streaming help

Hi crossis , i would like to start stream a bit CS:GO , maybe some of you can help me.

My internet :

image: 3028757833


image: n9y4bo7xsjm4
image: m1yhytixvdjx
image: zx4t31mfi8cj
image: e3sxorepr3ql

When i start the stream i looks fine if i dont move but when i start moving its pixeled as fuck. Anyone could help me?
Higher bitrate
well i have it on 500 right now.. if i turn it high my ping goes 200+ :X
Lower the streaming resolution, I don't think you can handle that quality with that upload
Maybe better internet :p?
if ur the only one on the network it could be doable with that upload speed. needs moar upload, download doesnt really matter
Silly Scatman you can't stream with that low- internet connection.

Source: Having the same one in the States (speed-wise), it's freaking impossible
Don't even bother with that upload speed.
you cant stream with your internet mate
okay thx guys :)
ur upload sucks lol
image: 3031070022

Feels good to brag about it when u steal it from neighboor? :D
not stealing! it's mine :P
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