I ask is this WH or not?

hashd.tv | Youtube | .mp4 File | Original demo File

Game Stats: rag-esports.net

In my mind, m1Tja is not so clean? But hard to tell...

image: breasts1
maybe if you uploaded it to something better we could tell, that player lags to fuck and has a advert every minute!
I dont even try to explain.
m1tja was haxing in september like a boss... i doubt he is clean now..
hax he was low- in our 3v3
you so high+
demo not found btw?
You are forgetting he has been playing a lot of wars lately, I can say he definitely improved his game sense and also aim.

He is not cheating in this demo.
timbo I cant see the demo wtf :p
Ja, ti's ook een paupersite waar die et geupload heeft. Die gasten worden gewoon gek omdat in hun ogen m1tja nog low- zou moeten zijn, en schiet ie een keer sterk dan is het gelijk hack.

Beetje paranoia
Maar kan jij hem wel zien dan? Misschien ligt het aan het netwerk waar ik nu zit.
Nop, nu doet ie het ook bij mij niet. "Server not found"
I dont know how its "paranoia" if its a fact he has cheated before. Its like saying its paranoid to think that gnajda would be cheating if he suddenly started playing
Trust me mate, I've been playing almost a year with him very actively. Yes, it is paranoia.

You don't really have a valid argument, a high percentage of the ET community has cheated and that's a fact also. So we can all conclude they still cheat?
If this isn't a valid argument then you should never be whining that someone is busted or blatantly hacked versus you. He can just say "I dont cheat anymore after that, you're just paranoid"
Don't be so hypocrit
Trust me mate, I've been playing with webe for almost 3 years, he never ever cheated in this game
Want me to bring up your logs on IRC? lol

I won't post them here still, because you confided in me. But at least don't start bullshitting now.
obliivious xziiter
i add youtube. hashd.tv not work now
give link. :) Maybe just a good team communication.
Someone was shooting you before you entered in the bank and then you took the gold...

It's obvious that you were still in there !
show us the pro part
That is definitely not wallhack, you took objective so he knew where you were. He just rolled you. Deal with it.
nolife reflexes.
this is not hacks lol
Yeah, m1tja has improved since NO ANTICHEAT so much he does 14k damage when others do 8k.

Needs some I want to believe pictures ^^ he cheated in few officials in gamestv for a short period, then quit wallhacking but guess he turned it on for this game again.
Why are all fins so hypocrit?

You turn on aimbot when you can't win an offi. Now you're blaming m1tja for wallhack? You have been wallhacking and aimbotting for a very long time.

It wasn't even m1tja in the demo idiot.
That was another guess, that it wasnt m1tja, because he wouldve been ridiculously obvious to make that damage. And you are just delusional since you lose a 3v3 and request the game five times to see if I was wallhacking, so dont really care about your opinion :P Don't think there is a single highskiller (the few left in this game) that think I cheat but whataever makes you sleep at night. Your the one being hypocrit, whining about cheats when you played with m1tja and upload and both of them were pretty certainly hacking, atleast uploads 41acc 150hits 50hs was retarded eventho we expected something retarded after rolling him in deli.
Just fuck off blaming m1tja. I didn't request that game 5 times, but it was really clear you are wallhacking. I hope you will get banned soon for being so fucking hypocrit. Blaming m1tja and upload for cheating when you're the one having wallhack and aimbot enabled otherwise you can't win a single game.

Don't be such a dickhead pointing your fingers at others when it's really you enabling these cheats. It's very lame.
Yeah, I've always struggled to win vs lowballs like you and m1tja :D Lately when no anticheat again lowskillers (like you and your v56 crew) and some other ET-SINCE-2011 boys have started to shoot well, when tzac was still a decent anticheat you all sucked donkey balls. Anyway, go pm an CB admin to view my play on that game if you think i was enabling aimbot and wallhacking there to win vs you and m1tja :D
If anyone wanna have some fun, mostly CB admins, take a look on this match :


Just watch beach when he's attacking, pretty funny how he's tracking the sniper through the walls while he just spawned on the beach :D

And webe, hope you'll die of cancer or something more horrible if possible, and just quit this game you cancerous piece of shit
Ye, I really hope this faggot gets banned.

Just so fucking hypocrit pointing your finger to everyone else who is better than him, when its really himself wallhacking (& aimbot if he's getting rolled).
2 years back, it's impossible for somebody to gain skill in 2 years? You are just delusional man. You are also blaming ViKO for cheating and others in gMen, ViKO is just way better aimwise than you are, especially brainwise.

Stop pointing your fingers at others mate. Everybody knows you had wallhack enabled in that offi vs m1tja, upload and I. We'll wait if CB has the balls to ban you again.
Easily doable in 2years or less, but immediatly when TZAC stopped working. Btw, if ViKO is so much better than me why he always gets rolled when I play with decent teammates who have some idea how to play this game? :P
ViKO has more gamesense than you, both played with you and ViKO. You only care for shooting damage, you cba for reviving engi. Yes, ViKO really improved in these years. One of the best engi smg's in this game atm.

You win vs him because you have better teammates (phyzic) than ViKO does aimwise.
top lel m8 viko has zero achievements except for maybe placing second in some shitty oneday cup in 2013. webe has been topping ladders since 2010 and you say that viko has better gamesense:D

Like u were good when tzac was decent , cmon :D u know that I would destroy u with uac now thats why u're saying its not working for u so stop bs please :D
Never claimed to be better than you, even back in the days tzac was active you won like 4 out of 5 games when we played against eachother (me and devix vs u and wasab). You know im not talking about you when I refer to et-since-2011 guys.

and yeah, it doesnt work for me. we wanted to go play some lower division with ruoska and devix and it was hell of a job to persuade them to come back, then noticing the anticheat ruined it for two of us.
Its just retarded that u're saying things like rolled u hard on deli when u were clearly wallhacking .. and don't say to me that u werent because im sure u did. And its easy to spot that ur aim was different and u know what im talking about :D
ofcourse I wasnt cheating there, I didnt reconnect for cheats unlike you.
yeh u didn't have to.
shut up cheating cunt
Can't be m1tja , saw some hs there
OO poor mitja, poor guy, stop blaming him, he just cheated on some official wars, maybe he had some real life troubles, thats natural, poor mitja im so sorry for him. Fuckin clean players, i hate them all, they want cheaters to get banned WTF IS THAT??????? Just cheat, use multihax, its ok nobody will ban you, no one cares about this dead game anyway, didnt see a simple ban from the famous demo crew also, however there are obvious players. Just cheat, act like you are the king of ET, your skills are so supernatural.

Btw about the video, can be a lucky preshoot, or WH who knows, but with this you cant prove anything.
True, democrew is doing a terrible job at the moment.

& it's not m1tja in demo

by ViKO • 18 Oct 2013, 15:02
just so you know, I was playing under m1tja's name :P

I wasn't cheating, however RSCAnderlecht blatantly was :P
nice journal man
newcfg obviously :D
I... What?!

He sees you jumping into the bank, he hears you taking the gold, he literally can see whether or not you've already left the bank... What the fuck part of this bullshit excuse for wasting anyone's time did you genuinely think someone might be cheating in? Are you trying to fucking tell me, after almost 7 or even 8 years of playing this game, no one has ever pre-shot you before? Ever? Like.... never ever?!
yep, cheating
this demo gave me eyeball cancer. Waste of my time
Lordi owns you. cu brah
pro is a big word.
played against him didnt notice anything strange, dont know really.
rofl, looks like you just got demolished. if you think that's hacks, you need help
diese ganzen posts bringen sowas von nix weil die piss admins die eier schaukeln und einige ''cheater'' einfach so zocken lassen..
i like when guys without any knowledge of cheating are making avis and they are trying to prove that random player cheats, 2013
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