je bent wel terribad
you are so sad, playing 24/7 and this show off :DDD
i just got my rank what are u talking about?
I could wait till I am as good as you (uhum) and then stream.. ;)
got no clue what u just said, maybe because u are deep in that nerd slang
everybody knows ur still jelly on me, because after playing years the same game u still suck
With this logic I could be jelly on anybody who was better than me in this game, so u pretty much failed with this comment.
I just don't like your arrogant style, not only nerding 24/7, but showing it off with ur huge jacket bro
so whats ur rank now :P
whats your steam acc?
haha kicked
je bent wel terribad
je bent wel terribad
lel dat SLD ...
i watched like 10 minutes of your ET public on HBC and some minutes of your CSGO, was still quite good, partly outstanding, especially in ET! my impression firstly is that you are like desperately on the look to get rewarded for your skills in other games like "man, he is good in every other game, not just in ET" just like feruS was/is...and secondly that ET still is more fun to you than any other game. just impressions, no offence.
nah et is just boring :(
alright, wrong 2nd impression then. good luck in accomplishing the first one
Ahah Just looked your play on this etpro server, was pretty fun. Whole server was arguing about you
stop der maar mee
ur wasting ur time on a game like cs:go or lol , play QL to have some challenge
QL is fucked : ' <
lol is fucked, since you started playing it
I am OP Carry, sry
id own you in csgo!!!!!!
I am not sure about this.. look I watched like 10 min of your streams and it was so quiet....it was boring man.
I cant be sure if you actually said something after I left,....but if you aint gonna speak for 10 min...at least put some background music while you move stuff in your pc or when you are moving those little pigs in LoL.... (this is just feedback)
Having said that...LoL is a fucking game for 12 years old kids, for me that shit is just like farmville or any of those faggot facebook games.
You probably should just stick to streaming shooters, at least if you are aiming to get ppl from this website to watch your channel-
And do some commentary while you play lol....or music or smth more interesting.

edit: omg maus omg.
The last time I saw you pubbing was on Telenet somewhere in 2006... only watched the ET Stream for a minute or two, but looks like your still the best aimer.

Not many players made it outside of ET, but here's a thanks for the ETTV rape in all those years, gl.
u should play go more often :>
I will, but people are flaming already and I played like 12 matches or something.. :p they expect me to be pro in 1, 2, 3.. and I have no sound/headset..

they should think about how much they played et or some game and still aren't at the top, then reply :o
check TheWarOwl on youtube for some basic tips :PXDDD

anyway he got loads of games he casted :P always fun to watch nip play :o)
ur still the bestest aimah in ET i guess
fuck all those overrated games play pokemon yellow version
how do u see the enemies with ignorehwgamma 1 on close range? (esp on delivery)
No.1 that is all
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