks for example.
The good old times on k-play ;)
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