Heroes of Storm

Just saw some stuffs around about this game coming up in the next year apparently, as for now still have no additional infos, i assume tons can be found on net as im too lazy to search, but it might be some answer from Blizzard to the LoL/Dota games, wonder if its gonna fail or be something thats actually worthy of competing comercial wise with LoL.


Bring up more infos if u got.

image: heroes-of-the-storm-key-art_1645.0_cinema_720.0

Id love to play as a Lich King
WoW/SC2/D3 universes mixed up, lolz
Yeh they can't be serious..
Next rip-off incoming.
Oh boy, I think Blizzard are still pissed about the whole IceFrog deal. That could have made them A TON of money, like seriously ginormous mountains of money if they could control the moba market from the start of DOTA.
Just saw the preview @ Blizzcon's stream, looks awesome :)
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