Few Changes to Terytorium Wroga

Map Voting disabled.
Balanced Teams enabled

Added maps Karsiah, Frostbite and replaced purefrag with Element

The WH Free for all is over. Tomorrow I start kicking all cheaters and will tell refs to do the same
!! gr8 news mate :)
Remove delivery from the mappool, success
Why would i remove the most popular map?
I don't know by which criteriea you pick your referees but it seems to be -> as low as possible, as unexperienced as possible, as retarded as possible and as a special extra the unability to communicate with other players, regardless of whether this is caused by their bad English or the fact that they are just simply socially deprived
Kalli ,Englisch ist nun mal nicht meine Muttersprache.Deine dumme, provokante Art kommt bei mir nicht besonders gut an.Und auf chatten hatte ich auch keinen Bock.Als ref kann man es nie allen recht machen und im Grunde ist es mir auch egal,welche idiotischen Kommentare ich mir zum Teil anhören muss.
wow, just wow about situation from a few minutes ago.. I think you really should spend more time on it and be more consequent cause it's a mess now..
Why can't we choose map? This is the only DM server left and now we have to go on rotation aswell?

Good job on kicking cheaters, good luck with that. Cheers for keeping ET alive.
Like kick does anything, you can change name and reconnect lol. Put punkbuster there so at least the noobiest of the cheaters can't get back right away.
I played on that server few days ago. covert only for more than 25mins and then without warning I just got kicked. :C nobody was whining at me on the server but an admin just decided it was time for me to go. :D
That's a problem that should be addressed. One thing, ref gets out and people go ref that shouldn't be.
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