The flying years.

So I just noticed I'm browsing this site for a bit more than 7 years, damn how can time fly so FAST? The time is passing faster as I get older. I can't believe I met this game in 2005 when I was 14 years old :D, yet nothing really changed, I don't feel like an adult.

So since when have you been around? Do you feel the same?
Let's do some adulttalk.
I feel so mature now

image: bth_Kappa
I gotta agree ! I remember back in the days, being a child compared to some players, and now i'm supposed to be older but hell yeah can't accept that :D
Around crossfire? 3 to 4 years, somewhere between.
Around ET? Ugh, about 8 or 9 years, cant remember the earliest memories but playing at | Shrubmod as Legend[FIN] :D
9 years and 28 days
8 years. Gone fast.
so many flame, so many drama
e: too bad n1ce. it dead and nobody gonna understand that : <
3 years and 8 months am I oldskool yet?
crossfire member for: 5 years, 4 months and 6 days

xfire Member Since: 2005-01-13 :<
this is xfire
xfire the gaming messenger
6 years, 8 months and 8 days

8 years, 1 month and 21 days

fkc,8 years in here,And it took me like two years to get knowing CF,ten years..dat time!
Took a 3.4 years break off this game while being in the Army,so it felt like all new when I came back,most of the people I used to know and loved left while that time I was off,and that's sucks,cuz seems like the years I was off was kind of fun comparing to now for sure.
7 and half years already x) Started playing since the demo tho
3 years on etpro

ET since 2003

What the fuck went wrong

and why
9 years playing ET

Member here since 3 years, 7 months and 22 days
Yeah same here, time flies. Hows you by the way Adze. I haven't heard anything from you in ages. You still mixing up with seraph, s3bi, ocelot & co? Give them my regards if you speak to them.
Fine, thanks for asking.
Oh yeah, you kinda lost there :P. I stopped playing ET around 2010 or the beginning of 2011. Sold my PC and bougth a netbook for school/work also used to live in student hostel. Some months ago I moved back home, bought a PC and installed ET again to play publics, but it's kinda dead so I removed it again :)
All the hungarians stopped ET afaik, I can't name anybody from the old crew whos still playing, maybe powi is up sometimes, but who knows.
What about you? :)
Yeah, quite the same story here. I've been selling my desktop as well and bought a laptop. Installed Enemy Territory again but couldn't be arsed to start playing it seriously once again. Installed League of Legends and played that for a while but sold my laptop after League and quitted gaming.

To bad that nobody from the old HU players are active was quite nice back then.

Anyways take care and see you around!
A black hole and your problem will be solved :p
But ye 7-8 years playing ET. Like 3.5/4years ETpro.
I miss everyone who I don't have contact with any more that were my friends back then.
we had a fuckedup childhood,. while our friends wer playing with barbies and kens and what the fuck not. we wer playing et, god help us all, even robaciek
I'm 20 years old and I have played this game for almost half my life lol
9 years sure as hell go fast as fuck
i've been registrated on crossfire since 8 months and 19 days
I've been playing ET around 3 years ago, so i started it not as a child. :D Although im inactive nowadays, i hardly have time to play.
Nothing really changed for me since ET came out. Still young and stupid as hell. Not going and not wanting to change either.

7 years as splatterladder says when I started to play more than pub at 2.55 gamesmajor servers
I still remember my first ET game! I was 10 or 11 years old or smth and my firend and I were playing in some ETPub server. My friend knifed a teammate healed him and knifed again. Back then it was hilarious! Before that I played RTCW so i'm quite familiar with Nazis and allies!
ETPro since 2004 and member of 6 years and counting!
I remember when playing ET first time, fueldump was all green and had wooden fences all over it.
ja pierdole ;_;
Funny I spent so many years with ET, but it already feels like I played it an eternity ago

Clanbase account created on 14 Nov 2005 11:03

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