Hi I'm online


I haven't played ET today, how is ET? still slac/tzac?? I miss ET so much, I remember when I played 3on3 yesterday vs some finns, we won 3-1 but 3rd map we played was supply and well supply is supply we were winning hard but then enemy got the truck and gold + escort in 2min so we lost like 10s gg. I miss ET so much :('

P.S. ~350 skins on LoL smurf account, add main account too and its almoust about 500, u jelly? It's a free game so who cares about some 1500e lol get job scrubs.
hey welcome back man, long time no see
its funny because you are actually a fat nerd
its funny because you are actually a fat nerd
1500e for a game nice life mr
we won by 40secs ;)
probably bronze5 player
9/10 would bang

And I dont really believe on the skins part,else you are a fag,or has allot of moneyiez.
Hello online,

I'm ViKO
Nice to meet u ViKO.
Haha Boss :D
spends money to get 300 skins on LOL, still bronze V :XD
10 out of train
thanks for sharing your content but
image: 4Fbb0
no ty
go play criss cross with ramona
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