ET Pro demo's etc.

Hi everyone!

I'm glad to see Crossfire still lives.I hope everyone is doing well.

Once I was pretty active in playing ET and I got a huge amount of demo's on my pc. Problem is, I can't seem to get them to run. Everytime the freaking "client mismatch" error.

When I'm trying to run Seismovision it says ET version (dm_83) status: Found - Version 2.60b
Most of my demo's are dm_83 files.

Can someone point me in the right direction in how I get these things to work??
I want to see some old school stuff :-)

Thanks in advance!


I think seismovision only runs dm_84

easiest way is to just rename your demos extension to dm_84 and try again, they might become abit bugged but its the only way to do it with .60b :P
Thanks for your reply.

Maybe I sound noobish, but what's .60b? I'll try to rename a demo to dm_84 and check if it works. Then again, I tried running the demos via the console as well. No luck either.
QuoteWhen I'm trying to run Seismovision it says ET version (dm_83) status: Found - Version 2.60b
Most of my demo's are dm_83 files.

It's the mod of ET you are running
What ViKO said, it's your ET.exe version.
What Adetooo said, it's what ViKO said.
What ohurcool said, it's what Adetooo said.
they are ALL wrong except adetoo and partially viko

its related to the ET.exe version you have installed there are 2.50 2.60 2.60b
.dm_83 are 2.50
meaning that if you download the original ETinstaller and not patch it with 2.60 or 2.60b you would be able to see the demos normally after you installed ETpro

or you can just change the extension of demos from dm_83 to dm_84

I'll try that one tonight. The extensions change didn't work though. I'll keep you guys updated.
if demos were recorded while you were playin ETpro be sure to have ETpro mod
timbo, ohurcool,adeto and viko all got owned. :D
renaming to dm_84 should work.

Source: im still running tkbtimedemo from 2003 for fps tests.
Haha, thanks!
Sorry for the stupid "what's .60b" question after just typing 2.60B :-|.

I tried renaming to dm_84 but no luck. Still Client Mismatch error. Probably my own stupidity, but it just doesn't work. Hopefuly someone can help me out.

Again, thanks!
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