Today's my Birthday

So kiss my ass, bitches
Happy Birthday
u made it throuhg another year, congratz
One more year and it's time to make yourself into yo-yo.
Sooner rather than later
i hope you bake a cake for you and did surprised when you woke up this morning
That's actually quite funny
Hope you feel special sharing the same day as knoche
I wish I had the same bday as Knoche does :/
Quote by hipkatSo kiss my ass, bitches

So you came here like a pussy and announcing your birthdate, and then you act like sarcastic cunt. Sounds like old prick complex or some crisis of midlife. Its damn pathetic if someone in your age act like a 15y.o kid in internet.

image: happybirthdayprincesstiaraheartballoon.jpg
the guy wants attention :xd
You love me, admit it
rofl selfjournal cuz no1 cares :D
Happy Birthday HipKat!
haha noone cares forever alone nerd
Happy birthday Hipkat ;)
Thanks mate!
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