ETTV stats bug?

I've noticed, that ETTV is bugging sometimes over stats? Mostly in 6o6 (recently) it just shows no stats neverthless of how many starts that match has..

Why? :<

+ is there any way to get the stats from some match?

xoxoxoxo have a nice monday ;(

image: hl-3-04568e5d-sz800x1200-animate
bad taste imo
hailey is not best chick ever...
Happened to a match I was in this morning too, so unexpected :'( aka "404 bad player error"
request ettv demo and collect your own stats with Statwhore or Gravystats? but maybe they are also broken but nvm
Thanks!!!! gravystats is awesome!
and i thought only polaks care about stats
implying cz sk and slo arent slavscum
certainly not the best chick ever
Not enough makeup for that girl.
too many girls put too much make up on nowadays
True, but that one doesn't have enough.
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