Moving to Krakow

Hi polaks,

U might remember me asking for some advice about Krakow a few weeks ago. After some good thinking I decided to take the job and move to Poland. I'll be there in 2 weeks.

Now I was wondering if there's anyone in Krakow from the crossfire community who wants to go for a drink or 2 in the next few weeks?
Get a camera for in your car
watch out 8D
image: pic
hope polaks will beat you up
Hate is no solution.
Finland Cellux is there
hf getting stabbed
Oh you with the negativity always.
I'm being realistic.
I've read about two stabbings in the last month, that's not that much in a city of 700.000.
Yes, that's what you've read about.
Media is media, when people get stabbed, media reports about it because it generates interest.

Too be honest I'm not that worried, in Antwerp (where I used to live) you could easily get assaulted too if you went down the wrong street or looked strangely at someone. I'm more worried about the club-scam (where you have to pay hundreds of zloty for just a few drinks).
Why the scam? Prices are up when you can see them and since it's a tourist city most menus are in English

On wikitravel about Krakow:

Bar scam

A recent scam is for two or three women (can be Polish/Foreign, not always attractive) to walk up to men in Rynek Główny, Market Square or surrounding streets and ask for directions to a particular street or square. If you respond "I don't know" they will ask you if you have a map, introduce themselves and say "will you join us for a drink?". They might also ask you questions like 'are you here alone?', 'do you know anyone in Krakow?', 'do you speak Polish?', all to try and determine if you are a tourist and if you have any connections to Krakow. They will then lead you to a nearby nightclub where you will be presented with a huge bar bill for ordering just a handful of drinks. Several bars/clubs on ul. św. Tomasza, Sławkowska, Floriańska and św. Marka have been linked to this scam, i.e. Club Saxon and Hard Candy.
Hard Candy and Club Saxon both do these scams openly. If you try to leave they have large Russian mafia-looking men rough you up. The city has not done anything about this and Hard Candy has been in operation for 10 years.

This is not normal behaviour. Yes they are allowed to have their prices as high as possible, but they don't have a menu or a pricelist lying around/on the wall. And when you're already a bit drunk and in the company of some nice Polish ladies, you don't always remember to ask for prices before you order... In all the clubs and pubs I've been before, I never had to pay a ridiculous amount of money for a few drinks (except Dublin, but that's because in ALL pubs the alcohol is extremely expensive).
They don't? Krakow such a silly place.

And I don't know anything about being drunk in the company of some nice Polish ladies :<
Most clubs/pubs have, ofcourse, it's just a few who don't have it and who participate in this scam to get as much money as possible from tourists.
Upon reading whole article, this looks like description of some sort of strip club :D
Never got stabbed in my 2 years there! :)
Probably cuz you didn't left home ya nerd :P
Living in Trojmiasto now!
Cwelmiasto is fucking awful
Where exactly do you hail from? All I hear you do is diss other Polish cities, if you're from Warszawa or Poznan I'm gonna laugh my ass off.
From Warsaw, yeah. Travelled all across Poland, visited them cities and I just can't stand them. Some cities may look better than Warsaw, but none is even close to being as functional as our lovely capital. Oh and we have the most excellent public transport.
To be honest, I prefer Krakow's. Although I was 2 year in Krakow and only 5 days in Warszawa, so my vision could be colored.
Oh also you should have figured out the football angle.
How you like them 5-1's and 0-6's?
Exactly what you would expect from any team from our league playing vs top teams in Europe. The gap created in last 20 years is too massive.
Rhand :P
werent you living in ireland or sumthing? why go to shitty poland (except you earn double the cash or something)?
Lived in Ireland for 2 years, came back to Belgium due to some personal issues that needed to be sorted, decided to look for a job outside Belgium again, but a little bit more exotic this time. Was in talks with a company in Barcelona, but they needed 4 weeks to decide if I pass the first of 3 interview stages, I was in talks with a few companies from Bucharest (I really wanted to go there) but there wages were simply awful (550-750€/month, which is ridiculous) and I was in talks with a company from Krakow who really showed an interest, were very fast in the application procedure and give a pretty nice wage compared to living standards (around 1000€ netto).

In Ireland I earned around 1600-1700€ but everything was twice or three times as expensive as it'll be in Poland. In Dublin I spent on average 800 € on going out/partying a month. If I party with the same frequency, and drink as much, in Krakow, I'll maybe spend 300-350€ (I hope, hehe).

Anyway, Krakow seems a nice city, it's quite an experience and a challenge and the extra benefits were pretty good as well, so I took it. It's only for a year or two tops anyway and it should enable me to learn a lot to get a good job afterwards :-)
well shitty poland was an exaggeration, every big city in every country is basically the same, so it wont even matter where you at :p
but i like what your doing man; getting to see the world,having some good times, collecting experience and upgrading on dat curriculum vitae all at once. and it seems you are also doing it just as long as you enjoy being abroad, and once you arent anymore, you just pack your stuff and leave.
may i ask whats your job description? your job seems pretty flexibel and doesnt seem to be dealing with language barriers too much...something in IT maybe?
IT-support in my own language to employees from large multinationals.
dude you will have a nice time. Hottest chicks all the way, have fun
would've stayed in ireland if i where u mate. :)
I left Ireland 3 months ago, and after 2 years it was time for something new :-)
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