Sad Cunts Award 2013

Mysterious Monkeys

The only way for Kalli to get into EC. Well done with this achievement friends!
#UAC.ET y u no there
I wanna say first of all, thanks members of supski for none of you showing up, even though u probably check gamestv sometimes, clanbase emails, crossfire, etc. Second of all, this 'fun match' was pretty funny after we almost fullheld u guys 5v6 but u had a good defense so fair enough. Goldrush though u got raped, left like mad people and claimed u had to go and this was just for fun. Quite ridiculous if u ask me, u wanna get raped in EC go for it, just don't claim anything, even if we would have won I would had ask you if you wanted forfeit... what I ask for now is a new EC quali match team to play vs mmonkeys before wednesday :P or not idgaf anymore is dead pce all <3
give nTerror another chance!
what u on about :S i said i could take 3rd map jEzt0rr vs 6 supski i am winnermann!
Google translate
was about to make the joke
sorry again bro

there was nothing i could do, i tought it would stop after some minutes but it didnt =(
What a sad faggot.
Leave Kalli alone, he is just desperate to play in the lowest EC of all time.
Which is why he won the award for his team :D
Decision of the team to stick to the rules, we expected that it would be me to receive all the flame for that and I'm okay with it :D one of us had to post it so who else would be the cunt if not me :-D?
play re-match dude and win it, thats the way of stronk! :) Only noobs b1tching for forfeit! I understand your point and totaly agree, since they wanted to play with merclineup, but still... just join up and win! EC should be full of skilled and determinated teams, atleast you could make 1 match worth for EC.

I dont support neither mM nor supski, but if you two got the opportunity atleast show you deserve it... mix teams and cryers should quit gaming! You can do better Neighbour! :D
meh.. like 2/10 drama
for the serious stuff.. this game was forced on that day and all of supski knew that this game was tonight and for people who have lives outside this game taking time to come online is not so easy so pleaseeee.. i aint sad im glad and happy and everything good ! so lets not flame!
life... outside?! outside this game!!? WHAT!?
monkeys vs nterror tomorrow new quali match! GG!
image: taJKk9I

funny how you just found out about this gif and you had to post it about 5 times on gtv/cf :9
funny that you have read all those 5 comments
not very hard to see them all when both sites are dead and you're posting at 2 am
didnt check cf in 3 hours and e-drama happens
image: is-this-the-faggot-police-the-ops-gotten-loose-aga-vZNJ54
Who the fuck is Kalli?
Robert mad cuz no ec for himself :/

Btw last season your Team Was Who Was in Playoffs cuz of winning games by rules after losing by gaming?:D
actually we were in playoffs because there was only 2 teams in our group
what a burn.
Wow, eurocup still exists. How many divisions are there in OC?
the 6on6 OC groups aren't online yet (since EC qualis still haven't ended), but there will be 4 leagues with 2 groups of 4 or 5 teams each
He is easily EC level, even you could handle the strength of Extreme Cup. :D
good that Jon don't want forfeits in EC :)
who are those noobs anyway?
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