Amazing singing done by 9yo

In the introduction:

"Hello, my name is Amira, I am 9 year old and I am going to sing a song you won't expect me to sing"

Amazingly accepted hard after some retarded tryout
Moral kids, always get a scarf when its cold outside.
YOLO cortex étais d'ailleurs présent sur ce plateaux.

Daft punk at 0:44 nice french touch aie aie
Hi I am dutch and this is not interesting.
nice voice timbo
Beter rot iedereen is op met die spam van dat stront kind -_- heel me facebook feed stroomt over.. Heb t nou wel gezien hoor
sounds like nejm on ts
He actually talks on TS? He seems like the worst whiner in ET.
exorcist incoming
It's literately all over the internet.
From journal websites, to facebook, twitter, to my phone messages.
It gave me the goosebumps. Only song I ever had that too was when Adele sang life at The Royal Albert Hall ('Someone like you').
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