New phone

Yo crossfires I need a new phone.

Im currently cheking this one out,
Windows os seems cool and fast.
What do you think?

Also looked up LG google nexux 4 16gb.
image: Indestructible_Nokia_3310

Get the iPhone 5s with the new IOS is a smooth phone. Get the gold color tho
it's not out in ur 3rd world country yet? Lol
Get Lumia.
i use lumia 720. fast easy everything i want
Don't buy that phone, i've got it and it's a piece of crap rebooting every few minutes, crashing while u browse teh interwebs etc.
Have had 720 for a month or two now, got no complaints about the w8-system, so why not. And what I have heard / seen, they are far more durable than android-phones.
Ye looks good!
The thing I have liked the most are long battery-life (~3 days without charging, net on all the time with chats etc) and Nokia Music -thingie (free, lots of great playlists and easy to use).
Ye, I think I have decided now, will be the Lumia 920.
Unless camera is the main thing you want from the phone, you should buy Nexus 4. Better hardware, lighter, bigger screen and android>windows phone.
lol Nokia music is the worst shit ever srry man, I also have a lumia but the Music is the less-user-friendly-music-app-I-ever-used. Making a playlist is ...just dumb... all in Music is bad. I like the OS but Music is really bad come on :D
and I dont rlly know the 720 , but on the 920 dont expect the battery to last over a day, that ofc if you used gps or heard music or browsed the internet...which you might do on a smart phone. 3 days never on the 920. 1 at most, good thing is the battery charges in about 30 min to full capacity.
I haven't tried playlists, there are so many premade-ones that are good for me. Not sure if it depends on the area you have selected,

But the battery last fine on me, ~1-2h music per day, wifi always on, browsing & chatting when I need to, gps tracking when jogging, the normal stuff.
Windows mobile OS is shit; better get a Moto X or the new Nexus 4 if you can get your hands on them.

Nexus 4 is nice, really smooth to use and the build quality of the phone is very solid.
Galaxy S IV
too expensive ^^ Dont want to put to much money on the phone
buy the S III then, rather cheaper and pratically the same :P
Still Lumia 920 is cheaper, and pretty much the same :)
Was thinking about getting a HTC One however little bit pricey. Bought a BB Z10 for 200 euro yesterday, pretty good deal if you ask me.
If you are going for a lumia I would go for the 820 instead of the 920 it is basically the same phone, except that the 820 has the posibility to put out your battery and change it (in case it gets damaged with time...which will happen) and also change the covers for different colors. The 820 has also an expandable memory using micro sd while the 920..doesnt ...and 920 doesnt have much memory so that sums it up.

main difference is the camera and the price, both cameras are great except that the 920 is better at night shots and has software to correct and stabilize your pictures when shaky hand...the 820 doesnt.
Other than that the OS is great , is smooth never had a problem with it. The Downside comes with a bit lack of apps, but that depends on what you do....ofc. You will find basically any app like in the apple store, except in some very specific fields, for example there is only ONE forex trading app in windows sotre, while there are over 300 in the apple store, and the one in windows sucks. In artistic shit m like design stuff you will also see a lack of apps compared to apple or android stores. My advice is that you check what apps you would mostly use and see if you have something similar or usable in the windows phone.
I honestly would go for the 820, the fact that you cant change the battery on your own in the 920 kills it for me, as your battery will get fucked in about 8 months of hard use, good thing is the replacement costs only 10 dollars. here is a good video comparison explaining it all and its short:

tl;dr 820>920 except for camera at nightshots.
got my xperia p for 170 € two months ago hahaha
got htc one for 600 euros, perfect for me
iphone 4

fell down 10000 times and is still working. using it for almost 2,5 years now
lg g2, note 3, s4, droid maxx

only phones you should be considering
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