Re-doing stuff you did as a kid

Question: Are you re-doing anything at the moment that you did as a kid, or are you planning to do so?

Those of you who watch my stream know I'm playing the old Harry Potter games again :D Got me thinking: Damn I want to read the books again, searched my mom's and grandma's house for my old books but it seemed they had vanished in moving house twice. So I bought the Signed Limited Edition Box set with linen covers to add to my personal library again! So stoked to start on them tonight in bed :D

image: 1381805_524722524286405_1129509890_n

ps: flame on for childish things! :D
I made a molotov cocktail once when I was a kid and I red-did it, but I'm not doing the sort of stuff again
how old are yu.?
I once masturbated as a kid, thinking about doing it again some time
The only thing I can think of is re-watching some of the tvseries I used to watch as a kid, but most suck to watch now...that u aint a kid (dragon ball) for example, the only I still like now that I likef in the past would be cowboy bebop(watch it if u havent,thank me later) ;)
Been thinking about re-watching pokemon from the very beginning.
Dragon Ball Z.
Possibly, brother also watched them not too long ago.
loved dragon ball!!1
Did that, but got bored after season 1 :X
In the end it was only a dream
Thinking about playing Pokemon again or Mario Kart double dash
How much did those books cost?
Like I said, gesigneerde limited edition box :P in linnen covers, prijs klopt voor wat het is. Had inderdaad ook de gewoontjes kunnen halen maarja :D hebbedingetjes hea
Gesigneerd door J.K. rowling met de hand of met computer erop gebrand?
Boeken zelf met hand, de box zegmaar die rode ding eromheen staat de handtekening met stof ingewoven
Ah nice vet cool!

Veel leesplezier, ik heb ze ook allemaal al 2 keer gelezen.
Heb 1, 2, 3 en 4 denk allemaal 2/3 keer gelezen die lateren maar een keer :P
Heb je the Lord of the Rings series gelezen?
Nope, staat ook op de lijst voor de toekomst :D
I probably still am a kid, but anyway
rewatched all the pokemon series in the last three weeks I was sick. Read all the Narnia books & played with glass balls :XD
I am still big fan of Star Wars... i hear the first tune of any SW songs I can identify it :D
i used to be a big one too, not so much anymore. but im thinking of re playing the knights of the old republic games
So why you had to take that picture with ET in the background?
Cuz I was watching ETTV while eating dinner when the postman came, couldn't be bothered to close my ET and all just for a picture :)
Why is there a can of coke on top of ur desk
Das een blikje, die op nog 2 andere blikjes staat. Omdat ik een torentje aan het bouwen was :$
haha, dat is wel baas. als je een rage bui hebt valt alles om :-(
my mum randomly brought out a box of me and my lil bro's toys from when we were kids, was pretty funny to see those after not touching them for prolly over 10 years now. :D

not sure about real real stuff i'd do as a kid, but recently i felt like playing wolf3d + doom! also this morning me and my little brother were talking about some old games we used to play before I got into MP games - think I'll play some FF games soon. <3
U can read?????? :O
rewatching samurai jack, most underrated serie ever
can't think about any particular thing tbh. but while listening to alt-J chill songs + this, you made me think about my old gf from very old times that I was always "in love with" that I still got a pic of my love letter to her that I sent to her in 2003.(she still got it :D and shee sent a pic of it to me some time ago). damn it was so long time ago.
I also remember a letter to a girl many years ago. don't have a pic of it though. :< definitely wasn't in love with her but still. damn old memories!
Nothing at all tbh.

The only thing i still do is probably watch animation movies (well, i guess 8 year old kids watch the same movies i do :DD ), but thats all
playin W:ET
+ dismantling electrodomestics to see how they work, still happens that i put them together and still dont work
going back into that confessional with Father Smithy where he use to stroke little snakey
I recently got FF7 on steam for a fiver, when I have a weekend empty I might smash it a bit :)
i recently bought spiderman pyjamas so theres that... prolly gonna watch Gundam Wing while wearing it
Play on my commodore 64 again. There was a racing game, called grand prix I think. When I was a kid (6-7 yo) I played that game so much. The best track for me was Italy-Monza. I was so fast i thought I hold some kind of world record. So I tried the game again and couldn't even get near to that time I did when I was young.
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