setuper's OneDaycup Opinion

Just moved One day cup to Saturday because I tought there would be many EC/OC/CF offis but till the moment I dont see nothing special at gamestv.
Do you guys prefer the cup at Sunday or Saturday, give me some feedback so I know what to do!
most games will be forced soon, bitches will request and paly paly on sunday, saturday might work out
opinion ? forced frost -> sucks ... admins don't care about busted players that play their cup -> sucks ... mappool -> fine... saturday/sunday -> don't care, but there is plenty of oc games on sunday
Thanks for your opinion.
ye you are right stranger . they definitely must be tagged and added to the black list...
The reason there aren't any or many scheduled games on Sunday is because Clanbase site is down and most players cannot arrange their offis.
So i will keep it at saturday
not sure if we can field enough players, but if we can -- we're in
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