UAC finally banned someone.

Rezta banned for cheating, it must work then.
gj uac : ) still dont understand CB admins which let play CUPS w/o uac : )
ur the 1st one who needs to use it
hostili? :D why, he doesn't cheat, and rezta too
All trickjumpers cheat. Also hos is actually retard enough to get caught too :D
hazz doesn't :(
rezta cheating. what? XD
like I multiply warned, UAC already previously used to support ET but quickly discontinued after many false bans, we just see the history repeating itself
But but UAC best solution for now!
hostill :D
rezta? XD
they just wanted to check if UAC works

hostill , i thought u were a nice guy
he's cheating since he started ET in 2k8 or so tbh
2008 ? Ah bon ? Il me semblait avoir commencé en '06 et non j'ai étais un petit peu clean quand même.
want to believe @ rezta ;s
hahaha rezta rolled? :D zenix next finally <3
I am not playing active anymore my dear friend.
And if i would, i would not use UAC.
:DDDD zenixxxxxxxxxxxx
lol, rezta would never cheat.

UAC probably detected something other than cheats
Yes, also those bans are delayed and false.

Name: zabija
Last activity: 3 weeks ago (September 11, 2013 18:11)
Registration date: 3 weeks ago (September 11, 2013 17:52)
Ye, because that is a valid reason to suspect rezta for cheating :DDDDDDDDDDDD
Surprise that my brother rezta got banned after using UAC.
He played active since 2004 in many teams and you could never see a real increase in skill level. Many people played with him or against him and he was always playing the same: camping as a medic and unable to trow nades properly. The last part always made me laugh when watching him, he could only play medic properly and camp. I told him on fb and he was like wtf.

Now i hope i don't get banned because it was my brother.
At least say he was decent enough to be a cheater, you're a bad brother.

Rezta mate I believe in you, you're a cheater because you're just too good to be true, keep it up!
You can call me a bad brother. I am just being realistic and saying the way he plays never was anything special, just like i was never a special but an average player that never got passed a average skill level.
He knows how i think i about that and that is no problem for him. He had fun in all the years that he played active and that was the only thing that mattered.
Okay mr supaserial
Your brother probably got banned for ui_mp_x86.dll
Game exe: F:\games\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\ui_mp_x86.dll

some pk3 error, that one or more of your pk3 files in your ET folder are corrupt, in other words are modified. This modification can also be caused by installing hacks.

zabija got banned for
Game exe: D:\toolz\Winamp\System\jnetlib.w5s

zabija got banned for using winamp tool.

I cant check hostill logs because cant find any of his screenshots.
Anyway its some software issue, false ban as I said before. UAC searching for definition file, its should be syswow64\WININET.dll, otherwise you'll get banned. Just shit AC, thats all.
Thanks for your clarification
So this means if you connect to a public ET server that has modified pk3 files you risk getting banned?
if i read UAC forums there are many complains about false bans good example
Who cares, an mp3 file or hacks. UAC is fail. ET is old. So deal with it.

Wat boeit het allemaal :p

I have no idea why "known" cheaters refuse to play with UAC, they can easily cheat with it.
As Kalli has said many times before, UAC has been used in ET before, it got ditched because of the amount of false bans.
hostill -&(
LoL rezta welcome :)

141 pieces of those private cheat things (code: MEH@160913)
All bans with this code are correct and won't be lifted by any means.
Hes talking about COD 4.
maybe they played cod4 with it!
zabija played ET with UAC for like 15mins.
Mm i wonder, if you send a hack via mail to someone that uses UAC if he will get ban. Since recieved mails gets stored on your HD too;p
Braindead fags.
hehehe all cheaters be gone now
rezta cheating? I think so that is only UAC fail.

Do not use mp3 player when you have UAC active or you risk ban :-))))))) muhahahahahhaha :-))))))))
adds just another level of excitement
hostill? :(
hostill mange ton ban fils de
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