Another try

After the few 6on6 teams i have been part of which all seemed to fail (nice bust of juicy for example), I'm now looking for a stable 6on6 team, because i want to start playing more 6on6 instead of 3on3. The main reason for that is that the 3on3 scene is kinda boring atm & 6on6's seem way more fun to me.

- aggressive medic /spamming engi SMG
- med / +
- in for a laugh, but serious when needed
- available at every sunday basically and some other evenings

If anyone is interested or needs a backup in their team, just let me know.
Leave a message here, PM me or /q on IRC GiZmOoO.
Anticlimax gestopt omdat ik "gebust' werd?
daar komt het wel op neer ja
Nice player, good luck :-)!
Too bad for you they dont play delivery in 6on6.
loal ded gem riot fix pl0x
Good luck mate, but definitly not med+ in 6on6 at least :)
gl! nice player
med- max
another random mad nerd spotted who couldnt leave his spawn on delivery, how cute
this kind of behavior really makes me wanna ask you to join my team!! :D
the fuck are you on about, your the biggest retard in the et scene at the moment you mongolian
i still have no idea where all that hate towards me comes from darki :P
your a good troll too
i only act like this when people talk about stuff they know nothing about, its not that i really care about what he says, he just needs to know his place thats why i flame him back ;)
thats so much better than just ignoring him
he thinks they are cheaters everywhere but he is good take him!
This guy has the best hitboxes in the neighbourhood!
gl gizmotje :D
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