uac latest ban critics


!!! I can't confirm what I am about to write for 100% but there is a good chance my information is legit!!!

In the following text I am going to sum up the information I received from multiple very to rather reliable sources.

As some of you might or might not heard of is there have always been strong rumours about "DExUS" the UAC headadmin being involved in CODEHOOK. This could be one of the reasons CODEHOOK pretty much always been the first to bypass new UAC updates (which tended to be rather inefficient anyway) and has always had a big slovakian clientele.

Now there has been a banwave lately with the following code: "MEH@160913". So some of you might have been wondering why these bans were forced way behind the date the last activity was registered and affected players of completely different games. Well, let me tell you:

They are (can't confirm for 100% sure, but the facts seem to make it more than obvious what happened) based on emails which were leaked from CODEHOOK and matched with UAC accounts in order to gain trust of the users again and achieve donations. As we can see on the UAC website there has been a wave of small donations, from less than 40€ to 90€ within a day, which strengthens the assumption.

But why would he risk the "quality" of codehook? Well, leagues hardly use UAC for any big competetive game except for CoD4. A game which is competetively currently at a similar state like ET in 2010/11, to make it short: Not dead but strongly decimated. Due to that there are hardly any players left who purchase cheats for CoD4 and play the game competively. Plus the majority of former CODEHOOK customers is either banned and due to that don't use the same email any longer, or just simply don't simply play CoD4 anymore. Most of the other games they code for aren't played competetively at all or just in a really small environment.

At the current state of CODEHOOK there is only a customer login, so most of you'll be like "yeah, these were for sure customers". Yeah, I kinda agree on that, BUT: Codehook hasn't always been like that, it used to be similar to adawolfa/netcoders who have got an forum. In these forums there were often discussions about fps gaining configs etc, which could be a reason for non-cheaters to register.

All in all I would say this whole assumption is about 60-70% legit, which is quite critical considering it is an anticheat leagues seem to put trust in. This could explain the 3 recent UAC bans regarding ET players (zabija, hostill, rezta).

I'm very critical towards UAC myself, but I ask you to look forward about the happenings within the next few weeks and then make your decision whether to use it or not.

Have a nice day!
Why come with something you can't confirm anyway?
Get the fuck out already attention seeking faggot.
Do I really have to mention the history between you and wessie, a known cheater and wannabe anticheat/cheatcoder?
Oh please, we had 3 talks maybe and I didn't even know the guy from before. It was some retarded idea to open CoD4 pub and some guy named wessie came up to do so.
Do i really have to mention your history with cheats?

Don't act like you're mister know it all, you're not. Just please abandon this forum, the internet and life to really do me a pleasure.
rezta is not a cheater xD
I doubt anyone claims he is, but if he used to have an account at CODEHOOK, no matter if he cheated or not, this could be the reason for his ban, similar to fusenlist which leagues didn't ban for due to inefficient proofs
I will ask him later ;p
rezta is a solid dude
good read, i are very critical aswell.
You forgot the conspiracy music soundtrack in the background

Actually thats sounds legit.
stopped reading @ by Kalli
As far as I remember you are a codehook customer as well... or wait, netcoders, whatever
dude, you wont win against a cheater like this anymore. this community is made of cheaters 8D
Hes hypocrite. If someone cheated in past should give up with judging others.
hi i have never cheated and i'm a part of this community :) have a nice day mister!
1 in a million.
oh wait, more like 1 in 250 ?
netcoders, got tagged and banned for it years ago (for my cousin Columbiajaunty having a customer forum account in our shared pc) . Now, you cheated and made a very funny selfbust (wh screenshot), but you didnt get tagged or got banned for it.
OK, u get back @ us and tell us if we should use uac or not
stopped reading at day!
doesn't matter, UAC best tool to identify players
As you state yourself, this is assumption and nothing you are stating above are actual facts. Come with facts, then discuss again. No point to speculate about things if you don't have the right information.
When I said pb will be useless once they remove .dll checks not many believed me, when I said etpro guids aren't reliable not many wanted to believe me, when I said pb ucon was unsafe noone wanted to believe me, when I said uac already did a lot of false bans in other games when uac started to support ET for the first time (3 years ago) noone wanted to believe me, when I said it is likely that false bans will happen at their new try to support ET not many wanted to believe me and then you see a name like rezta. If I wasn't quite confident the information was legit I wouldn't even post it
Doesn't matter if you think if its legit or not. Matter that it IS or NOT ;). I can be super confident that whatever lets say rAzZ(sorry buddy, don't know why you came to mind. Think about you all the time :$ <3) is cheating, doesn't mean it is true. Unless I have factual information that is useable(so just someone saying it is, people can lie and make up shit to get attention happens in ET community all the time) there is no point speculating about it. It will just create people who go with the bullshit and people who won't listen to you.

Get factual information, than we can talk about what can be done or shouldn't be done.
Quote!!! I can't confirm what I am about to write for 100% but there is a good chance my information is legit!!!

image: 95858201
Kalli, fuck off. That is all.
this website needs a like button!!!
this doesnt make sense at all
It still applies for about 10 per cent of the guys who admited having an account on codehook since bans came up with these codes
Why you dont make a list with the current EC-OC and previous NC players and add some /!\ to the nasty ones? pls open the circus!
tl;dr version:

the bans are not based on legit proof
i would like to see those UAC 'cheat' screenshots like TZAC in a public link
So these days you get banned for having a account at a code forum?
I wanted to to make a account at deadc0de a few months ago to follow the conversation about tzac more.
I couldn't or didn't or whatever but if i did and used UAC i would be marked as cheater?:D
From what we can see at the moment it affects about 10 per cent of codehook customers, most of them registered/purchased in 2010
So it could be these person still have some kind of "hack" located at their drive? If not I would've expected a higher percentage.
nah, DExUS himself claimed that the bans would be based on logs from the last years, which is basically quite some massive bullshit, and there isn't really anyone banned yet with this code whose email wasn't registered at codehook
QuoteDExUS himself claimed that the bans would be based on logs from the last years

wanted to write from the last month, my bad
ye I've read all that already, was just confused when you said "years"

don't believe everything you read on TEK9 btw :)
I didn't receive the info from reading on tek-9 though
then where did you get it? "reliable sources"?
I fucking hate you and everything that comes out of your mouth. Have a lovely day. Shitter
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