I'm a gamer, what about you?

Hey moderfukers!!!

Yes, it's me again but this time I come with something to discuss about. I know some of you are disappointed because they will feel like they couldn't flame me and shit. Well, my brothers and sisters never forget it's crossfire so flaming is always mandatory in here. So, I said more journals will be written with my golden fingersimage: If-you-know-what-I-mean. the same ones that played video games since my birth.

Once upon a time, in the belly of a Marseillewoman, a Marseilleman (lol its me) spawned in there. I had no fucking gear but I had to wait 9 months to level up and finally get out of that hole. Later on, I tried to abuse tits mechanics to have more milk out of my mom titties... A gamer was born. Later on, at the age of 8 I received my first console the marvelous : playstation 1. Oh mannnn this shit was unreal, I loved playing stuffs like :

image: ps-spyro-year-of-the-dragon

image: 20120129200302K

image: 76731420101122_182500_0_big

and my favorite one...

image: rayman1_dos_windows_box550_front_eu

There were also some other games but can't remember all.

Around the same age, I was given my first gameboy. As every fucking nerd in here I played Pokemon. But I have to confess something to you, yes the ones who are still reading... For the first and last time of my life I cheated to get Mew. I couldn't find that mothafucka!!! So you guys have to forgive me.

image: 600px-151Mew

I played blue, yellow, silver and stopped at crystal because I was getting into the new and last era of my gamer life...

I was offered my first computer running windows 98 like a charm! But, I wasn't really into computer games at that time . When I was 14yo some of my friends were fucking computer geeks and they were always showing to me stuff they won with their team. Some of them were fucking sleepy in the morning and I didn't understand why they played online like until very late in the night. A couple of months after, I understood...

When, I clicked on this image: 685866 like 7 years ago I knew something big was about to happen but at my young age I was like fuck it "yolo lolololol swag lololol". I joined a random server map was fueldump i remember and there was a covertops hiding behind an objective to build. I was like fuck this man do you see me??? But... I was spec. eheheehehehh

Then, I played more often on gaymod server called FrancesNr that stands for sinners but actually a french server on 2.55. I met my first e-friend MarseilleTouZe. After playing some "serious" matchs :x::d:x://D:d::x:D He said it would be nice if we could move on 2.6b because this is where real progamers play. So, we moved together created Europe#follow.et aka "The Following Day" back in 2008 and I think it was best computer moments of my gaming career.

During my computer times, I played big titles like CSS/dota/quake/UrT -It also was the first games, I played on lan with friends.

image: 1239872273_10xv8zn1
image: boiwffgxwkcp09gzjhlk8ig7gk9ia
image: images?q=tbn:ANd9GcT9YH3T26SNSlEumPCantuaA7Gy519zSqPoOvCnAVObfbhin73xDi_arSqPBA

Nowadays, I have to spend more time studying but I still play some LoL. Not because of the game itself but because this game is full of kids and as you've probably noticed I like when people rage at me so it's a great playground and it doesn't require as much skills as ET. Moreover, I try to keep in touch with eSport scene because I always like this shit.

This journal is coming to its end but I always think about wankers on this website :

image: z5j2hncqgi

What about you CF users? Are you a real gamer or a kiddo who discovered computer games last month? Which games stole a part of your life (except ET ofc)?

Gamingly yours,

MarseilleLeFrancis- A gamer

ps1 (LOL) : Movember, who's already in?
ps2 : forgot what i wanted to say
ps3 : oh yeah shoutout to Portugalpunky one of my old soldiers who still plays ET and ownz nerds with her friends who have titties.
ps4 : well first time i use that working draft shit for my journal, that shit is not bad but still prefer old cf LOL U MAD JELLY ADMINS?
You would have spent less time reading it than searching for that gif. I thought we were e-friends :{X
My first game was Donald Duck's Playground by Sierra on a rented Commodore 64 back in 1985. We got an MSX (one of the flagships for a shitload of highly successful Konami titles) right after that and an 8086 PC (4 MHz) at the end of the eighties. From there I've always had just a PC until I got a PS3 specifically for GTA 4 in 2008.

image: donald_ducks_playground_01
My childhood:

image: SuperMetroidBox
Was my first game, and I was like 9 or something. Made me love sci-fi for ever.

image: $(KGrHqJ,!joFBMENUqsbBQhOChfWWw~~60_35

image: Chrono_Trigger_cover

image: SNES-Donkey-Kong-Country1

image: final-fantasy-7-box-art

image: tekken-3-front-cover

image: GT2

image: castlevaniasymphonyofthenightp

image: OOT-US-boxfront

image: Goldeneye-007_1509

image: pd_box_us_bg

image: conkers_bad_fur_day_n64_box

image: Mario_Kart_64_Game_Cartridge

Then I transformed to a pc nerd since Windows XP.

Childhood destroyed since I found out about speedrunning :p : http://www.youtube.com/user/SpeedDemosArchiveSDA
donkey kong fuckin awesome ye :D
i got exactly the same ps1 games still :P

but my 1st console was sega

image: Legend_(PlayStation)_box

best game i ever played, idk how many times i played this game :)
What about :

image: 1304536888-pokymon-snap


image: Pokemon_Stadium_cover

moi kaveriiii mita kuuluu voi vittu paska :XD
Bien! et toi? Its nice to see that youre writing journals again! finally something what is worth to read.
kiitos man rafek should be on irc around 10pm cet if u wanna talk to the polak legend :{D
Darn! I needed to go sleep at 9pm :( will he be online some other day also?
:s ye he told me he'll try to come when he has some free time
Nice one francis.
I never had ps or gameboy when I was younger,I mean I've always wanted those but my parents couldn't afford it,at least thats what they told me,I assume they didn't know how much I want it,because I never told so,although I had a pc since I was wayyy younger (6?),playing DOS games that my dad built ( hes a pc programer ) but nothing special,Halo:PC really got me later on.
Thx man, i wont say i was a spoiled child since its absolutely not the case but i had the chance to have those presents for birthdayz and xmas time because my parents never knew what to offer except those stuffs that made me happy as fuck :XD But ya i agree always prefered pc to console games
Eh,I always asked for moneh at my birthday ( still,a jew ) and we dont have xmas so that's -1 gift for me a year 8(
next hannouka dont know how u call it ask matan de dijon he's very a generous guy im sure he'll buy you some games you dreamt of during ur childhood
image: leroi04zz8
super mario world, ouai ouai j'tentend

image: roi-heenok-henook-montreal-lunetz-lunette-ski-200-visions
du style que du lourd que du lourd
image: 120807071410133813
de la bonne merde petit negrito
image: 70053
nice journal, was fun to read

cba to search pics

- mario almost all versions also later 3d mario with newer version of nintendo
- kontra, loved that game
- space shooter
- pacman
- rayman

gameboy - color, advance, sp
- pokemon ofcourse, Friend found maw the fucking sneaker
- fifa
- lord of rings
bunch of other games, but this are the best for its gameboy version

- dukenukem - awesome game for that times
- wolfenstein 3d
- aladin
- fifa 2001
- unreal tournament
- old (that one was a good game in shitty graphic shape)
- need for speed
when I have got better internet (1mbit) my brother found et so we started to play that one together
- almost all cod versions
- orcs must die
- formula one 98' - 01' if I remember correct, than they stopped to develop for pc's for few years
- gta all versions most overplayed was 2d - best vice city
- league of legends
- prince of persia all versions, awesome game
and much more, specialy single players. best is ET and atm playing also LOL
when i was 8 or smth on first pc we had at home (windows 95):

image: hqdefault

image: 788254-1145115050_00

image: Lego-Racers-N64

btw is it me or were we way more excited if we could play games when we were kids compared to the younger generation nowadays?
Kids today (or born about 7-10 years ago) are flooded with technology when they start to get a clue about real life.
A perfect example of this is http://www.businessweek.com/articles/2013-10-11/tablets-in-schools-what-could-go-wrong (thanks Google) - A couple of months ago I saw this same thing discussed on TV, the topic was iPad-schools in the Netherlands. First thing that came to mind was the mentality of the highlighted parent: "We let them do and learn just what they want to do and learn in school". Now, this is a problem not limited to this particular parent.
If this is no example where things aren't special anymore, I don't know. Keep in mind that they may even play complex games during school time, which obviously has its own pros and cons.

So if you ask me it really makes sense that they don't get all hyped up like people from older generations did, because they get desensitized from day 1, whereas this process started, for someone my age, probably just before the teen years. Sure, this depends on where people grow up, but let's say we compare it to the surroundings of ye average crossfire member.

If you think this reply was unnecessarily long, blame my work, it's boring.
nice reply :)
I started with Pegasus in 1993. The games I loved the most were Battle City, Super Mario Bros., Contra, Mortal Kombat II, Excitebike, Track & Field, Duck Hunt, Eliminator Boat Duel and Street Fighter II.

A year or two after that I got Amiga 500 with as awesome games as Jaguar XJ220, Cannon Fodder, Sensible Soccer, Formula One Grand Prix, Lotus Turbo Challenge 2, North & South, Bubble Bobble, Golden Axe, Mortal Kombat II (again, I know ;d), Kick Off and some other I don't remember at the moment.

1997 = Playstation = Gran Turismo 1/2, FIFA 98/99, ISS Pro Evolution Soccer (Winning Eleven 4), Crash Bandicoot 1/2/3, Warcraft 2, Civilization II, Tekken 3, Tony Hawk's Pro Skater.

In 2007 I bought Playstation Portable and the games I consider great are God of War: Chains of Olympus and LocoRoco, never tried Chinatown Wars and Ghost of Sparta tho.

Now I use Xbox 360 (since 2008; the only reason to get MS console is Forza Motorsport at the moment, which is better than all PC's driving games altogether + I spent almost 50h with Niko in GTA IV) and PC (since 2000; played too many great games to list them all, but I can say that the best game series for me are/were: GTA, Civilization, Warcraft, C&C, FIFA, PES, Battlefield and maybe new Tomb Raider games /since Legend/).

Conclusion? It's really pointless to buy new console AND mid/high-end PC at the same time, since you can play awesome games with both. I don't consider buying Xbox 360 a waste of money, but I surely could live without it.

PS. I didn't list any multiplayer game I've played. You can find it here: http://chelmianin.eu/
My first game was Pong from Atari for Television -damn I'm old
image: Perinteinen+lasten+leikki,+k%E4pylehm%E4t+aurinkoisella+kalliolla+80200 my childhood
nice life :Dd:D;D;D:XddDD
First Steps with an old PC and "The Adventures of Capitan Comic"
image: comic4

great fights on snes with SF2Turbo and Mortal Kombat!
image: mortalkombatsnes

also "Z" was a very partical very very hard but great game!
image: z5

POD: Planet of Death
image: pod_1_screen2

moreover i have played o lot of games, like worms amageddon, the Jedi Knight games i played various parts.
But it didnt take longe for me go find the ultimate game in the age of 12 - RTCW. since i am happy with rtcw and et.
holy fuck its francis!
moi kaveri voi vittu perkele!!!!!
The magic button (L1 on Ps1?) on Fifa 98 that would make your player kick the opponent right in the face.. :)
Crash bandicoots, spyros, gran turismos, abe's exoddus, fifas... and not forgetting hercules!
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