MMORG games

As the title says I'm searching for some decent MMORG game to waste my time on, preferable recent releases or at least not stone age.
Also would be good to know some future releases if there're any that are coming soon.

blossom op.
SWtoR was pretty sweet when i tried it. Best of all it's free. Otherwise if you don't want free, WoW is still the way to go.
The Division looks like it could have some potential, also keeping an eye on Eternal Crusade as well. Maybe check mmorpglist for more: link

The Division definitely has the best graphics I've seen in a game. The first shot in the street looks indistinguishable from reality. Gameplay looks sick too.

Imagine if GTA on next gen looks like that.
Damn that graphic looks sick, i really wonder what are gonna be demands for the PC specs, should be ridiculously high i assume, but have to say the gameplay looks just awesome, any idea when its getting out ?
Q4 2014, so a while - but man it should be sick
Yeh checking by this video above, it really is something that will hit the spot, overall from all the genres, showing how games should be designed at future, specially with co-op like this, voice and game mechanics, as well as all the extras, such as air support and the little things just making it that much better, but yeh, i assume for game like this, pc will have to be a top notch, which it's a bit of a down side :(
dunno, youll have to have a decent PC sure - but you will be able to have the graphics dumbed down I guess.
Yeh sadly at game like that, graphics should simply be put to original ( shown from video) quality, to be at least a bit entertaining, its waste of having crap and limited graphics, as it loose all the charm of the game and those little things making it that much more enjoyable.
You and your falling apart PC won't be able to run this, maybe 720 everything on low but not close to the quality in the video :P. Get PS4 so we can play it together (I pre-ordered it :D)
My PC cant run anything for jack ass, i change something, other thing breaks or slows, i change that, something 3rd fucks up again, just gonng trash it and buy new one.... some day.

Cba to buy PS4, dont really have time to spend on it anyway, and if i ever tend to play on it, i just hit neighboors place and play there.
Star Wars The Old Republic! I would say its even better than WoW. Its my opinion tho
Don't really like game mechanics.
I rly enjoyed Neverwinter. But still WoW is the best imo even if I hate pandaria and all new content, mechanics and featires WoW is still the best.
U stoped playing Neverwinter, if so why?
had no time and had no motivation to install it once again since my friends stopped playing it :P
Yeh well, i kind of stopped playing it as well cause of that and at other side cus it was lagging a bit for me, but with some upgrades of PC now it should run smooth anyway, so prolly gonna give it another try.

Wasnt there one game coming out pretty decent called Blade and Soul or something like that?
I enjoyed Neverwinter aswell! I stopped becouse my friends didnt enjoy it as much as I did :(
Would u give it a go again, im thinking of playing it on casual basis again.
I could check it out someday again
Guild wars 2.
Coming up: wildstar & everquest nest
i heard path of exile its free and looks like diablo.
dragons prophet!
WoW is the way to go
Football manager 2014
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