unique voice

who do u think had the most unique voice that u played with
for me it would be ohurcool ( deepest fucking voice ever) and fatcat( complete fukin robot)
definitely sqzz and his welsh accent! cheers for you gav :D!
Fatcat for sure he sounds like a mix of sqzz and your average fintard gibberish
Swanidius the most depressing and noticable voice EVER
Foreigner the most annoying guy to pick up the mic to talk about other players
FUMBLE never understood a single word from him :S
laugh and nod is the best policy
fummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmble harrow maite
France okko la légende
Whazeh fak maen
Finland Stuka

i dont even paly this sobr ;;xdddddddddd;;sdFG,D GEEGEEBEEBEEVITTU HFMÅÅN
Stray has weird voice
Some players from Finland too
Tomoyo too (cuz he sounds like 13 yo while being 23 or smth xD )
I have been in comms with u few times, but yea, i would recognize ur voice any day.
everyone i hang out wid sounds normal
you must've never played with tropic
Finland kaide (deep), Estonia couchor (rolling r's), Switzerland arrow (retarded), France tomoyo
Finland Veeth by a mile. Second is probably France Okko, I couldn't understand most of what he was saying, he also sounded perpetually stoned.
Because okko was always stoned :D
Yeah, but even if he wasn't he would still sound stoned. I remember playing 3v3's with him where he just got lost on the map and was laughing his ass off doing nothing :D

And on a sidenote :

today, 13:37

Well played.
United Kingdom clarkee and United Kingdom Element still dont know the difference between their voices :XD!
We also share the same last name np maybe he's my long lost brother

Finland Swanidius sounds like he has throat cancer
Poland nejm, but that's because he's gay
crumbs sounds like duke nukem
FinlandSwanidius and FrancePupa, he sounds like a 40 year old dad who smoke since he's 10 yo, while he's 18, also stoned everytime
Finland hazz sounds like a future pedophile. It's not his voice but how he talks, he's just so passive/calm. Finland Naxi was the same, but then again he was homosexual.
Also hazz' clanbuddy Netherlands woott has rather unique voice. I'm told he's a she, but the voice sounds more like something in-between. Shemale perhaps?
Finlandflashdown , robot voice and United Kingdomkeando , terrible accent :x
United Kingdomkeando forever <3
flashdown used voice changer though
Jewe, it always sounded it had nails in it's throat, I hope it's fed and doing ok in the world
flashdown and swanidius
United States of Americaproject
all the fucking fins sound the same except swan..he literally does sound like batman
FinlandJacker he has even deeper voice than I do

I think I win this journal easily
i vote Finland Swanidius
Surprised some others said FranceokkoTamasuki, hes english was indeed horrible and he was high 24/7.
me and smirzz have some voice clips of him (in french), we're gonna upload them on youtube for good memories
He was really good at lan playing that 3on3 cup man, sick aimer ":D"
no doubt it's Finland faggotdius back in 2005-2007
Poland Arnold and Poland azpiliqueta
you forgot Poland Arnii

United States of America Warwitch
elliot and his girly laugh
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