setuper One day Cup Refresh!

Hai there! So cup is ended, TAG team won it! can't tell you the 2nd and the 3rd since wouldnt be fair for gmen or tA! I made the mistake of let that pl guys play, next time, ill be sure of who is who and announce before the cup starts so everybody will know who's playing against!
Iam sorry TURBOT ruined "your cup" didnt notice before!
Tnx to all who played!
worst admin ever
Just ban all those third world toilet cleaners from our beloved game, end of story, ET is saved.
Will the banhammer smash some faces?
Gg's was a nice fun cup besides the cheaters.
an official cup site says something else;

image: ggwise

gj wise mates
Ignore the haters; it's not your fault. Just try to be more careful in the future to keep track of who is actually playing in your cup, but I'm sure you have figured that out already. :)

Anyway, nice work and good luck with the next one!
Ofcourse! Next onedaycup I organise I ll make sure I know who is playing!
Nothing you can do about this to be honest, you did the right thing by kicking them out when you found out and gave TAG the win.

Was a nice cup for gentleMen, good games and didn't play versus cheaterdoodles :D
Ye, tnx! Was kinda surprised to get 16 teams! Was fun except "that part" cya next!
What did the coolguys do?
what do you think? :DD
I am not sure, they have so simple ways to entertain themselves. Did they add d1cks to their nickname?
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