Avs goalie Varlamov arrested for allegedly beating girlfriend

Russia Semyon Varlamov, Avalanche goalie, arrested on domestic violence charges.
The woman accusing Colorado Avalanche goaltender Semyon Varlamov of assault and kidnapping said he had been drinking for more than 12 hours 16 hours before he returned to the downtown Denver apartment they shared and began kicking and beating her.

"He was having fun, he was laughing," Evgeniya Vavrinyuk, 24, said Thursday. She also goes on to say that "he beat her with a bicycle while she was unconscious." What the actual fuck?

Video Interview with the girl: http://bcove.me/176vaa2a

A Russian official believes that goalie Semyon Varlamov's arres on domestic violence charges is an attempt to weaken the country's Olympic team.

That comes from Voice of Russia (via Puck Daddy): Igor Ananskykh is the head of the State Duma Committee for Physical Culture in Russia, and he said this:

"The first thing that comes to my mind is that it is an effort to weaken our national team." (:D)

image: scarjo-popcorn

Opinions? Guilty/Innocent? Discuss.

Edit: Varlamov started last night against Dallas and the team won 3-2.
Fixat cs? Jag är hemma kl 3, då ska vi kriga!!!
Nää, testade en jävla massa grejer. Jag tror hårddisken är paj. Jag lyckades fixa så att jag kunde starta browser osv. men fick flera andra felmeddelanden istället. Kan inte komma in på internet :D
.dll filerna verkar ha blivit corrupt av någon anledning, ska testa att göra backups från brorsan och föra över, annars blire format eller ny ssd.
beated with a bicycle ? xD dafuq
Quote"he beat her with a bicycle while unconscious."

One can't beat someone when they're unconscious, I think he may be innocent

Also, what's the other side of the story? What did she say to make him so pissed off that his bf (allegedly) beated her with a bicycle?
anyone can tell me if the "translator" adds more to it than it should ??
She's the fiancee of the lawyer who's representing her :D
So yea, the translation isn't entirely accurate from what I've heard. She also reminds her where she's been hit; "don't forget your leg." etc. when they ask her where she's been hit.

So yea it's kinda dodgy, either way there are no winners really. If Varlamov really did do the things that she's claiming then that's some seriously fucked up shit, on the other hand if the girl is trying to take advantage of Varlamov's wealth then that is disgusting behavior as well.
Wifebeating sounds like a russian would do. Can't see how Varlamov would weaken the olympic team, tho.
varlamov has had by far the better start to this season compared to bobrovsky.. and behind those two their best choices are prolly veterans like khabibulin/nabokov so missing varlamov would be huge for them

I'm not following KHL too much tho so not sure if they got some awesome goaltender playing over there
I know he had a great start, but its mainly because Colorados playstyle, im certain his statistics will drop the closer we come to february. And ryssät wont win Olympics so who cares?
yeah, just saying that their goaltending department is very shallow and they really need either bobrovsky or varlamov be on top form in order to get far in the olympics. doubt they'll win also
bettaan ite 50e joka kuukaus USAn voitolle, iha kohtalainen kerroin :D
atleast he's coach should understand what he is going through.. (roy also was arrested for a domestic violence charge)

sounds like a standard night to me.
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