EC Quali Drama! nTerror ready for EC part. 2

So, TAG was too stronk for us yesterday and nTerror didnt get EC spot. Mysterious Monkeys got forfeit win against supski. Supski was searching players for the match here at crossfire only hour before their match, seems that they dont really care about ec/oc.

Ohur gave 2 options to Mysterious Monkeys: Play that quali match again vs supski or against New Terror.

MM is good team and they are training hard, I cant judge them are they worth EC or not. If I was monkeys leader, of course I would pick supski as opponent, because they are just a mixed team and easier opponent. :)

Whats opinnion of other EC teams, which team you would like to face in EC: mMonkeys,supski or nTerror?

Help lagalot to pick the right opponent! Who should get the second chance supski or nterror?
some people would say nterror isnt worthy in being in EC either you fucking scrub
No doubt about that. Did I say any of these 3 teams are worth?
Still better than mM tho
still best solution -> nTerror decider match vs mM

mM isn't good enough and supski are a mixture of not good enough and way too unstable. the only stable lineup was with owzo/Tites/Stary last season and well Stary's busted, owzo will not play again probably and that leaves fumble rito and Tites. :D

also I think the days of fumble gaming all day long are over since he's just started uni. :( I guess it depends on how he's able to handle his time.
agreed, mm vs nterror since supski doesnt even exist anymore
Supski does exsist, me scarzy tites owzo rito and icecrust are all on tonight...
OH HES BAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACK, i take it back...supski going to EC!
Scarzy fucking scrub. Tell him I said that.
I am fairly certain you don't have to force yourself into another quali match, TAG will give you EC spot anyway...
lmao u are in EC already
I dont understand you guys... why did you play that quali match then?
I remember when EC was prestigious when it was an honour to fight for glory and eternal e-fame. Nowadays, I feel like this is a massive joke. I'm not crying because big names aren't here anymore (even if some of them still play) but it feels like some guys play it just to add another line on their cf achievements 10 years after teh game was released. Something like "look mom i played ec - im proud of you son did u win it - no but i played it"

In a nutshell, i dont give a shit, fuck yourselves nerds :x:d:x:/D::dx::/D:d:x:/D:d
Well I got that feeling from MM tbh. I might be wrong but that's exactly how I got it. ): Well nowadays people are flaming EC because there are no superstars left that much but still they can't handle that level anyway. (im not saying everyone flaming ec is like this but still this is at least half trurth of the flame!)
the last time a full bracket of teams practiced almost everyday because they all _cared_ to win EC was probably spring 07 and even then I bet the likes of dignitas etc were just waiting for the next lan or online prizecup to show up. real "prestigious" times where EC was truly valued (across all games, CS/Q3/RTCW/ET and so on) would've been over by 2005, for ET probably 06. so fuck you and your prestigious 2010 ECs.
Am i supposed to be mad or something? :XD oh and yes fuck you too! ;{D
Supski are all on and ready to play tonight!
doesnt matter queens gonna wipe your all asses
first of all lol what the fuck. xD why are everyone whining 2nd DrLagAlot aka. Kalli is not the Leader of mMonkeys and third intended for fumble and co. next time COME ONLINE WHEN THERE IS A GAME. imo u guys should be removed from EC qualis and nTerror vs mM should be played since TAG dont even want in.
Everyone from supski is on tonight since we still want to play, we didn't even know about yesterday till it was too late (so ye we messed up)
i cant tonight mister :) got work.
I think that Finland POLARBEERS should fight against nTerror AND mM in EC Qualifiers with brand new lineup!
I think that Finland POLARBEERS should fight against nTerror AND mM in EC Qualifiers with brand new lineup!
I thought TAG said they were not going to play EC even if they won their qualifier? From what I get from that you should just advance either way :/
What about +. plays vs mM!?SD??
what about pro5-idle?
polarbeers vs nterror other quali teams arent worthy make it happen ohurcoolm8
First I thought that this was nTerror's attempt to beg for a second chance but then I realized how genuinely worried the nTerror guys must feel about the [CB] well handled and organized qualifiers. Also there's supski to thank for their continuing stability and the mM guys for an entertaining three map thriller.
Europe TAG refuses to play in EC this season because they "dont feel good enough to compete against all the EC teams", so they will play in 6on6 OC premier instead and Finland New Terror will take their spot in EC.

The second qualifier - Germany mysterious monkeys vs Europe - must be played by Thursday at the latest.
good move!

TAG havent been close to EC skill for a few seasons now, what changed?
They made it to the playoffs in EC XXVI (2 seasons ago), and one could argue that they are more EC worthy than the other 3 teams in the qualifiers.
let wiSe-guys play instead of those opencup teams
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