uac hehe

hello, just visited for fun uac page because I wanted to see busts but what I saw:

image: uacuniversalanticheat20131028212305

really UAC is needed to identify players? xD just laughing how you lost about ~70 players this season because of uac, sad, 4 busts since you forced it for this ec/oc season

image: patrykd

keep it up
Where did those 70 players come from :O didn't even know we still had that many in total
make a petition then send it to the almighty admins
60 of dem polaks, i call that success
Great admin is great.
Polaks were always big number in this game, since they are geeks. Why mad
Nice admin attitude :D
On the other hand: +1.
Quoteyou lost about ~70 players this season because of uac


Could you share the names of those "~70" players with us please?

Also, you seem to be under the impression that we are upset about you and your crew of (ex-)cheaters not playing EC/OC this season. :P We are actually quite okay with it, so feel free to sit out next season too!
Great admin is great.
Całkiem sporo znanych grajków .eu zrezygnowało z grania, a ci co się zdecydowali są mad. Świetne AC
Nikt nie pisze ze swietny, wedlug mnie chujowy na maxa ale chociaz wiadomo co za opo jest a nie randomnick i 100 hs na runde
Well you lost me, and the rest of decerto?! ISN'T THAT ENOUGH FOR YOU?!?!?!?!
so far the only downside seems to have been the loss of decerto. D: the rest aren't much of a loss.
Well tMoe was the only fun and real opponent to play against D:
But then again tMoe leaving wasn't because of UAC, they all went retard and started cheating or knowingly playing with cheaters...
I didn't specifically mean tmoe. :P tbh tmoe were nice to see in cups til recent months. i didn't care mostly about this constant drama with Poland blk in the past but recently it was just a joke.
Who the fuck are you?!?
you weren't gonna play anyway! :P
lost ~70 cheaters u mean?
rezta? srsly no....must be a bug or something
yeah, it is.
He was testing the UAC busting system or w/e.
At least, that's what they were saying when UAC was being tested, and those 3 guys received a ban.
As much as I know, he had Winamp (music) on, while playing and got busted for that, rezta would never cheat imo.
that's silly

UAC doesn't ban for Winamp, and even if it did, it would very likely have already happened to one or more of the other 350k+ UAC accounts instead of just now affecting rezta only...
UAC is probably the worst pile of software out on the internet. Really could have imagined it busting someone for things like winamp (and btw that is the story I have heard) Incredibly funny, how everyone was bitching about punkbuster being spyware, because it scanned your pc for obvious files on it. And now? No one cares, eventhough it is much more of spyware than punkbuster has ever been.It probably has happened to more than a few users, but i really don't expect such an unqualified anticheat-coder to fix such problems.
dude.. uac is going bye bye in 3 months... cry a river man. relax.
It's not about that, CB forces you to install spyware, in order to participate in cups, etc. Furthermore some people have to change quite some of their ingame settings (resolution, etc.)
lmfao. wtf do you think pb or tzac was?
are you high or what?
ofc, pb was back in the days, not too sure about tzac, but what is your point? CB is the shittiest league out there, no wonder why they force you to install such crap.
you buddy. the deffinition of spyware. an installed freeware program that sends user system data to a source without them knowing.

you have no clue wtf you're talking about.
if you do not like CB, than don't fucking play on CB. easy as that.
I personally think, that ingame screenshots are okay, but definitely not desktop screenshots and file scanning, that pretty much equals spyware, buddy.
it actually already did ban for winamp multiple times :D
recently? proof?
no clue if there were some recently, but it's a really known issue, I bet the cod4 community can sing you a dozen of songs about it
if you say so :P
You are so ignorant, unbelieveable...
if you say so :P
not true.. UAC bans were never "tested" for ET, at least not in that way and certainly not by rezta
Well, read my post below.
I just BLINDLY believed what a CB admin told us.
I mean a CB admin. I thought they have to be respected on their word.
Must have been wrong, to believe something so blindly.
Oh dear me...
szczurek was just trying to be funny :P you shouldn't take what he said in that quote literally

and no, it wasn't "a corrupted etpro .dll file" either
F:\games\Wolfenstein - Enemy Territory\etpro\ui_mp_x86.dll
So this is a fake too? Funny, when you look it up. It still says that his ui_mp_x86.dll was corrupted.
rezta's ban is related to this newspost -

that .dll has nothing to do with his ban, it's just a random file that DExUS selected when banning him since it was not possible to pinpoint the exact instance during which cheats were used (similar to several bans on TZAC)
You're talking so much bullshit you have no clue of, it's amazing
Before you start to rage again (you're such a rager. Next time, look up what I say. EVERYTHING i told you/here/gamestv is 'findable' (is this even a word?) on the net.
For example: how to bypass Tzac that even a kid could accomplish. Yes, Tzac is history, but still I told you guys. no-one cared, and deleted my cf topic. Well go die in a piss of shit, which admin deleted that in the past. Must have been such uac-scary-little-pl.

Anyway, to get to the point:
I just BELIEVED what a RESPECTED cb admin told to us all on this very site.

Quote by szczurek
REPLY 30 Sep 2013, 13:35
they just wanted to check if UAC works


He is talking about the 3 guys (including rezta) that got banned that specific day.
So if I'm telling bs, our respected admin is telling crap.
Your choice to fuck off, or say: I'm srry this time.

ON THE OTHER hand: I know rezta got banned for having a corrupted etpro .dll file.
Usually it gets edited when you start to mess with the libraries by for example downloading/testing a hack.
Or just joined a wrong server (but not sure this could cause any problems).

ps: I know, my English is quite bad. But pff surely you understood what I've just said.

Edit: also I'm sure it was you who declared UAC 'doing' false bans in the past too, for the brief moment it was running on et. Am I correct in that, wasn't that you? I think I remember your name, not sure though.
So chill down, Maxi aka Mr. Baptized. :D

Cheers, mate ;)
Quote I know rezta got banned for having a corrupted etpro .dll file.
Usually it gets edited when you start to mess with the libraries by for example downloading/testing a hack.

WHICH HACK EDITS ETPRO DLL FILES??????????????????????????? O_O
be sure without forcing it there would be maybe 10 teams more around but at least 7 full of cheaters
i mowi to typ grajacy z roxxem huehuehue myslalem ze mniejszy hipokryta z ciebie :>
co ma jedno z drugim ?
to ze ktos ma bana to nie znaczy ze cheatuje - a ban na 10 lat to troche przesada jak by nie patrzec
nie za jednego busta tylko za wpadanie co wyszedl nowy anty czit wiec sry ale ni chuj nie uwierze ze nagle mu sie cos odwidzialo i czysto naqrwia
tego nie powiedzialem - ale udowodnione nie jest ze cheatuje - choc mi sie tak wydaje - po drugie go nie lubie wiec bronic go nie bede - a gralem z lockiem a nie z tym cwelem tyle na temat - byl to blad ale dla locka popelnim bym go po raz kolejny
Ja raczej preferuje gnebic tepych haxow jak grac z nimi w teamie:>
"byl to blad ale dla locka popelnim bym go po raz kolejny"

xDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD ja pierdole nie wierze co ja czytam
samraj wez prosze Cie ...
zabija :D
All i know is that no matter what anticheat is used, the newschool polaks (even with cheats) still cant win anything in this game even after most decent players have quit. hehe
now shut up :P
and youre still obese, I dont know whats worse
He's not, actually.
hard to believe but i would be suprised
better put on your surprised face.
they're just lost without me!
np, rezta will roll extraction scene
just laughing how you lost about ~70 players this season because of uac, sad, 4 busts since you forced it for this ec/oc season

trololol its only 70 cheaters less - and welcome back to hostill on a cheaters list :)
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