joshua's movies

anyone got links to all the quick demo+mp3 movies he made? I know they were all on own3d but I don't have any of the old movies I downloaded. :(
there is youtube (watched his last 3o3 movie like few days ago tho...) but not the highest Q :(

PS: Loved his movies!
this is his movie made in 2012, the older ones looked much nicer (more smooth and nicer configs ;3).
saw them on own3d before it was shut down..
"more smooth"?
rendered at higher fps. D: his videos were always 50-60fps. felt pretty noticeable but maybe that was just because of own3d?
I have all his frags on external HDD I fink! Make his movie he is besterest
i just want that pudge hook @ lich in HON with Ati_ it was hillarious :D
ive got joshuariflemovie.mp4
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